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The goal of this assignment is to write a two-pass assembler for the assembly language for the
vmx20 virtual machine.
Your work must be done in the context of our assembler "front-end" and conform to the
interfaces I have defined for your code and our code to utilize to interact. The code base you are
to work within is available in ~cs520/public/program3.
You must implement the following three functions:
• initAssemble: This function will be called once at program start-up to allow you to initialize any
data structures, such as the symbol table.
• assemble: This function is called on both the first pass and the second pass for every line of the
input that contains either a label definition or an instruction (or both). The first parameter to this
function is the label being defined, if there is one. The second parameter contains the opcode and
operands for the instruction, if there is one. The details of how instructions are represented are
contained in the file defs.h.
• betweenPasses: This function is called once, after the first pass completes and before the second
pass begins. Its single parameter is the file pointer (FILE*) where you should write the output, the
object file that will be written during the second pass. This function should return the count of the
number of errors detected during the first pass. Our part of the code will not execute the second
pass if errors were detected during the first pass. The goal for full credit on this assignment is to
detect all errors during the first pass or the call to the betweenPasses function.
Stubs for these three functions are present in assemble.c. All your code for this assignment should be
placed in this single file. Do not edit any of the other distributed files!
Understand that a vmx20 object file is not an ASCII file. You will want to use od to examine
output files to be sure they are correct. I recommend using the flag -tx4 to show the file in hex as
a sequence of 32-bit words, since an object file is a sequence of 32-bit words.
Points will be awarded for this assignment for the following items:
• Determining addresses for labels in a correct input file. Have the function betweenPasses write
the defined labels and their addresses to stdout, one label per lane, with the label name being first
on the line, followed by one space and the address printed in decimal. The labels should be
printed in ascending order of label names. You should implement the symbol table using the hash
table you constructed for Lab 5.
• Detecting all input errors (except errors concerning the importing or exporting of symbols),
during the first pass or in the betweenPasses function. Call the function error (in message.c) to
report all errors*. This function will ensure a common format for all error messages, including
reporting the line number of the error.
• Generating the object file for correct input files.
• Properly handling import and export directives, including detecting errors and generating entries
in the insymbol and outsymbol sections of the output file. You will need to sort the insymbols
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and outsymbols in ascending order before generating entries in the respective sections of the
object code.
Your program will be graded primarily by testing it for correct functionality. In addition,
however, you may lose points if your program is not properly structured and documented.
Decompose sub-problems appropriately into functions and do incremental testing. Leave your
debugging output in your code, but disabled, when you do your final assignment submission.
You will only submit assemble.c and symtab.c. This, of course, means you should not edit any
of the other distributed files.

*example of a .asm file with errors and the error messages printed by the

Use error constants indicated below with a call to error() function in
your code

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