C++代写-CS3103-Assignment 3
CS3103: Operating Systems
Spring 2021
Programming Assignment 3

1 Introduction
The purpose of this assignment is to help you better understand Uni-processor Scheduling and
scheduling algorithms. To achieve this goal, you will use C/C++ to implement a single-threaded
program to simulate a scheduling system of a computer. The scheduling system should be able to
admit new processes to ready queue(s), select a process from ready queue to run using a particular
scheduling algorithm, move the running process to a blocked queue when it has to wait for an event
like I/O completion or mutex signals and put them back to ready queue(s) when the event occurs.

2 Requirements
2.1 Special Notes
In this assignment, you don’t need to actually schedule processes on a real CPU, which requires
deeper knowledge about Linux system and is not suitable for this assignment. The scheduling
system you implement would work in a simulated way. Both processes and processor are simulated
by your program. So, when we say a process is dispatched to CPU or I/O device in your program,
no new process or thread would be created or actually be dispatched to the device, you could just
simply mark the process’s status as “running on CPU” or “using I/O device”.

2.2 Overall Work Flow
You are required to implement a simulated scheduling system of a computer with only one CPU,
one keyboard and one disk. Each of these devices provides service to one process at a time, so
scheduling is required to coordinate the processes. Your scheduling system should work in a loop to
emulate the of behavior the CPU. Each loop is called a tick. In each loop iteration, the tick is
incremented by one to emulate the elapsed internal time of the CPU.

Figure 1: Overall work flow of your scheduler in each tick
As shown in Fig.1, the overall work flow of your scheduler in each tick can be divided into three
Step 1. At the beginning of each tick, the scheduler would check whether there are new processes
to be admitted to the ready queue. If multiple processes arrive at this tick, they should be enqueued
in ascending order of their process IDs.
Step 2. There is one block queue for each I/O device and each mutex. Processes waiting for an
I/O device or a mutex are inserted into the corresponding block queue. The event handler would
dispatch processes from block queues in FCFS manner to the I/O devices they are waiting for if the
devices become available. If a process is done with the device, it would be re-inserted to the ready
queue. Besides, the event handler would also check processes waiting for mutexes. Similar to I/O,
only the first process waiting in the mutex block queue is able to lock the mutex after the mutex is
unlocked by another process.
Step 3. If there is no process running on the CPU, your scheduling system would dispatch a
process to CPU from the ready queue according to one of the following scheduling algorithms:
First-Come-First-Served (FCFS), Round Robin (RR) and Feedback Scheduling (FB). At the end of
the tick, your scheduler should look ahead the service requested by the currently running process in
the next tick to determine the action required. For example, if the service next tick is disk I/O, then
blocking of the current process is required. If mutex operations (lock & unlock), which are assumed
to have a time cost of zero tick, are encountered while looking ahead, they should be executed
immediately and the scheduler would keep finding the next service which is not a mutex operation.
Finally, if the process on CPU uses up its time quantum, it should be preempted and placed at the
end of the ready queue (RR & FB only).

To make the implementation simpler, when a process is dispatched to CPU or I/O devices, it can be
kept in its current ready queue or block queue. In other word, you don’t need to move the processes
somewhere else in your program to simulate that they are in the CPU or I/O devices.

2.3 Processes
The information of processes is given in a text file with the following format.

# process_id arrival_time service_number
(followed by service_number lines)
service_type service_description
service_type service_description
… … … …
service_type service_description

There are 3 integers in the first line and the # marks the beginning of a process. The first number is
the process ID. The second number in the arrival time of the process in number of ticks. The third
number is the number of services requested by the process. Services are the resources the process
needs or some particular operations that the process executes. The following _
lines are the services requested and the description of the service. There are 5 different types of
services, namely C (CPU), K (keyboard input), D (disk I/O), L (mutex lock) and U (mutex unlock).
For service type C, K and D, the service description is an integer which is the number of ticks
required to complete the service. It is worth noting that the number of ticks required to complete
service K or D does NOT include the waiting time in the block queue. The keyboard and the disk
provide I/O service to processes in a FCFS manner. In other words, only the first process in each
block queue can receive I/O service. For service type L (mutex lock) and U (mutex unlock), the
service description is a string representing the name of the mutex. Similarly, if multiple processes
are waiting for a mutex to unlock, after other process unlocks it, the first process waiting in the
queue would get the mutex and lock it. Note that we assume the lock and unlock operation take 0
tick, which means they should be execute immediately.

# 0 0 8
C 2
D 6
C 3
K 5
C 4
L mtx
C 5
U mtx

Above is an example of a short process. This process with ID 0 arrives at your scheduling system at
tick 0. It requires 8 services in total. To complete its task, you need to schedule 2 ticks on CPU, 6
ticks for disk I/O, then another 3 ticks on CPU, 5 ticks to wait for keyboard input, then 4 ticks on
CPU, 0 tick to lock the mutex mtx, 5 ticks on CPU, and finally 0 tick to unlock the mutex mtx.
For simplicity and reasonability, the possible service type at the end of every service sequences
could only be C or U. And the process IDs are assumed to be consecutive integers from 0 to N-1, if
there are N processes.

2.4 Blockings
Several events may lead to the blocking of current process, for example, I/O interrupts or mutex
lock. You should implement multiple blocked queues for efficiently storing processes that are
blocked by such events. To be more exact, every kind of I/O interrupt (K and F) and every mutex
should have its own blocked queue. The event handler of your scheduling system should then handle
the processes in blocked queues in a FCFS manner: only the first process at each blocked queue can
receive the I/O service or mutex signals.
2.4.1 I/O Interrupts
You are required to implement two I/O interrupts in your scheduling system: keyboard input and
disk I/O. When an I/O interrupt occurs, your scheduling system should block the current process,
putting it into the corresponding blocked queue and after I/O completes, put the process back to
ready queue.
2.4.2 Mutexes
Since your scheduling system is a single-threaded program, the mutexes from pthread.h cannot be
applied to your system. Instead, you should implement your own mutex structure to allow mutual
exclusion in this simulated system. Your mutex should at least have one variable to store its status
(locked or unlocked) and have two functions mutex_lock and mutex_unlock to lock or unlock the
mutex, just like the ones in pthread.h. All mutexes used by the given processes would be inferred
from the given text file. Additionally, when several processes are waiting for a mutex in block queue,
only the one at the front can get the mutex once it is unlocked.

2.5 Scheduling Algorithms
In this assignment, you should implement 3 scheduling algorithms: FCFS, RR and Feedback
2.5.1 FCFS
First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) scheduling is the simplest scheduling algorithm. When the current
process ceases to execute, FCFS selects the process that has been in the ready queue the longest.
2.5.2 RR
Round Robin (RR) algorithm uses preemption based on the tick of your scheduling system. Clock
interrupts would be generated every K (K=5) ticks. When a clock interrupt occurs, the currently
running process is placed in the ready queue, select next ready job on a FCFS basis.
2.5.3 Feedback Scheduling
Feedback Scheduling (FB) is a complicated algorithm and has many implementations. In this
assignment, you will implement a simple version of Feedback Scheduling using a three-level
feedback ready queue, namely RQ0, RQ1 and RQ2. Different queues are of different level of priority.
RQ0 has the highest priority and RQ2 has the lowest. Specifically, your FB should follow the four
rules below:
1. A new process is inserted at the end of the top-level ready queue RQ0.
2. When current process ceases to execute, select the first process from the first non-empty ready
queue that has the highest priority.
3. Each ready queue works similarly to RR with a time quantum of K (K=5) ticks. If a process all
up its quantum time, it is preempted by other processes in ready queue. The processes
preempted are demoted to the next lower priority queue. (i.e. from RQi to RQi+1) There is no
process demotion for those in RQ2 since RQ2 has the lowest priority.
4. If a process blocks for I/O interrupts or mutexes, after it is ready again, it is re-inserted to the
tail of the same ready queue where it is dispatched earlier.

3 Input & Output samples
Your program must accept 3 arguments from command line. For example, your program should be
able to be compiled by the following command:
g++ 5xxxxxxx.cpp -o 5xxxxxxx
And executes with:
./5xxxxxxx FCFS processes.txt outputs.txt
The first argument is the name of scheduling algorithm, namely FCFS, RR and FB. The second
argument is the path of the process text file. Please refer to 2.3 for the format of process text file.
The last argument is the name of the output file.
Your program should output a text file which stores the scheduling details of each processes. For
each process, you should write two lines. The first line is the process ID of that process, i.e. process
0. The second line includes the time period that the process runs on CPU. Specifically, if a process
is scheduled to run on CPU from the -th tick to -th tick and from -th tick to -th tick, then
second line should be “ ”

# 0 0 7
C 3
K 9
C 5
L mtx
C 1
U mtx
C 3
# 1 0 5
C 1
L mtx
D 12
C 4
U mtx
# 2 2 5
C 3
K 5
C 5
D 7
C 5
# 3 5 3
C 6
D 8
C 5

The above are an example of input file, processes.txt. Assume that FCFS is employed to schedule
these processes. The execution sequence can be deducted and the output file outputs.txt of your
program should be something like:

process 0
0 3 13 18 27 31
process 1
3 4 18 22
process 2
4 7 22 27 36 41
process 3
7 13 31 36

More test cases would be uploaded to Canvas later. Those example cases are for debugging purposes
and may not cover all marking points. You could also design your own example for testing. Besides,
a helper program is provided to help you visualize the output result. You can download it from the
Canvas attachment (vis_schedule.zip), unzip it and open vis.html. This is a simple webpage on which
you click the open button and upload the output text file of your program, then a scheduling diagram
would be drawn on the page. The visualization diagram can help you check scheduling results and
debug your program. A visualization of the above example output is as follows:

Figure 2: example visualization of outputs.txt

The blue rectangles represent the time periods during which the processes are running in the CPU.
4 Marking Scheme
Important Note: You program will be tested on our CSLab Linux servers (cs3103-01, cs3103-02,
cs3103-03.cityu.edu.hk). You should describe clearly how to compile and run your program in a
readme text file. If an executable file cannot be generated or the executable file cannot run on our
Linux servers, your program will be considered as incorrect.
l Design of scheduling system (10%)
l Design of mutexes (10%)
l Design of blocking and blocking events (15%)
l Design of scheduling algorithms (FCFS: 10% + RR: 15% + FB: 20%)
l Program correctness (10%)
l Programming style (10%)

5 Submission
l This assignment is to be done by a group of two students, or individually if you are confident
enough. You are encouraged to discuss the high-level design of your solution with your
classmates but you must implement the program on your own. Academic dishonesty such as
copying another student’s work or allowing another student to copy your work, is regarded as
a serious academic offence.
l Each submission consists of two files: a source program file (.cpp file) and a readme text file,
if necessary, and all possible outputs produced by your program (.txt file).
l Write down your name(s), EID(s) and student ID(s) in the first few lines of your program as
l Use your student ID(s) to name your submitted files, such as 5xxxxxxx.cpp, 5xxxxxxx.txt for
individual submission, or 5xxxxxxx_5yyyyyyy.cpp, 5xxxxxxx_5yyyyyyyy.txt for group
submission. Only ONE submission is required for each group.
l The deadline is 11:00 a.m., 10-April-2021 (Saturday). No late submission will be accepted.

6 Hints & Notes
l The execution order of different operations is crucial for your scheduling system. Read the
requirements very carefully to make sure there are no mistakes.
l You are allowed to use C++ STL data structures like vector or queue to implement the ready
queue and block queues.
l Since the workload for building the whole scheduling system from scratch is too heavy for an
assignment, we provide you with a compilable and executable demo code of a simple
scheduling system which only supports FCFS and disk I/O blockings (it does not include other
I/O blockings or mutex implementation). You can download it from Canvas and build your
scheduling system based on the given code. The way to compile and execute the demo is
written in README.txt. But remember: you need to implement a complete scheduling system
based on the demo, submitting only the demo code or something similar would NOT get
any credit.

7 Questions?
l This is not a programming course. You are encouraged to debug the program on your own first.
l If you have any question, please submit your question to Mr WEN Zihao via the Discussion
board “Programming Assignment #3” on Canvas. To avoid possible plagiarism, do not post
your source code on the Discussion board.
l If you have some specific problems about the assignment, you may contact Mr WEN Zihao at
zihaowen2-c@my.cityu.edu.hk. Naïve problems like how to write the program or whether your
program is correct would NOT be answered.

