COMP6080 -无代写
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Ready for 24T1 1 week ago
Assessment 2 - FunForm
Change Log
1. Before you start
1.1. Background & Motivation
This assessment aims to allow students to demonstrate knowledge they've developed during week 3 of the course. You will given a static HTML
page and be asked to write Javascript to make the webpage dynamic according to the spec.
1.2. Lectures to watch
You will need to watch at least the following lectures before starting (it will help you get started):
Everything from assesssment 1
Javascript Language & Syntax
WebJS Intro
You will need to watch at least the following lectures to finish the assessment completely:
2. Task 1 - Dynamic form
2.1. Overview
The HTML page in task1/src/index.html displays a series of inputs, and when valid, outputs a "summary" of this information in the textarea at
the bottom of the page.
You are going to make this form dynamic and interactive through use of Javascript only (Modification or addition of any HTML or CSS is prohibited).
2.1.1. The page
The page consists of a:
Text input for Street Name (must be between 3 and 50 characters inclusive).
Text input for Suburb (must be between 3 and 50 characters inclusive).
Text input for Postcode (must be a number that is exactly 4 digits).
Text input for Date of birth (valid input is the exactformat "DD/MM/YYYY" and must be a valid date. This means it must match the regex
expression "[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4}" and when trying to parse it with the Javascript date object it does not return NaN).
Dropdown for building type (either "Apartment" or "House", no other options). Apartment is default.
Checkbox for features that the house has (Heating, AirConditioning, Pool, Sandpit).
Button to select / deselect all.
Remove button
Textarea (initially blank)
2.1.2. Actions
The following are events that trigger a render that should be binded to particular actions
Changing of the "building type" or "features" should trigger a render.
Blur of the "street name", "suburb", "postcode", or "date of birth" should trigger a render.
There are key buttons on the page:
When the Select All button is clicked inside the features section, all 4 feature checkboxes are selected.
At any time when all 4 features are selected, the Select All button's text is changed to Deselect all . When this button is pressed in this
state, all 4 of the feature checkboxes become unselected.
When the reset button is clicked, the textarea has all of its text removed (i.e. it becomes blank again), and all of the form elements in the
table are reset to their default state.
2.1.3. Rendering
The "output" refers to what the inner HTML text should be of the textarea at the bottom of the page.
If they haven't inputted a street name , or the street name entered is invalid, the output should be "Please input a valid street name"
If they have inputted a street name , but haven't inputted a suburb / the suburb is invalid, the output should be "Please input a valid suburb"
If they have inputted a street name and suburb , but haven't inputted a postcode / the postcode is invalid, the output should be "Please
input a valid postcode"
If they have inputted a street name , suburb , and postcode , but haven't inputted a valid date of birth , the output should be "Please enter
a valid date of birth"
If they have entered the above correctly, the output is "You are [age (integer)] years old, and your address is [street name] St, [suburb],
[postcode], Australia. Your building is [a|an] [building type], and it has [features]"
If no features are selected, [features] is "no features"
If 1 feature is selected, [features] is just "[feature1]"
If 2 or more feature are selected, [features] is just "[feature1], [feature2], and [feature3]" etc, where "and" joins the last and second last
Please note: The age needs to be accurate - you cannot just subtract this year from the date of birth year, you must also take into account months
and days.
2.2. Getting started
This task requires you to modify src/script.js and only this file. Everything is done in this file. Do NOT modify the HTML file.
2.3. Sample outputs
The following are sample outputs for different valid combinations of value entries into the form.
 You are 23 years old, and your address is UNSW St, Kingsford, 2210, Australia. Your building is a House, and it has no features
 You are 38 years old, and your address is Ferrell St, Glebe, 2525, Australia. Your building is an Apartment, and it has AirConditioning
 You are 24 years old, and your address is Colin St, Randwick, 2323, Australia. Your building is a House, and it has Heating, AirConditioning,
Pool, and Sandpit
Ensure that your output in the textarea matches the spacing, letter casing and wording for each of the examples provided. Also note that features
are listed in order of their checkbox.
Please note: features are listed in order of how we describe them, NOT in the order they are clicked. Regardless of the order they were clicked the
output will follow the same pattern.
Constraints & Assumptions
You need to write Javascript (typically a combination of event listeners and DOM manipulations) that listen for actions described in 2.1.2 and
render the page described in 2.1.3 in conjunction with any constraints described in 2.1.1 .
3. Constraints & Assumptions
3.1. Browser Compatibility
You should ensure that your programs have been tested on one of the following two browsers:
Locally, Google Chrome (various operating systems) latest version
On CSE machines, Chromium
3.2. External libraries
You are restricted from using any third party JS libraries when completing this assessment. Basically, this means you can't import code using the