GR5261/GU4261 Final Project Instruction
Group member list due: March 16
Project presentations: April 3 and April 10
Project report due: April 19
You are required to participate in a group project. A group may consist of about 3-4 par-
ticipants, each contributing to the project report and presentation. Each group should send one
group member list to George ( by March 16. If you have difficulty in finding
partners, please let us know and we will try to make connections. Anyone not in the lists by March
16 will form groups by us. Your group should decide a topic on some statistical analysis of financial
data. The statistical methods may not be limited to those covered in the lectures. The last two
classes will be dedicated to project presentations. The written report of your project is due on
Monday, April 19 (online submission) and should include the following parts.
0. A title page, with the title of the project and each participant’s name. If no individualized
contribution is specified, we will view it as equal contribution towards the project.
1. An introduction describing the study and the data.
2. Main objectives and a plan on how to achieve them.
3. Description of your analysis, including methods, formulae being used and, possibly theory
behind them.
4. Results of statistical analysis, with your own interpretation. In presenting your results, you
may want to use summary tables/figures.
5. Conclusions.
6. Attachments: computer codes and a selection of computer outputs.
* The main part (items 1-5) should be no more than five pages long, but there is no page limit on
the attachment.