ASSESSMENT 3 (Professional Skills Task)
This document addresses key topics regarding Generative AI Declarations in Business and
Commercial Law.
Remember, you are also welcome to direct questions to the Chief Examiner or attend one of
the teaching team’s consultation hours for additional support.
NOTE: As part of your in-semester assessment, you are required to submit a Generative AI
Declaration, regardless of whether you used generative AI or not in your assessment. It is
essential to submit this declaration on time. Refer to the individual assessment instructions
for more details.
a) Am I allowed to use Generative AI?
The use of generative AI tools in Business and Commercial Law assessment tasks is
restricted. Generative AI is not allowed in your final examination. However, for all in-
semester assessments, you can use the generative artificial intelligence tool called "Chat
GPT" (any version) only. If you use generative AI, you must make sure to appropriately
acknowledge how you have used it.
In Assessment 3 (Professional Skills Task) you are required to use generative AI (ChatGPT
any version) and therefore you must declare that you have used generative AI in this
Please remember, above all, that generative AI systems are language models: they are not
repositories of truth. Even though you are allowed to use generative AI in the limited sense
outlined above, please ensure that if you choose to do so, you are fully aware of the
limitations of the system you are using and the flaws that are likely to exist in the content it
b) What must I include in my Generative AI Declaration?
At a minimum, the Generative AI Declaration must contain the following information:
1. The name of the generative AI system used (which, for our unit, will be Chat GPT
only, along with an indication of the version you have used).
2. The link or URL address for accessing the generative AI system.
3. Identification of the purpose for which the generative AI system was used (e.g.,
producing a paragraph addressing the question of whether there is a contract
between the parties, refining the language you produced for your answer, and/or any
other purpose).
4. A list of all the prompts provided to the generative AI system, including the exact
wording used for each prompt.
5. The date that you used the generative AI system.
6. An explanation of how the AI-generated material was used in your assessment (e.g.,
you need to specify whether you directly copied and pasted the response, or if you
modified the AI-generated response before using it in your assessment answer, or if
you used AI-generated material in any other way).
c) Where can I learn more about Generative AI Declarations?
For detailed information on what should be included in a Generative AI Declaration, please
visit Learn HQ at the following URL:
For Assessment 3, your generative AI declaration is considered a mandatory part of
your assignment. If you do not include a generative AI declaration as part of your
submission process, your assessment for this task will be subject to the applicable
penalties for late submission until the declaration is provided.
Please take note that your generative AI declaration does not contribute to the word limit.
You have the option to upload your declaration in the same document as your assignment or
as a separate file, but it is mandatory to include a generative AI declaration as part of the
submission process.
For Assessment 3, please refer to the ‘Professional Skills Task Instructions’ document on
Moodle in the ‘Assessment 3 Resources’ folder for further information on how to submit
your declaration.
a) What does a sample Generative AI Declaration look like?
Two examples of Generative AI Declarations are provided below: one for when generative
AI has been used and another for when it has not been used. These examples are meant to
serve as illustrations only. You must create your own Generative AI Declaration that
accurately reflects your engagement with generative AI in each in-semester assessment.
b) SAMPLE 1 – Generative AI Declaration for when generative AI was in an
I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT ( to generate materials that were
used for the purpose of responding to [test question/assignment question] and were
included within my written response to [Test 2/Test 2/Professional Skills Task] assessment.
The materials were used [in a modified form/copied directly]. I entered the following
prompts on [DATE]:
● List of all prompts provided to Chat GPT. For example: ‘Write a 50 word summary
about the formation of Monash University. Write it in an academic style. Add
references and quotations from Sir John Monash.’
[Note: If you used more than one prompt, remember to list each prompt in the Generative AI
c) SAMPLE 2 – Generative AI Declaration for when generative AI was not used:
No content generated by AI technologies has been used in this assessment.
*Note this is a guide only. You must create your own Generative AI Declaration in a word
document that accurately reflects your engagement with generative AI. There is a template
you can use on Moodle under the ‘Assessment 3 Resources’ folder. For more information on
what is required in a Generative AI Declaration see the information on Learn HQ, available
at the following URL:
1) Full Name and Monash Student Number:
Replace this text with your own relevant response.
2) Name of the generative AI system used:
Replace this text with your own relevant response.
3) Link or URL address used for accessing the generative AI system:
Replace this text with your own relevant response.
4) Purpose for which the generative AI system was used:
(For example, producing a paragraph addressing the question of whether there is a
contract between the parties, refining the language you produced for your answer,
and/or any other purpose.)
Replace this text with your own relevant response.
5) List of all the prompts provided to the generative AI system, including the exact
wording used for each prompt:
(For example: ‘Write a 50 word summary about the formation of Monash University.
Write it in an academic style. Add references and quotations from Sir John Monash.’)
Replace this text with your own relevant response.
6) Date that you used the generative AI system:
Replace this text with your own relevant response.
7) Explanation of how the AI-generated material was used in your assessment:
(Specify whether you directly copied and pasted the response, or if you modified the
AI-generated response before using it in your assessment answer, or if you used AI-
generated material in any other way.)
Replace this text with your own relevant response.
