MGT B456F Innovation Management
Course Document
2021 Spring Term


Introduction 1
Aims 1
Learning Outcomes 1
Content 1
Alignment of Outcomes and Content 1
Teaching and Learning Strategies 2
Assessment 2
Required Textbook 3
Teaching staff 3
Teaching schedule 4



MGT B456F Innovation Management is a one-term, five-credit, higher-level course for
undergraduate students offered by Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration. The
course is intended to develop students’ critical insight necessary for the success of managing

This course aims to provide students with the understanding of the nature of innovation
and the major considerations in managing innovation in organisational settings. It further
examines how innovation management can be assessed and facilitates the building of
organisational capabilities.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Explain the concept and sources of innovation and elaborate its role as a core business
process in an organisation.

2. Critically analyse the key considerations, such as economics, culture, and people
management, in developing and implementing innovation strategies in an organisation.

3. Assess innovation performance in an organisation and suggest ways for improvement.

Topics Contact hours
1. Understanding innovation and innovation management 8
2. Innovation in context 8
3. Generating innovative ideas and developing innovation strategy 12
4. Implementing innovation and key considerations 12
5. Assessing innovation performance 8

Alignment of Outcomes and Content

The outcomes are related to the above topics as follows:

Outcome Topic
Outcome 1 Topics 1 to 3
Outcome 2 Topics 2 to 4
Outcome 3 Topic 5


Teaching and Learning Strategies
Lectures, tutorials, and the use of multi-media materials are the main means employed in the
course to help students achieve the learning outcomes.

Lectures serve the purpose of presenting the key concepts of innovation, its importance, as well
as its relationships with various issues in organisations. Lectures will elaborate these key
concepts using different examples in Hong Kong and other countries around the world. They are
supplemented by tutorials to enhance students’ ability to understand theories and concepts, and
apply them to various situations.

Students can also access the Online Learning Environment (OLE) which contains handouts,
PowerPoint and other relevant resources as appropriate. The online Discussion Board offers an
additional means for students to communicate with their course lecturers, tutors and peers.

Course assessment includes assignments, quizzes, and class participation is as follows:

Continuous assessment: 100% (2 assignments, 2 quizzes and class participation)
(Assignments: 65%)
(Quizzes: 25%)
(Class participation: 10%)

Assignment 1 (weighting 25%)
This is an individual assignment in which students are required to answer both qualitative and
quantitative questions. This assignment is used mainly to assess outcomes 1 to 2.

Assignment 2 (weighting 40%)
This is a group assignment. Students are required to work with their team members to evaluate
and develop a decision support system to solve unstructured business problem. This assignment
is used to assess outcomes 1 to 3.

Quiz 1 (weighting 10%)
This is a closed-book quiz on the key concepts and issues in innovation management. Through
this assessment, students are examined whether they are able to master the materials covered in
lectures and tutorials. This assessment is used mainly to assess learning outcomes 1 to 2.

Quiz 2 (weighting 15%)
This is a closed-book quiz on the key concepts and issues in innovation management. Through
this assessment, students are examined whether they are able to master the materials covered in
lectures and tutorials. This assessment is used mainly to assess learning outcomes 1 to 3.

Class Participation (weighting 10%)
To help the students to achieve active learning, different learning activities involve case study
and group discussion will be arranged in class. Marks will be given to students according to
their performance in these activities.

The pass mark for each assignment and quiz is 40. To pass this course, students must pass the
continuous assessment.


Assignment Submission

As a mechanism to maintain academic integrity, students are required to submit the soft copy of
their assignments as below:

i. Submission of soft copy
Students should upload a soft copy of the assignment to the OLE of the course by 5:00
pm on the submission due date. Files uploaded to the OLE should be prepared in
Microsoft Word. Please refer to the quick start guide for submission of assignments to

You do not have to submit a hard copy of your assignment. If circumstances arise
making it necessary to adjust the arrangement, further announcement will be made as
soon as possible.

ii. 10% of the marks awarded to the assignment will be deducted for each calendar day
overdue until the soft copy of your assignment is submitted.

Required Textbook

Goffin, K. & Mitchell, R. (2017). Innovation Management: Effective Strategy and
Implementation (3rd edition). Palgrave. (ISBN : 978-1-137-37343-4)

Reference Books

1. Schilling, M. (2019). Strategic Management of Technological Innovation (6th edition).
McGraw-Hill Education. (ISBN: 978-1260565799)

2. Tidd, J. & Bessant, J. R. (2018). Managing innovation: integrating technological, market
and organizational change. John Wiley & Sons.

3. Trott, P. (2017). Innovation Management and New Product Development (6th edition).
Pearson. (ISBN: 978-1292133423)

4. Nonaka, I., Takeuchi, H. (2019). The Wise Company: How Companies Create Continuous
Innovation. New York: Oxford University Press. (ISBN: 978-0190497002)

Teaching staff

Lecturer / Tutor: Dr Eddie NG
Office: Block A, 9/F
Tel: 2768 6925
Email: cyng@ouhk.edu.hk
Consultation hours: Monday 11am-1pm, Tuesday 2pm-4pm


Teaching schedule


Assignments and
due dates
1 Unit 1: Understanding innovation and innovation

Unit 2: Innovation in context

Unit 3: Generating innovative ideas and
developing innovation strategy

7 Assignment 1a: 1 Apr 2021
Unit 4: Implementing innovation and key

9 Assignment 2a: 15 Apr 2021
10 Quiz 1: 19 Apr 2021
Unit 5: Assessing innovation performance

13 Assignment 1b: 6 May 2021
14 Revision
Quiz 2: 10 May 2021/
Assignment 2b & 2c: 13 May 2021

