BME695DL/ECE695: Homework 5
Spring 2021
Due Date: Wednesday, March 24,2021 (11:59pm)
Extension: Sunday, March 28,2021 (11:59pm)
Turn in your solutions via BrightSpace.
1 Introduction
This homework has the following three goals:
1. To create a CNN that carries out both classification and regression at
the same time.
As you well know already, classification means assigning a discrete label
to either the entire image or to an object detected in an image.
Regression, on the other hand, means estimating one or more numerical
attributes from the image. For the purpose of this homework, the nu-
merical attributes will be the four coordinates that define the bounding
box for an object detected in the image.
2. A second major goal is for you to use a skip-block class of your own
design for the CNN you will create for this homework.
If you are still fuzzy about what exactly is meant by a skip block, review
the Week 7 lecture notes on the subject of how to deal with vanishing
gradients in deep networks.
You will create your own skip block after familiarizing yourself
with the skip blocks in the famous network ResNet and in the
DLStudio module.
3. You will use COCO images and annotations for your final submission.
The COCO annotations include the classification labels and the bound-
ing boxes for various types of objects in the images.
The following steps will prepare you to work with object detection, data
loading with annotations, e.g., bounding boxes and labels, and so on.
2 Getting Ready for This Homework
Before embarking on this homework, do the following:
1. Review the Week 7 slides on “Using Skip Connections and ...” with
the goal of understanding the relationship between the building-block
class SkipBlock on Slides 11 through 16 and the BMEnet network on
Slides 18 through 21. The better you understand the relationship
between the SkipBlock class and the BMEnet class in DLStudio,
the faster you will zoom in on what you need to do for this
homework. Roughly speaking, you will have the same relationship
between your own skip block and your network for object detection
and bounding-box regression.
2. Review the Week 8 slides on “Object Detection and Localization ...”
to understand how both classification and regression can be carried out
simultaneously by a neural network.
Execute the following script in the Examples directory of DLStudio:
Before you run this script, you will need to also install the following
datasets that are included in the link “Download the image datasets
for the main DLStudio module” at the main webpage for DLStudio:
The integer value you see in the names of the datasets is the number
of images in each. Follow the instructions on the main webpage for
DLStudio on how to unpack the image data archive that comes with
DLStudio and where to place it in your directory structure. These
instructions will ask you to download the main dataset archive and
store it in the Examples directory of the distribution. Subsequently, you
would need to execute the following (Linux) command in the Examples
tar xvf datasets for DLStudio.tar.gz
This will create a subdirectory data in the Examples directory and
deposit all the datasets in it.
Your own CNN for this homework should produce the sort of results
that are displayed by the script object detection and
3. As you’ll recall, the second goal of this homework asks you to conjure up
a building-block class of your own design that would serve as your skip
block. Towards that end, you are suppose to familiarize yourself with
such classes in ResNet and in DLStudio. The better you understand
the logic that goes into such building-block classes, the greater the
likelihood that you’ll come up with something interesting for your own
skip-block class.
ResNet has two different kinds of skip blocks, named BasicBlock and
BottleNeck. BasicBlock is used as a building-block in ResNet-18 and
ResNet-34. The numbers 18 and 34 refer to the number of layers in
these two networks. For deeper networks, ResNet uses the BottleNeck
class. Here is the URL to the GitHub code for ResNet:
3 Special Note
Since this homework asks you to conjure up your own building-block class
for the skip block and also gives you freedom regarding the selection of the
COCO images and at what resolution to process them, there will obviously
be considerable variability in your performance numbers related to successful
object detection and the accuracy of regression.
So you are very likely to wonder how we may be planning to evaluate this
To forestall questions related to the above issue, note the following: You
focus on your job, which is to do the homework to the best of your abilities,
and we will focus on ours, which is to figure out how to best evaluate the
homework submissions. Any questions related to how we exactly we plan
to evaluate the homework submissions will not be answered. We believe
that any declaration of the evaluation rubric will only limit the extent of
ingenuity you may otherwise bring to bear on designing your skip block for
this homework.
4 How to Use the COCO Annotations
For this homework, you will need labels and bounding boxes from COCO
dataset. This section shows how to access and plot images with annotations
as shown in Fig. 1.
The code given in this section can NOT be used as it is for completing your
homework, but it should give you enough insights into COCO annotations
and how to access that information to write your dataloader as given in the
DLStudio module.
First of all, it’s important to understand some key entries in COCO annota-
tions. The COCO annotations are stored in the list of dictionaries and each
dictionary has the following key entries.
annotations = [
’segmentation ’ : a list of polygon vertices
around the object (x, y pixel positions),
’area ’ : Area measured in
pixels ,
’image_id ’ : integer ID for COCO image ,
’bbox ’ : bounding box
[top left x position , top left y position , width , height],
’id ’ : annotation ID ,
’category_id ’ : COCO category ID,
’iscrowd ’ : specifies whether the segmentation is for a single
object or for a group/cluster of objects ,
The following COCO annotation example shows multiple available entries in
the form of python dictionary and the highlighted fields are of interest for
this homework.
{’segmentation ’: [[234.27 , 269.47 , 243.97 , 261.23 , 277.93 , 258.32 ,
286.66 , 262.2, 287.63 , 270.44 , 292.48 , 280.63 , 289.08 , 290.33 , 285.69 ,
295.67 , 271.62 , 295.67 , 271.62 , 284.03 , 264.83 , 274.32 , 254.16 ,
272.38 , 249.79 , 279.66 , 249.31 , 293.73 , 246.4, 298.09 , 240.09 ,
295.18]] ,
’area ’: 1393.4401499999994 , ’iscrowd ’: 0, ’image_id ’: 93611,
’bbox’: [234.27, 258.32, 58.21, 39.77],’category id’: 3 , ’id ’: 135286}
{’segmentation ’: [[612.0 , 199.47 ,
539.47 , 200.98 , 539.47 , 200.98 , 477.51 , 231.2, 472.98 , 314.31 , 483.56 ,
326.4, 488.09 , 315.82 , 515.29 , 321.87 , 515.29 , 335.47 , 528.89 , 344.53 ,
533.42 , 330.93 , 612.0, 324.89]] ,
’area ’: 16290.817099999998 , ’ iscrowd ’: 0, ’image_id ’: 93611,
(a) Example 1 (b) Example 2
Figure 1: Sample COCO images with bounding box and label annotations.
’bbox’: [472.98, 199.47, 139.02,145.06], ’category id’: 6, ’id ’: 1794196}
{’segmentation ’: [[393.06 ,
280.24 , 419.43 , 275.22 , 419.43 , 264.23 , 409.07 , 257.32 , 391.49 ,
258.58 , 384.58 , 266.74 , 380.19 , 275.85 , 386.78 , 280.56 , 392.74 ,
281.18]] ,
’area ’: 678.5678000000011 , ’iscrowd ’: 0, ’image_id ’: 93611 ,
’bbox’: [380.19, 257.32, 39.24, 23.86], ’category id’: 3, ’id ’:
The following code (ref. inline code comments) shows how to access the
required COCO annotation entries and display a randomly chosen image
with desired annotations for visual verification. After importing the required
python modules (e.g., cv2, skimage, pycocotools, etc.), you can run the
given code and visually verify the output yourself (ref. Fig. 1). Feel free
to adjust the class list or experiment with image/annotation resizing, if you
choose to resize images in your implementation.
input_json = ’instances_train2017.json’
class_list = [’bus’,’car’]
#Mapping from COCO label to Class indices
coco_labels_inverse = {}
coco = COCO(input_json)
catIds = coco.getCatIds(catNms=class_list)
categories = coco.loadCats(catIds)
categories.sort(key=lambda x: x[’id’])
#[{’supercategory ’: ’vehicle ’, ’id ’: 3, ’name ’: ’car’}, {’
supercategory ’: ’vehicle ’, ’id
’: 6, ’name ’: ’bus’}]
for idx ,in_class in enumerate(class_list):
for c in categories:
if c[’name’] == in_class:
coco_labels_inverse[c[’id’]] = idx
#Retrieve Image list
imgIds = coco.getImgIds(catIds=catIds )
#Display one random image with annotation
idx = np.random.randint(0,len(imgIds))
img = coco.loadImgs(imgIds[idx])[0]
I = io.imread(img[’coco_url ’])
if len(I.shape) == 2:
I = skimage.color.gray2rgb(I)
annIds = coco.getAnnIds(imgIds=img[’id’], catIds=catIds ,
anns = coco.loadAnns(annIds)
fig , ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
image = np.uint8(I)
for ann in anns:
[x,y,w,h] = ann[’bbox’]
label = coco_labels_inverse[ann[’category_id ’]]
image = cv2.rectangle(image , (int(x), int(y)), (int(x + w
), int(y + h)), (36 ,255 ,12
), 2)
image = cv2.putText(image , class_list[label], (int(x),
int(y-10)), cv2.
0.8, (36,255 ,12), 2)
ax.set_axis_off ()
5 Submission Instructions
You don’t need any argparse arguments for this homework task and it’s safe
to assume that the COCO annotation files exist locally.
Similar to HW04 bundle your training and validation code into two main files
and add any additional helper modules, if necessary. The plots are expected
in .jpg format.
• Make sure to submit your code in Python 3.x and not Python 2.x.
• Name the .zip archive as hw05_
< Lastname>.zip (with-
out any white spaces) with the following files
Your trained model net.pth.
Any additional helper modules,, etc. Your
result plots in .jpg format without any whitespaces in file names. The
plot file names are flexible. If you want to present results in similar
format as Week 8 lecture slides that’s also acceptable. Note that .rar
file format is Windows specific so please do NOT submit your solutions
in .rar format. Your code must be your own work.
• You can resubmit a homework assignment as many times as you want
up to the deadline. Each submission will overwrite any previous sub-