report代写-FIT5129-Assignment 1
FIT5129 Assignment 1
Enterprise IT security - planning, operations and management
Monash University S1 2021 FIT5129 Version 1.0


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Assignment Objectives

AQF-9 Unit Learning Outcomes
Assessing this assignment translates to showing how well students are able to demonstrate the
following basic cybersecurity capabilities (unit learning outcomes) at the Australian Quality
Framework Level 9 or AQF-9.
Unit Learning Outcomes Applied Contexts
 1. Explain critical factors of enterprise
security planning, operations and

To keep in line with practice developments, we
are modernising the term “enterprise security
planning, operations and management” to
reference today’s rename of this domain as

This Assignment will pick a main peer reviewed
literature article that illustrates knowledge
application of the critical factors of
cybersecurity; the specifics of cyber risk
detection, analysis and assessment, and
response actioning; and the implications of
cybersecurity policy making and deployment-
strategy planning in today’s enterprises.

Additionally, the Assignment will require each
student to apply literature research, critical
thinking and literacy techniques. The given
assessment marks indicates the levels of a
student’s scholarly and employability skills as
an evidence based critical thinker and problem
 2. Perform risk analysis and

 3. Provide practical security policies,
strategies and implementation plan
for enterprise systems.

AQF-9 means that graduates can demonstrate they (via their unit grades):
1. Have acquired mastery in cybersecurity knowledge and scholarly and employability skills
2. Are able to apply these acquired capabilities in individual work in future research or
workplace settings.

Understanding the Real-world Playout of the Unit’s Learning Outcomes:
The 2019 peer-reviewed article is titled “Ethics of AI and Cybersecurity When Sovereignty is at Stake”.
It addresses complex ethical (hence governance) issues in executing cybersecurity operational work;
as well as implications in cybersecurity policy and strategy planning, from both government and
enterprise perspectives. These discussions inform you about the clear and present real-world
perspectives of how the unit’s 3 learning outcomes are played out and implicated in the currently
unresolved and growing ethical issues arising from 21st century cybersecurity’s risk management
operations, policy and implementation-strategy management. Globally, every one of us are witnessing

the implications of these ethical challenges, posing as new wicked problems that potentially create
existential risks1.

Assignment Brief
Cybersecurity is cyber risk management. As in any management work, one needs to appreciate the
underpinning operational work involved in detecting, analysing and responding to cyber risks; and
planning and managing the execution of such work. In senior management roles, one also needs to
plan cybersecurity related policies and implementation-strategies, as well as governing compliance to
these policies and other corporate governance requirements. Additionally, there is a new need to
collaborate with others outside the organisation, to ensure one’s organisational cybersecurity plans
and operations are aligned to those of government agencies, in order to protect homeland
infrastructure systems and resources; and citizens against cyber hackers.

Work Instructions
1. Please read the given peer-reviewed article, “Ethics of AI and Cybersecurity When
Sovereignty is at Stake” with a critical eye.

2. Apply the critical reading techniques (see Appendix 2) to summarise the key points of the
whole paper. You can work with one or more students to discuss and clarify each other’s
understanding and use the discussions to outline the key highlights of the paper in one to two
pages without integrating your own opinions or ideas. However, make sure the writing is

1 If you do not have access to The Australian news article, refer to an extracted copy in the Appendix 1 of this

originally yours. The aim here is to interpret the authors’ information correctly and precisely
in a summary.

3. Examine the following inquiry questions and determine which key points of your earlier
reading-summary can help you frame each answer and what additional research topics you
need to explore to give you more ideas, deeper insights or real-world case examples for
detailing your answers.

1) Identify and discuss the ethical challenges in AI enabled cyber risk management that
the author had raised. Discuss two additional and different ethical or other
governance issues you can find in cybersecurity literature.

2) The author explained residual risks, from both financial and non-financial
perspectives. Research another case study that is different from the one used by the
author and use it to explain your own understanding of the residual risks of AI enabled
cyber threats.

3) The author discusses three solution options for addressing the ethical challenges in
cybersecurity: taking a national, preferably a government lead risk management
approach; adopting a strategic partnership approach that involves regional
commitment of business and government stakeholders from countries; and
considering a global “common good” approach that depends on setting up an
international governance body, such as the United Nations, in managing cyber risks.
Summarise these 3 approaches in your own words and supported by a consolidating
visual diagram of your explanations. For each of the approaches, you need to include
at least 1 citation to strengthen the insights of each summary.

4) The author highlights that cybersecurity and ethics conflict because of the differences
of nations’ rights to sovereignty (in terms of countries wanting to assert their
sovereign power and values on each other through cyber activities). This conflict
affects the protection of human rights, nations’ societal values and ways of life and
sometimes territorial boundaries. Research 2 case studies and use them as illustrating
examples to explain the non-financial costs of sovereignty conflicts prevailing in cyber
activities among countries.

5) What additional insights can you abstract and conclude from your answers to the
implied questions that underpin the above inquiry instructions?

4. Start researching to get more information and select the relevant ideas of other researchers
and practitioners to detail your answers in convincing manners. Make sure you also include
APA styled citations of researching findings used in your answers. At least 9 references
(including the given article) is to be included.


5. Rewrite and restructure your answers to read logically and clearly. Some of you may take 2-3,
or more iterations. If some ideas are too abstract to write clearly, use visual graphics and
diagrams to communicate the complex ideas, supported by short descriptions of the visuals
you created or copied for writing illustration. This is where you need to apply much more
critical thinking and writing techniques to result in a writing structure that succinctly
communicates the answers to all the questions and in a logically connecting and easy reading

6. Proofread and when ready, submit into the Moodle assignment box.

No more than 6 pages, inclusive of all contents.
Good Turnitin scores should be in the vicinity of 1 to 10, average ones about between 11 and 20.

Recommended Report Structure (up to 6 pages)
Executive summary ( ½ up to 1 page)

Introduction (up to ½ page)

The Ethical Challenges of AI enabled Risk Management

Residual Risks of AI enabled Cyber Threats

Three Approaches for Addressing Ethical Challenges in Cybersecurity

Sovereignty Costs of Unethical Cyber Attacks

Summary of Discussions


APA Reference List

Marking Scheme Weightings
Report Section

Executive summary ( ½ up to 1 page) 2.5%

Introduction (up to ½ page) 2.5%

The Ethical Challenges of AI enabled Risk Management 12.5%

Residual Risks of AI enabled Cyber Threats 12.5%


Three Approaches for Addressing Ethical Challenges in Cybersecurity 20%

Sovereignty Costs of Unethical Cyber Attacks 10%

Summary of Discussions 5%

Conclusion 5%

Referencing 5%

Language 10%

Turnitin Score 10%


Appendix 1: The Referred Australian’s News Article
Copy of the Australian article that explains the existential risks of cyber-attacks (The Australian 25
Feb 2020)
Existential threat of cybercrime
Renaud Deraison
12:00AM February 25, 2020
With another edition of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos now concluded, global leaders
have returned to their organisations with a fresh understanding of the macro existential threats that
could impact their business or government.
As always, there’s plenty of food for thought. While the WEF’s annual Global Risks Perception Survey
understandably highlighted environmental concerns and geopolitical risks as key priorities,
cybersecurity was also high on the agenda.
From the recent ransomware attack on the local logistics sector to the hack last year that crippled a
Melbourne heart clinic, organisations are starting to appreciate the danger posed by cyberthreats.
The WEF survey showed 76 per cent of respondents expected attacks against infrastructure to
increase this year. In addition, 75 per cent of forum leaders expected cybertheft of money and data
to increase in 2020, placing it as the eighth major risk to business on the list.
Concern about cyberattacks in 2020 now outranks the perceived risk from water crises, global
government failures and asset bubbles in the World Economic Forum’s lead report.
It’s encouraging to see organisations being urged to approach cyber risk with the same degree of
analysis and consideration they apply to other existential threats.
In case business leaders needed a reminder of the immediate and real-world threat of cyberattacks,
the Global Risk Report was released days after the NSA alerted Microsoft to a vulnerability in its
operating system which, if exploited, could’ve had serious consequences. The Australian government
estimated cybersecurity incidents cost Australian businesses $29bn in 2019.
As the world seeks continued economic growth and competitiveness, infrastructure from automated
factories to smart motorways are becoming ever more interconnected and efficient. A serious
cyberattack against critical infrastructure is not unrealistic in the digital world we operate in today.
Cyber-driven interference in Australia’s power or water services would have obvious consequences
for human life and the environment. We also need to consider how malicious tampering of systems
in public and private organisations within the health, food and transport sectors could impact our
everyday lives. Cybersecurity underpins today’s digital economy and, without it, our very way of life
is at risk.
Tackling cyberattacks requires collaboration between the public and private sectors.
New & improved business newsletter. Get the edge with AM and PM briefings, plus breaking news
alerts in your inbox.

Thankfully, the federal government has been working in consultation with the private sector to
refresh its national cyber security strategy, backed by $230m, to protect the country’s digital
To help organisations proactively reduce their cyber exposure, the Australian Signals Directorate has
published the “Essential Eight” a prioritised list of initiatives to enhance computer security. It
includes mitigation strategies such as using the latest operating systems and patching vulnerabilities
when possible. It should be an essential read for business leaders everywhere.
Renaud Deraison is co-founder and CTO of cybersecurity company Tenable.

Appendix 2 – Research, Critical Literacy & Thinking Techniques

Use APA standard to cite and list your references -
referencing/apa . Whichever proprietary version you use (e.g. Monash APA, Microsoft APA
Reference Style, One Note, etc), make sure you follow the chosen proprietary version’s citation and
reference-listing formats.
Some tips on where to focus your
literature research:
Apply the CRAP analysis on the 4 given
articles. Using information from the
article/s with the lowest score should be
supported with more additional
When you search for other articles, also
apply this test to find high quality
references and avoid uncredible ones.

1. How do you read effectively ?
a. Monash’s list of effective reading techniques -

2. How do you read critically?


3. How do you read difficult papers?

How to write for assignments?
How to write Body Paragraphs?
How to write an essay? (these essay writing techniques can still apply to report writing)

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy framework, there are
6 techniques of critical thinking:
1. You remember what you are reading or
have read.
2. You understand what you read.

3. You analyse what you read, ie break into
parts the key ideas or concepts or claims
that make up your answers to the 3 inquiry
4. You research and evaluate the parts. Ie
decide how relevant are they to answer
the 3 inquiry Qs.

5. You apply the parts and research evidence to synthesis your answers.

Color Legend: Showing where literacy techniques integrate with critical thinking processes.
Apply reading techniques
Use notes taking and visualisation techniques
Apply writing and proof-reading techniques

