CTPP: Report grade descriptors
A1 Display an outstanding grasp and understanding of the project area and provides deep insights in
the state of the field. Exceptionally well presented and structured report. Presented work greatly
exceeds the initial project outline. Use of references indicate wide reading through the relevant
literature and ability to assess papers critically. The writing shows creative flair whilst being
scientifically accurate, leading to a report that is enjoyable to read throughout. Standard is such
that the work could form the basis of a journal review article.
A2 Display an exceptional grasp and understanding of the project area. The content of the report is
accurate and well articulated. Topic is strongly presented and a clear rationale presented for its
relevance to the wider field by reference to state of the art research. Minimal effort required by
the reader to grasp the content presented. No lapses in spelling, grammer or phrasing. Great care
is shown in selecting the most appropriate reference to support the scientific claims made in the
report, and this is done consistently throughout.
A3 Display an excellent grasp and understanding of the project area. Narrative flows naturally and
is clear throughout with relatively few instances of awkward phrasing or lapses in spelling and
grammer. Topic is strongly presented at an appropriative level of detail. Relevance to wider
scientific context is clear and only occasional effort is required by the reader to fully understand the
content. All sections of the report are adequately supported by references to relevant background
and precursor items. The bibliography is presented professionally.
B Show a very good grasp of the project area. Importance of the topic to the wider scientific field is
clear. Topic is presented at an appropriate level of detail and logically structured. Some sections
may be shorter or longer than is warranted by their importance to the project as a whole. Writing
syle is clear with few grammatical or spelling errors. The report cites sources that are relevant to
the project, including important background items. There maybe some some places in the text
where a citation is lacking or where the relevance of the cited work is unclear. A small number of
the references may be idiosyncratically formatted or missing vital information.
C Shows a good grasp and understanding of the project topic. Relative importance of the topic
in a broader scientific context is clear but presented in a tenuous, superficial or overly technical
manner. Lapses in phrasing, spelling or grammar are sufficiently severe that they do not convey
the intended meaning. Key references are cited appropriately, but there are many places where a
citation was essential, or the cited reference was of questionable relevance to the point being made.
A number of items in the bibliography are incomplete, incorrect or inconsistently formatted.
D Show a relatively weak or muddled grasp of the project topic which leads to importance of the
topic being obscure to the non-expert reader, for example due to essential background knowledge
being assumed or questionable logic in exposition. Considerable amount of effort required to
understand the report. Only a few key references are cited appropriately and the bibliography is
highly idiosyncratic or erroneous.
E Show an unsatisfactory grasp of the project topic. Little or no evidence of engage-
ment/understanding of the litterature. Extremely disordered and disorganised writing style mud-
dled such that is difficult to discern what the project is about. Very considerable effort required to
understand the report. Very limited use of references and the bibliography is highly idiosyncratic
in format or erroneous.
F Limited evidence of reading, engagement or understanding of the topic. Minimal regard for the
literature and the role that citations play in supporting the claims being made. Deficiencies in the
report structure and the writing style are such that it is extremely difficult to discern what the
project is about.
G Very limited evidence of reading, engagement or understanding of the topic. No regard for literature
and the role that citations play in supporting the claims being made. Deficiencies in the report
structure and/or writing style are such that it is impossible to discern what the project is about.
H No evidence of activity or engagement with the project.

