Dr. Dimitrios Letsios
Department of Informatics Semester 2
King’s College London Friday 5 March 2021
7CCSMDM1 Data Mining
Coursework 2
Due: Friday 26 March 2021 (23:59 UK time)
This coursework assignment is relevant to mining text and image data. The coursework is worth
10% of the overall module mark and will be marked out of 100 points. The distribution of points
is (i) 60 points for the first part on text mining and (ii) 40 points for the second part on image
processing. The data required for this coursework are provided in the KEATS page of the module.
No need to download them from their original sources. The links to their origins are provided for
referencing purposes. The submission instructions are given in the last part of this document.
1 Text Mining
This part uses the Coronavirus Tweets NLP data set from Kaggle https://www.kaggle.com/
datatattle/covid-19-nlp-text-classification to predict the sentiment of Tweets relevant to
Covid. The data set (Corona NLP test.csv file) contains 6 attributes:
Attribute Description
UserName Anonymized attribute.
ScreenName Anonymized attribute.
Location Location of the person having made the tweet.
TweetAt Date.
OriginalTweet Textual content of the tweet.
Sentiment Emotion of the tweet.
Because this is a quite big data set, use vectorized (e.g. pandas / numpy) built-in functions to effectively
perform the various tasks with a typical personal computer. In this way, you will be able to run your
code in few seconds. Otherwise, running your code might require a significant amount of time, e.g. in
the case where for loops are used for accessing all elements of the data set. Marks will be reduced if
your code does not use vectorization. Further, you are expected to use raw Python string functions
for text processing operations.
1. [20 points] Compute the possible sentiments that a tweet may have, the second most popular
sentiment in the tweets, and the date with the greatest number of extremely positive tweets.
Next, convert the messages to lower case, replace non-alphabetical characters with whitespaces
and ensure that the words of a message are separated by a single whitespace.
2. [20 points] Tokenize the tweets (i.e. convert each into a list of words), count the total number
of all words (including repetitions), the number of all distinct words and the 10 most frequent
words in the corpus. Remove stop words, words with ≤ 2 characters and recalculate the number
of all words (including repetitions) and the 10 most frequent words in the modified corpus. What
do you observe?
3. [10 points] Plot a histogram with word frequencies, where the horizontal axis corresponds to
words, while the vertical axis indicates the fraction of documents in a which a word appears.
The words should be sorted in increasing order of their frequencies. Because the size of the data
set is quite big, use a line chart for this, instead of a histogram. In what way this plot can be
useful for deciding the size of the term document matrix? How many terms would you add in a
term-document matrix for this data set?
4. [10 points] This task can be done individually from the previous three. Produce a Multinomial
Naive Bayes classifier for the Coronavirus Tweets NLP data set using scikit-learn. For this, store
the corpus in a numpy array, produce a sparse representation of the term-document matrix with
a CountVectorizer and build the model using this term-document matrix. What is the error rate
of the classifier? You may want to check the scikit-learn documentation for performing this task.
2 Image Processing
Use the provided image data for performing image processing operations with skimage and scipy.
The data set consists of the following 4 images:
File Source
avengers imdb.jpg https://www.imdb.com/
bush house wikipedia.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/
forestry commission gov uk.jpg https://www.gov.uk/
rolland garros tv5monde.jpg http://www.tv5monde.com/
Each of the following questions requires producing one or more new images. Every image that
you produce (and has been requested) should be stored in a folder that you will name outputs. For
each question, briefly explain what has been achieved and how it could be useful in the context of the
corresponding image.
1. [8 points] Determine the size of the avengers imdb.jpg image. Produce a grayscale and a black-
and-white representation of it.
2. [12 points] Add Gaussian random noise in bush house wikipedia.jpg (with variance 0.1) and filter
the perturbed image with a Gaussian mask (sigma equal to 1) and a uniform smoothing mask
(the latter of size 9x9).
3. [8 points] Divide forestry commission gov uk.jpg into 5 segments using k-means segmentation.
4. [12 points] Perform Canny edge detection and apply Hough transform on rolland garros tv5monde.jpg.
• Implement this coursework on your own. You may discuss solution strategies with classmates, but
you must individually write your own code and report. Violation of this rule will be considered
as an act of misconduct.
• Submit a zip file with a (i) report in pdf format answering the questions posed in each part of
the coursework, (ii) Python code in .py format (not .ipynb iPython Notebooks) for generating
the answers (one .py file for each part of the coursework ), and (iii) a readme plain text file
briefly explaining what your source code does. Do not add any source code in the report.
• Submit the zip file via KEATS submission link.