Instructions for ECON2206 In-Session Test 2024 T1:
Before the exam: Check your internet speed. The minimum internet speed requirement for
online exams is 4-5 Mbps. Inadequate internet speed will have a significant impact on your
exam. To check your internet speed, take the following steps:
Step 1: Make sure you are on the computer that you will be using and at the location
where you will be for your online exam.
Step 2: Go to and select the Go button.
Step 3: When the test is complete, you will be presented with the results, detailing the
download/upload speeds and the connection.
Step 4: If your Download or Upload internet speed is below 4-5 Mbps, we strongly
suggest you find a place with faster internet speed.
Day of exam:
1. Under the In-session Test section, read the Student Declaration form in order to continue.
This will be made available at least 15 min prior to the start of the exam.
2. If you experience a technical or connection problem during the exam that interferes with
your ability to upload your responses, you need to take ALL of the following actions:
Step 1. Take screenshots of as many of the following as possible, depending on your
particular issue:
• error messages
• screen not loading
• timestamped speed tests
• power outage maps
• internet/mobile data outage maps
Step 2. Contact me immediately at (I will be sitting by the
computer the entire length of the exam) and advise me of the issue you are experiencing.
Step 3. Submit a Special Consideration application immediately at the conclusion of the
exam and upload the screenshots. For more information about Special Consideration, visit
You need to complete all 3 steps in order to apply for Special Consideration due to
technical difficulties.
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3. Examination time: 1 hour. The exam opens at 2pm (Sydney time) for everyone, and ends
at 3pm (Sydney time) for everyone. Please set your own alarm to 3:00pm, since the
count down clock in Moodle will include the 15 minute grace period (see point below).
4. Once the exam ends, there is a 15 minute grace period (from 3:00pm to 3:15pm) in
which you can upload any documents (MS word, scans, or photos) of responses if you
have not done so prior to the end of the exam. However, this should NOT be
understood as 15 extra minutes to work on your responses. You are expected to begin
uploading your responses no later than the start of the grace period and to complete
uploading shortly thereafter.
5. Once the grace period is over NO responses will be accepted. Please see point 2
above with regard to Special Consideration for technical difficulties and connection
6. You may refer to any course materials during the exam. You can also use a calculator.
7. You are NOT allowed to communicate with or receive communications from anyone
during the exam, other than emailing me with any questions about the exam. My email is
8. You will be allowed to go back and forth between sections.
9. Total available marks: TBD.
10. For each question in section B, you have the option to type in your response in the
textbox provided OR write your responses on blank paper, scan the sheets of paper, and
attach the file in the space provided. For most students it will probably be easiest to
upload at least some of their responses. If you will be scanning responses, please read the
point below.
11. When you have completed your responses on paper, scan your sheets of paper to PDF
using a scanning app on your phone such as Scanner Pro or Adobe Scan, and upload the
PDF files in the space provided. If you are having trouble with the scanning software,
you can take photos of your responses and upload them instead of PDF documents.
12. Clearly explain your answers. Partial marks may be awarded only if a substantial part of
the answer is provided.
13. Clearly indicate your final answer for each question.
14. Once you have finished the last section, click “Finish attempt...” You will be taken to a
summary page where you have a chance to go back and revise your responses. Once you
click “Submit all and finish” from the summary page, Moodle will register your exam as
complete and no further changes can be made.
