CSE316-cse316软件开发代写-Assignment 01
CSE 316 – Fundamentals of Software Development
Fall, 2023
Programming Assignment 01 – HTML, CSS, Javascript
Assigned: Friday, 09/08/2023
Due: Monday, 10/02/2023, at 11:59 PM
Learning Outcomes
After completing this homework assignment, you will be able to
1. Create static web pages using HTML/CSS.
2. Add dynamic behavior to web pages using JavaScript.
3. Implement a basic MVC architecture.
In this assignment, we will create a mock stackoverflow.com web application using
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. All subsequent assignments will be about adding more
functionality to what we build here so it is important that you finish the first assignment.
Stack Overflow is a question-and-answer website for programmers. In this version, we
will develop a prototype where users will be able to browse questions in the system, ask
their own questions, and answer questions asked.
Initial State
index.html – Interface for web application (mostly empty, includes reference to
index.js and index.css)
README.md – Description of work on assignment
index.css – Stylesheet for assignment (starts empty)
index.js – module to add dynamic behavior to HTML page (starts empty)
model.js – defines data model for application (contains sample data, but all
functionality must be implemented by student).
Getting Started
1. Download/clone your GitHub repository.
2. The main HTML page for this application is index.html, which you will use to
startup your application in a browser.
3. This file, index.html, includes a CSS stylesheet css/index.css that is used
to specify the appearance of HTML elements included in index.html. Any
CSS styling applied to HTML elements should be implemented here.
4. This file, index.html, includes a JavaScript module src/index.js that is
used to make the static HTML page dynamic. The file is empty. You are
expected to write code in this file as per the defined requirements.
5. Also, this file, src/index.js, imports src/model.js which defines the data
model underlying the application. Any operations to query or update the model
should be added to this file.
Note we are following a Model-View-Controller architecture in this homework
assignment. The view part of the application is the HTML page index.html (along
with css/index.css). The controller is the JavaScript module src/index.js. The
underlying data model is in src/model.js. You can create other JavaScript modules
in the src directory.
You will need a local web server. Follow the steps to set up a local web server and
run your application.
1. Install Python3. (skip if already installed).
2. Open a terminal (Mac or Linux) or Powershell (Windows).
3. Navigate to the directory that has the repository of this homework.
$ cd
4. Run the http module as a script from your terminal.
# If Python version returned above is 3.X
# On Windows, try "python -m http.server" or "py -3 -m http.server"
$ python3 -m http.server
5. (Optional) By default, this will run the server on localhost’s port 8000. You can
change the port number if something else is running on 8000 by adding a port
number like so: python3 -m http.server 3000.
6. Open a browser (e.g., Chrome) and open http://localhost:8000 and you will be
able to see your application’s index.html.
Setting up a web server that runs on our local machine is necessary as we are
importing JavaScript code as modules from the local filesystem, which is disallowed by
browsers to prevent security threats via Cross-Origin Resource (CORS). To know more
about it you can read this.
What is the role of the web server? It is a program (a Python program in our case) that
continuously runs on our local machine and waits till it receives a request from the
browser. When the browser sends it a request it sends a response back to the browser.
The response is the html file index.html. Why? Because the server was pre-configured
to look for index.html in the current directory and send it as a response each time a
request is received. All this happens over the HTTP protocol so the problem of cross-
origin where an HTTP request tries to access a non-HTTP resource doesn’t occur.
Most development teams follow a similar approach in their local development
environments. In a production environment, all resources including JavaScript modules
are imported from a backend server via HTTP to avoid cross-origin resource sharing
due to importing modules from the local filesystem. We will learn more about this in
homework 3 when we build an actual web server.
Data Model
The primary data elements we need to store for this application are questions, tags, and
answers. To this end, we will use a JavaScript Object to represent the application data
in memory. The object has the following attributes:
- questions. A list of Question objects.
- tags. A list of Tag objects.
- answers. A list of Answer objects.
The Question object has the following attributes:
- qid. A unique string used to uniquely identify this question.
- title. A string to hold this question’s title.
- text. A string to hold this question’s text.
- tagIds. A list of strings to hold the tag ids of tags associated with this question.
- askedBy. A string to indicate the username associated with this question.
- askDate. Date object to indicate the date when the question was asked.
- ansIds. An array of strings to hold the answers ids of answers associated with
this question. See below for the answer id type.
- views. A number to indicate the no. of times the question has been viewed.
The Tag object has the following attributes:
- tid. A unique string used to uniquely identify this tag.
- name. A string to hold this tag’s name.
The Answer object has the following attributes:
- aid. A unique string used to uniquely identify this answer.
- text. A string to hold this answer’s text.
- ansBy. A string to indicate the username associated with this answer.
- ansDate. Date object to indicate the date when the answer was posted.
See the class definition of this object in src/model.js in the code repository.
Since we are working with a client-side scripting language the data will not be
persistent. This means that anytime the application is stopped and restarted, all the data
created during that session will be lost and the application will begin with the initial state.
This is fine for the purposes of this homework assignment. In later homework
assignments, we will see how the application state can be persisted in a backend
database/filesystem using server-side scripting.
Application Behavior and Layout
We will mimic the original stackoverflow.com website as much as possible. Although,
we won’t be implementing all of its features. You can visit stackoverflow.com for
inspiration. The layout is quite simple. It has two parts – a header and the main body.
The header should remain constant, that is, it should have the same UI elements
throughout and should be displayed at the top of the page. The main body will be
displayed below the header and will render relevant content based on user interactions
with the web page.
Home Page
When a user loads the application in the browser for the first time, the home page
should be displayed as shown in figure 1. The home page has two parts, the banner
and the main body which will display the content. The banner should be displayed at the
top of the page and it should contain the following
● The title of the application Fake Stack Overflow
● A search bar where users can do textual searches.
The main body has two parts. The left side is a menu and the right side displays all
questions asked in the forum.
The menu has two links – Questions and Tags. Clicking on the Questions link always
displays the home page, i.e, the page being currently described. Clicking on the Tags
page will display the Tags page (described later). If the user is currently on the page
that shows all questions, the Questions link should be highlighted with a gray
background color. If the user is on the Tags page, the Tags link should be highlighted
with gray background color. Further, the right side of the main body of the home page
should be displayed as shown in figure 1 with the following elements:
● A header which displays the text All Questions and a button with the label Ask
● The total number of questions currently in the model.
● Three buttons – Newest, Active, and Unanswered.
○ Clicking the Newest button should display all questions in the model
sorted by the date they were posted. The most recently posted questions
should appear first.
○ Clicking the Active button should display all questions in the model sorted
by answer activity. The most recently answered questions must appear
○ The Unanswered button should display only the questions that have no
answers associated with them.
● Each question should be displayed as shown in figure 1 with the following
○ The no. of answers and the no. of times a question has been viewed.
Every time a user clicks on a question should increase the no. of views by
○ Question title.
○ Question metadata, which includes the username of the user who posted
the questions and the date the question was posted. The metadata has a
particular format.
■ If a question was posted on day X, then, for the entirety of day X,
the question date should appear in seconds (if posted 0 mins. ago),
minutes (if posted 0 hours ago), or hours (if posted less than 24 hrs
■ On the other hand, if we were viewing the page 24 hrs after the
question was posted then the metadata should be displayed as
asked at .
■ Further, if the question is viewed a year after the posted date then
the metadata should be displayed as asked
, at .
Here are a few examples:
■ question posted on Feb 9th, 2022, 09:20:22 and viewed on the
same day at 09:20:58, the metadata should be displayed as
asked 36 seconds ago.
■ question posted on Feb 9th, 2022, 09:20:22 and viewed on the
same day at 09:25:58, the metadata should be displayed as
asked 5 minutes ago.
■ question posted on Feb 9th, 2022, 09:20:22 and viewed on the
same day at 11:30:21, the metadata should be displayed as
asked 2 hours ago.
■ question posted on Feb 9th, 2022, 09:20:22 and viewed on Mar 31,
2022, 09:20:58, the metadata should be displayed as
asked Feb 9 at 09:20.
■ question posted on Feb 9th, 2022, 09:20:22 and viewed on Mar 31,
2023, 09:20:58, the metadata should be displayed as
asked Feb 9, 2022 at 09:20.
○ All questions should be displayed in Newest order by default.
○ There should be a dotted line to divide each question entry.
○ If the total no. of questions is more than the page can hold, add a scroll
● Make sure that all fonts and content are clearly legible. They don’t have to be the
exact same as the fonts in figure 1.
Figure 1
New Question Page
When a user clicks on the Ask Question button, the main body section of the page
should display a form as shown in figure 2 with the following elements:
● A text box for question title. The title should not be more than 100 characters and
should not be empty.
● A text box for question text. Should not be empty. No restriction on max length of
● A text box for a list of tags that should be associated with the question. This is a
whitespace-separated list. Should not be more than 5 tags. Each tag is one word,
hyphenated words are considered one word. The length of a new tag cannot be
more than 10 characters.
● A text box for the username of the user asking the question. The username
should not be empty.
● A button with the label Post Question.
● Each input element in the form should have an appropriate hint to help the user
enter the appropriate data as shown in Figure 2.
● Display an appropriate error message for invalid inputs below the respective
input element.
Figure 2
When the Post Question button is pressed, the question should be added to the data
object in model.js. If the question is added successfully then the user should be taken to
the home page where the main body section should display all the questions including
the question just added. Furthermore, the page should also display the total no. of
questions, which should have incremented by 1. Figure 3 shows an example where the
first question displayed was most recently asked by the user JoJi John using the inputs
on the new question form.
Figure 3
A user can search for certain questions based on words occurring in the question text or
title. On pressing the ENTER key, The search should return all questions for which their
title or text contains at least one word in the search string. For example, in figure 4,
there is only one question in our data model with title or text that matches the search
string ‘Shared Preference’.
Figure 4
Furthermore, if a user surrounds individual words with [] then all questions with a
tagname in [] should be displayed. The search results should be displayed when the
user presses the ENTER key. See figure 5.
Figure 5
Note the searching is case-insensitive. Also, a search string can contain a combination
of [tagnames] and non-tag words, that is, not surrounded with []. In this scenario, all
questions tagged with at least one tag in the search string or text/title containing at least
one of the non-tag words should be displayed. For example, if the search string is
[react][android] javascript then all questions tagged with react or android or both should
be considered. Also, questions with the non-tag word javascript in their text/title should
be considered.
If the search string does not match any question or tag names then display the No
Questions Found. The total number of questions displayed should be 0 and the page
title and the button to ask a question should remain.
Answers Page
Clicking on a question link should increment by 1 the no. of views associated with the
question and load the answers for that question in the main section of the home page.
Note the banner should still remain at the top of the page. The answers should be
displayed as in figure 6 with the following elements:
● The text N answers, where N is the total no. of answers given for the question.
The title of the question. A button with the label Ask Question. You are free to
add other style constraints to the elements other than what has already been
shown. However, make sure that they are clearly legible.
● The text N views indicating the no. of times the question has been viewed
(including this one).
● The question text.
● The metadata for the question asked . This metadata format is
the same as the one described in the page that displays all questions.
● The answers to the question. An answer has 2 parts as shown in figure 6
○ the answer itself,
○ the answer metadata in the format answered . The date
format requirements in the metadata are exactly the same as the
requirements for questions (see home page described before).
● If no. of answers does not fit on the page, then add a scroll bar.
● The answers should be displayed in descending order of the day and time they
were posted. In other words, display the answers that were posted most recently
● A button with the label Answer Question at the end of all answers. Make sure
that the button and the label are clearly visible. You are free to add a different
style from the one shown.
● Answers must be divided by a dotted line as shown in figure 6.
Figure 6
Pressing the Ask A Question button on this page will render elements as described in
the New Question Page section.
New Answer Page
Pressing the Answer Question button will display a page with input elements to enter
the new answer text and username. Note the menu should remain on the left of the
page as shown in figure 7.
Figure 7
Pressing the Post Answer button, should capture the answer text and the username and
update the data model. If the inputs have no errors, then all the answers are displayed
as shown on the Answers Page. Note there should now be 3 answers for this question
since a new answer was posted and this answer must be the first one shown in the list.
If the answer text or username is empty, then display appropriate error messages below
the respective input fields.
Tags Page
Clicking on the Tags link in the menu should display the list of all tags in the model. Tag
names are case-insensitive so the tag name ‘React’ and ‘react’ should be considered
the same for all practical purposes. Additionally, the Tags link in the menu should be
highlighted with a gray background since the Tags page is being displayed currently.
The page should render the following elements as shown in figure 8:
1. The text N Tags, where N is the total number of tags.
2. The text All Tags.
3. A button with the label Ask Question. This is the same button that was
described in the Questions and Answers pages.
4. Tag names in groups of 3, that is, each row should have at most 3 tags. Each tag
should be displayed in a box with dotted borders. The block should display the
tag name as a link and the no. of questions associated with the tag in a new line
in the same block.
Figure 8 shows an example of the page.
Upon clicking a tag link, all questions associated with the tag should be displayed. For
example, if the javascript tag is clicked then the page should show all questions with the
javascript tag. The style is similar to the home page.
Figure 8
Submission Instruction
You can submit code to your GitHub repository as many times as you want till the
deadline. After the deadline, any code you submit will not be considered. To submit a
file to the remote repository, you first need to add it to the local git repository in your
system, that is, the directory where you cloned the remote repository initially. Use the
following commands from your terminal:
$ cd /path/to/cse316-hw1- (skip if you are already in this directory)
$ git add
To submit your work to the remote GitHub repository, you will need to commit the file
(with a message) and push the file to the repository. Use the following commands:
$ git commit -m ""
$ git push
IMPORTANT: In the README.md file of your repository each team member
should list their contribution. Without this description neither of you will get any
We will clone your repository and test your code in the Chrome web browser. You will
get points for each functionality implemented. Make sure you test your code in
Chrome. The rubric we will use is shown below:
1. Home Page: 20 pts.
2. Post a New question: 10 pts.
3. Searching by text: 10 pts.
4. Searching by tags: 10 pts.
5. Answers Page: 10 pts.
6. Post a new answer: 10 pts.
7. All Tags page: 20 pts.
8. Questions of a tag: 10 pts.
Total points: 100 pts.
