谢菲 EGH429


Course and Materials Design Essay

Choose EITHER Essay 1 OR Essay 2.

Essay 1

Write a 3,000 word proposal for a new or adapted English language course. This proposal should be written in essay form (introduction, body, conclusion) and should cover the following areas in the body:

A summary of the course's aims and objectives

Details of the areas of literature that will be reviewed, along with a rationale for these (If it's a speaking course, for example, you would need to give details of what literature on teaching English you would need to consult). Please note that I am not asking you to review the literature but to give information about the literature that your proposed course would likely draw from and why.

Details about the course context, including the target institution and students. How will the proposed course fit in with a larger programme?

Will the course be an adaptation of an existing course or a new one?

Proposed needs analysis (Which stakeholders will be consulted? What information will you be collecting from them? Using what methods? Will the needs analysis also include an analysis of existing materials/course textbook?)

Proposed syllabus type and rationale (What approach to course design will you primarily be using? Task-based? Genre-based? A combination of approaches? Be specific please, provide a brief overview (definition) of this approach and give a rationale for choosing it. Perhaps you think it will solve existing problems or it's a new approach you want to try out
