SPR 2023-论文代写-Assignment 2
Introduction to
SPR 2023- Tutorial 9 (Week 10)
Feedback from Assignment 2
Activity – write a sample reflection
Use Acawriter to get feedback on
your reflection
Feedback from assignment 2
► The executive summary must start with the purpose
► Poor identification of the strategy used by Apple or Samsung. Those who did well
identified strategies such as product differentiation, generic corporate strategy, hybrid
strategy and more.
► The challenges identified where not related to the SWOT analysis and came out of
► The recommendations were not clear. MUST include clear strategies or credible solutions.
Reflection STRUCTURE
Introduction (100 words approx.): MUST include: Purpose of the
reflection; Background/context; Outline of the reflection.
Main Arguments:
• Provide a context for your reflections
• critically reflect on and compare your understanding of TWO strategic
frameworks studied in this subject. i.e.:
1. What are the (2) strategic frameworks you used & how did you apply them?
(approx. 200 words).
• Remember highlight the strengths and weakness of each
• Compare them
2. Critically reflect on how your work, individually and in your team, and the feedback
you received has helped you to better understand the difference between these
frameworks and the situations in which they are best applied (approx. 700 words).
Conclusions i.e. summarise the key points you have made (approx. 50 words)
References – minimum 2 references
Appendices: include a sample of your Acawriter feedback. Tell us briefly how
that helped you improve your writing
Structure and language
Reflection Writing Tips
• formal academic language: complete sentences in paragraphs; no
colloquial expressions or slang; no contractions or abbreviations
• Precise disciplinary word choice: PESTLE framework; focus strategy
• 1st person when describing experiences, making observations, and/or
stating your opinion or feelings.
• 3rd person when referring to other sources
• past tense verbs (e.g. I felt, decided, explored, learned) to describe
past events.
• present or future tense to describe ongoing insights
• language of reflection (e.g. I discovered, I found, I will apply)
Reflection Writing Tips
1. Use a personal approach ‘I’. These assignments are about you and your team.
– A personal approach builds a natural thought-bridge to reflection.
2. Do not just describe what you did
– interpret and evaluate by relating the content to personal anecdotes from aspects
of your life / lives.
3. Use the terminology and key concepts of the self-awareness tools you used (for
assessments 1 and 2).
4. Structure your response into paragraphs.
5. Avoid lengthy, rambling sentences – be concise!
6. Proofread and edit your work.
► Discuss and share your feelings about feedback and the
group experience now that you have had some time.
► Take notes to include in your reflection to submit in
Acawriter next.
Group Activity
• Use Acawriter now!
Assignment code: T44hstM2
Login to: https://acawriter.uts.edu.au/login
• A sample of your reflection
• A sample of Acawriter feedback
Thank you and next week is the final
