Python代写-CMPT 459-Assignment 3
Assignment 3
CMPT 459 Spring 2021
Data Mining
Martin Ester
TAs: Arash Khoeini and Madana Krishnan Vadakandara Krishnan
Deadline: 23:59 pm PST on April 12th.
[Total Marks:100]
The aim of this assignment is to implement a post-processing method to determine
all closed and maximal frequent itemsets, given that all frequent itemsets have
been obtained by running the Apriori algorithm. See slides 399-401 and 403-405 of
the lecture notes.
BMSWebView2 Dataset
The dataset that you are provided with contains 77512 transactions of click-stream
data from an e-commerce store. The dataset includes 3340 unique items in total.
a. Closed Itemsets [35 marks]
Assume that you already have all frequent itemsets in a dictionary, where the
value for key i is a dictionary itself, containing a tuple of itemsets of size i as
keys and its support as value. Here you can see an example of this data
{1: {(‘apple’,): 3, ('orange',): 3 },
2: {(‘apple’,’orange’): 2 } }
Implement a method that takes these itemsets and returns a list of all closed
itemsets. The return type should be a dictionary, with the same structure as
the input dictionary (like the example above).
b. Maximal Itemsets [35 marks]
Again assume that you already have the frequent itemsets in a dictionary of
the above format. Implement a method that takes these itemsets and returns a
list of all maximal itemsets. The return type should be a dictionary, with the
same structure as the input dictionary.
c. Statistics [20 marks]
Use the following implementation of the Apriori algorithm:
to get the set of frequent itemsets from the BMSWebView2 dataset. Run
your methods for part a and part b on the result of the apriori
implementation from that package, which is a dictionary of the format
explained in part a. Use the following thresholds: min_support= 0.005
min_confidence= 0.7
Provide the numbers of all, of the closed, and of the maximal frequent
d. Insight [10 marks]
Compare the numbers of the different types of frequent itemsets and discuss
them. This is a dataset from an e-commerce website, where each transaction
contains all the items viewed by a user in a session. What do you think
would be the use of finding frequent itemsets in this setting?
● You should remove all -1s and -2s from the dataset.
[IMPORTANT] You should submit two files:
● A report file: [studentID].pdf
● A Python file: [studentID].py
Deadline: 23:59 pm PST on April 12th.
You will lose 10% of the marks for submissions after this deadline, as long as it’s
not more than 24 hours late. You will lose all the marks for submissions after that.
Libraries: You can use libraries including math, numpy, random, etc.
You MUST provide YOUR OWN code for finding closed and maximal itemsets
and for all the tasks specified in this assignment. These MUST be implemented
from scratch i.e. not using scikit-learn or other libraries. You will be marked on the
correctness of your implementation.

