FIT3155 S1/2021: Assignment 1
(Due midnight 11:59pm on Fri 26 March 2021)
[Weight: 10 = 4 + 6 marks.]
Your assignment will be marked on the performance/efficiency of your program. You must
write all the code yourself, and should not use any external library routines, except those
that are considered standard. The usual input/output and other unavoidable routines are
Follow these procedures while submitting this assignment:
The assignment should be submitted online via moodle strictly as follows:
• All your scripts MUST contain your name and student ID.
• Use gzip or Winzip to bundle your work into an archive which uses your student ID
– Your archive should extract to a directory which is your student ID.
– This directory should contain a subdirectory for each of the two questions, named
as: q1/ and q2/.
– Your corresponding scripts and work should be tucked within those subdirectories.
• Submit your zipped file electronically via Moodle.
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Monash University is committed to upholding high standards of honesty and academic
integrity. As a Monash student your responsibilities include developing the knowl-
edge and skills to avoid plagiarism and collusion. Read carefully the material available
at to understand
your responsibilities. As per FIT policy, all submissions will be scanned via MOSS.
Assignment Questions
1. Approximate pattern matching: The edit distance between two strings is the min-
imum number of edit operations (insertions, deletions, and substitutions) required to
transform one string into the other. With this in mind, consider a variant of the exact
pattern matching problem where the pattern is said to match the text at a given position
if the edit distance between the pattern and the text is less than or equal to 1. This
problem is an instance of an approximate pattern matching problem, which have a wide
range of applications including in spell checkers and natural language processing.
Given some text txt[0...n−1] and a pattern pat[0...m−1], your task is to write a program
to find all positions within txt[0...n− 1] that match pat[0...m− 1] with an edit distance
≤ 1.
Hint: You should use the Z-algorithm to address this question.
Strictly follow the following specification to address this question:
Program name:
Arguments to your program: Two plain text files:
(a) an input file containing txt[0...n− 1] (without any line breaks).
(b) another input file containing pat[0..m− 1] (without any line breaks).
You may assume that both txt and pat consist of lower case English letters, i.e.
ASCII characters with values in the range [97...122].
Command line usage of your script:
Do not hard-code the file names/input in your program. The pattern and text should be specified as arguments.
Penalties apply if you do.
Output file name: output editdist.txt
• Each position where pat matches the txt (with edit distance ≤ 1) should appear
on a separate line. in the format
• For example, when:
pat[0 . . . 3] = abcd and txt[0 . . . 14] = abdyabxdcyabcdz,
the output should be:
0 1
4 1
10 0
Note that positions 9 and 11 are missing from the above output even though
the pattern matches the text at these positions with an edit distance of 1. This
is because these matches can be considered redundant in the following sense:
when there is an exact (edit distance = 0) match at position i in the text, there
are ALWAYS edit distance = 1 matches at positions i− 1 and i+ 1 (you should
reason why). Thus, these matches are redundant and need not be reported in
your output.
Finally, it is possible for a region in the text to match the pattern in multiple
ways under the edit distance ≤ 1 threshold. When this is the case you are only
required to report any one of the possibilities.
2. Binary Boyer-Moore: Boyer-Moore performs extremely well on natural languages, but
its effectiveness is somewhat diminished when searching binary files. Tables 1 and 2 show
that when compared to naive pattern matching Boyer-Moore’s advantage is much more
pronounced for patterns and texts that consist of random lower case English characters
than when the text and pattern are random binary strings. This should not be overly sur-
prising, but we can improve Boyer-Moore’s performance somewhat if we know in advance
that both the pattern and the text will be defined over a binary alphabet.
Your task is to implement an altered version of the Boyer-Moore algorithm that is opti-
mised to deal with this particular application. You should assume that the text is very
large compared to the pattern and to avoid the complications that arise when working
with binary data1 we’ll take our alphabet to be ℵ = {0, 1}, i.e. the characters ‘0’ and ‘1’
with ASCII codes 48 and 49 respectively.
When optimising your algorithm your goal should be to minimise the number comparisons
it makes, without unreasonably sacrificing the space or time that the algorithm requires.
In particular, you should be able to improve on the number of comparisons made by the
general Boyer-Moore algorithm taught in lectures.
Algorithm Number of comparisons number of Shifts
Boyer-Moore 122614 117791
Naive algorithm 1040264 999991
Table 1: The performance of the Boyer-Moore and the naive pattern matching algorithms
discussed in lectures on a random text and pattern of lower case English characters. The text
and the pattern contained 1000000 characters and 10 characters respectively.
Algorithm Number of comparisons number of Shifts
Boyer-Moore 642096 298816
Naive algorithm 1998276 999991
Table 2: The performance of the Boyer-Moore and the naive pattern matching algorithms dis-
cussed in lectures on random bitstrings. The text and the pattern contained 1000000 characters
and 10 characters respectively.
If you are struggling with this question consider taking the following approach:
• If you haven’t already, consider quickly coding up the naive pattern matching algo-
rithm to enable you to check the correctness of your implementation.
• Implement the full version of Boyer-Moore (including Galil’s and the other standard
optimisations) taught in lectures. This will serve as both a good template and
reference point for your optimised version.
• Consider some example bitstrings as input and trace - using pencil and paper - the
execution of the regular Boyer-Moore algorithm. Pay careful attention to the size of
the shifts suggested by both the bad character and the good suffix rule and which
shift is chosen by the algorithm each iteration. What do you notice?
1While avoiding raw binary data will save us some headaches it also somewhat limits the optimisations we
can make, and you should ponder what further improvements we could make if we were working with raw binary
• Consider how you could leverage your discoveries from the previous step to optimise
your implementation of Boyer-Moore. To help you test the effectiveness of your own
optimisations one of the texts and its corresponding pattern used to gather the data
for table 2 is available on Moodle.
Strictly follow the following specification to address this question:
Program name: binary
Arguments to your program: Two plain text files:
(a) an input file containing txt[0...n − 1] (without any line breaks), a string of
characters from ℵ.
(b) another input file containing pat[0..m− 1] (without any line breaks), a string of
characters from ℵ.
Command line usage of your script:
Do not hard-code the file names/input in your program. The pattern and text should be specified as arguments.
Penalties apply if you do.
Output: The number of comparisons made by your algorithm should be output to the
terminal and you should write the result of your pattern matching to a file:
output binary boyermoore.txt
• Each position where pat matches the txt should appear in a separate line. For
example, when:
pat[0 . . . 2] = 010 and txt[0 . . . 24] = 0011010101111001001101100,
the output should be: