STA304 Winter 2021 Makeup Test 2
Posted by: Shivon Sue-Chee at 12am on Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Due: In Quercus by 11:59pm on March 31, 2021
1 Instructions
• Create a video presentation of no longer than 10 minutes with you presenting your slide deck
with answers to ‘The Makeup Test 2’. Your face should be shown at least once throughout
your presentation.
• Save your video presentation as an MP4 file and upload it into your UofT MyMedia account.
I suggest that you use Zoom to create your video. Here are two demonstration videos of how
to record and download your presentation in Zoom:
Here is documentation on using UofT MyMedia:
• Copy the permanent MyMedia link of your presentation and paste into in a doc, docx or pdf
• Into Quercus Makeup Test 2, upload the following two (2) files:
1. A doc, docx or pdf page with your MyMedia link to your video presentation.
2. The slide deck used for presenting your answers.
2 Grading Scheme
A grading rubric will be posted in Quercus for this makeup.
3 The Makeup Test 2
Complete a 10-minute video presentation to complete the following four (4) parts:
I. Show a clear picture of your U of T student card.
Using our class population data in the file, mut2data.csv, suppose we want to estimate the
mean height of students in our class using a probability sample of students.
II. Using numbers, formulas and diagrams, demonstrate the similarities and/or differences in using
a simple random sample versus a systematic random sample to estimate the population height
mean. Use sample size n=20.
III. Using numbers, formulas and diagrams, demonstrate the similarities and/or differences in
using ratio, regression and difference estimation based on a simple random sample of n = 10
students to estimate the population height mean.
IV. Using numbers, formulas and diagrams, demonstrate the similarities and/or differences in
using one-stage cluster sampling versus simple random sample to estimate the population
height mean. Use the variable -digits , to form clusters and randomly sample 2 clusters to
make up your cluster sample. For simple random sampling, use the same sample size as that
of your cluster sample.