CITS5508 Machine Learning
Question 1 (10 marks)
Suppose that you are given a complex, multiclass classification problem and that your machine learning
library only has the Support Vector classifier. Describe all the steps that you would take to train this
classifier for your problem.
Question 2 (10 marks)
In binary classification, precision and recall are computed as follows:
Precision =
Recall =
where TP, FP, and FN denote, respectively, the numbers of true positives, false positives, and false
negatives. Given below is the confusion matrix from a classifier on a 3-class classification problem:
The classes are three common types of domestic pets: dog, cat, and fish.
(i) Describe how the average precision and average recall can be computed from the matrix. Include
(8 marks)appropriate diagrams in your description.
(ii) What are the average precision and average recall of this classifier? (2 marks)
Note: we want the straight average (not the weighted average) precision and recall. You can include
some Python code or just use a calculator to show your calculation. Your results only need to be accurate
up to the first decimal place.
Question 3 (10 marks)
Given in the webpage below:
is a dataset for regression. The dataset contains 398 instances and 9 columns. Our
objective is to predict the fuel efficiency, i.e., the numbers of miles travelled per gallon of fuel (miles per
gallon, abbreviated as mpg in the spreadsheet), using (all or some of) the remaining columns. Describe
the data cleaning and data preparation process you would carry out before a suitable machine learning
regressor can be applied. Your data cleaning and data preparation process should be specific to the dataset
itself. You can write some Python code to read1 and inspect the dataset and visualise the features but the
code should not be included in your answer. To keep your answer to one page long, visualisation should
be limited to one single figure (which may contain subplots).
Question 4 (10 marks)
(i) Ridge regression, Lasso regression, and Elastic Net are regularisation functions that can be added
to your cost function to help overcome the overfitting problem. They all involve one or two regu-
larisation coefficients (referred to as α and r in the textbook), which are hyperparameters that need
to be optimally determined. Comment on the problems when these coefficients are too small or too
large. (3 marks)
(ii) Suppose that you have implemented two Support Vector classifiers using the polynomial kernel
and radial basis function (RBF) kernel respectively. Suppose that you set the hyperparameter
r (corresponding to the coef0 in the SVC class in the Scikit-learn library) to 0. So the kernels
effectively become:
Polynomial kernel of degree d: K(a,b) = (γa>b)d
Gaussian RBF: K(a,b) = exp
(−γ‖a− b‖2)
If you experience an overfitting issue in both classifiers, how would you adjust the hyperparameters
d and γ? Explain your answer. (4 marks)
(iii) Suppose that you need to develop a machine learning algorithm for a fire alarm system to alert
people on fire incidents. For the safety of the people living in the area, you want your fire alarm
system to be extremely sensitive so that it won’t miss any true fire incidents. Comment on
1Use the read csv function of pandas with sep=’\s+’
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
a) the trade-off between the precision and recall values for your ML algorithm,
b) how you would like the confusion matrix to look like, and
c) the decision threshold that you would set in your algorithm. (1 mark)
Hint: See Figures 3-3 and 3-4 in the textbook.
Question 5 (10 marks)
(i) Give an example for each of the following:
a) binary classification, (1 mark)
b) multiclass classification, (1 mark)
c) multilabel classification, and (1 mark)
d) multioutput multiclass classification. (1 mark)
Your examples MUST NOT be the same as any examples that have been mentioned in the lecture
notes or in the textbook. Where relevant, you should state the number of classes and number of
labels in your examples.
(ii) Go through each line of the code snippet below and explain what it does and what the code tries to
achieve. (6 marks)
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sgd = SGDRegressor(max_iter=1, tol=-np.infty, warm_start=True,
penalty=None, learning_rate=’constant’, eta0=0.005)
min_val_err = np.float("inf")
best_epoch = None
best_sgd = None
for epoch in range(500):, y_train)
y_pred = sgd.predict(X_val)
err = mean_squared_error(y_val, y_pred)
if err < min_val_err:
min_val_err = err
best_epoch = epoch
best_sgd = sgd
print(’Best epoch =’, best_epoch)
y_pred = best_sgd.predict(X_val)
print(’Mean squared error of the best model is’,
mean_squared_error(y_val, y_pred))
plt.plot(X_val, y_val, ’ro’, X_val, y_pred, ’bx’)
plt.legend([’ground truth’, ’prediction’])
You may assume that
• the data has been appropriately split into the training set (X train and y train) and validation
set (X val and y val);
• both X train and X val have feature dimension equal to 1.
Hint: You will need to look up the Scikit-learn library for the various functions in the code.

