FIT5145-无代写-Assignment 2
Faculty of Information Technology
Semester 1, 2024
FIT5145: Foundations of Data Science
Assignment 2: Description
Due Date: Sunday, Week 8 (April 28, 2024), 11:55 PM
The aim of this assignment is to investigate and visualise data using R. It will test your ability to:
1. Read data files and extract related data from those files;
2. Clean and process data into the required formats;
3. Perform exploratory data analysis and visualisation;
4. Use basic tools for managing and processing data; and
5. Communicate your findings in your report.
Assessment Details:
● Assessment Type: Individual Assignment
● Total marks: 15%
● Due Date: Sunday, Week 8 (April 28, 2024), 11:55 PM. Please note that submissions will not
be accepted after 5 May 2024 (i.e., 7 days after the due date).
Submission Details:
You will need to submit two separate files (PDF report and RMD file).
1. A report in PDF containing your (a) code, (b) answer, and (c) explanation used to answer
each question.
(a) code: Please directly convert the RMD file including your codes into the PDF file (Note:
Please Knit RMD to HTML and print the HTML as pdf). If you want to use Word
or other word processing software to format your submission, please copy your
codes from the RMD file and paste into Word (Please do NOT take the
screenshots of your code).
(b) answer: Please make sure to include screenshots/images of the code outputs and
written answers for each question.
(c) explanation: Please explain how you answered each question (i.e.: explaining your codes
or summarising your work for each question).
Marks will be assigned to reports based on their correctness and clarity. For example, higher
marks will be awarded to reports that include graphs with appropriately labelled axes and
sufficient comments for the code.
2. The RMarkdown file: Please submit the RMarkdown file that contains your R codes. Your
file should contain all the codes, and proper comments. If your work uses new libraries that
have not been introduced in classes, please include instructions on how to get these libraries
1. Whenever a question asks for a certain value, your code should produce the value. For
example, when a question asks for the number of rows contained in a table, your code should
print out the number of the rows. Extraction of the answer manually by eye-examination will
not earn any marks.
2. Assignment should be submitted in two files (PDF report and RMD file):
a. Failing to submit one of the two files will result in losing 20% of the total mark of
this assignment.
b. An RMD file that generates errors when running will not be considered.
3. Please do NOT zip your submission files. Zip file submission will have a penalty of 20% of
the total mark of the assignment.
4. Please make sure that you can select and highlight texts in your PDF, as shown below
then the turnitin score can be generated properly for your PDF file (we just need the Turnitin
score for the PDF file, not the RMD file).
Assignment Task:
The dataset for this assignment is in the file “ireland_news.csv” and it can be accessed from the
Assessments page on Moodle.
The data used in this task contains the news articles published by various news providers in Ireland
from 1996 to 2021. It provides a long term birds eye view of the happenings in Europe. Therefore,
analysing this dataset with news text is important for extracting insights such as trends, key events and
other interesting points in relation to news, news topics and news providers.
Each row in the data file details information about a single news article, including the date of
publication, its headline category (topic), the article’s headline text, and the corresponding news
provider. For instance, a sample row in the data is shown below, detailing the article's category as
“news”, publication date on 14/11/2009 by Irish Times, and headline text: “Power supply lost to
Dublin airport”.
pulish_date headline_category headline_text news_provider
Saturday, 14th
of November,
news Power supply lostto Dublin airport Irish Times
... ... ... ...
In this assignment, you are supposed to perform data analysis to gain a better understanding of the
published news articles of different headline categories and news providers in Ireland over different
periods of time in the past years.
1. What are the earliest and latest articles from Irish Independent, irrespective of headline
category? Please also sort the data according to the column publish_date in an ascending
manner and display the last 5 records of the data.
2. How many unique headline_category values are there in the data file? Please consider
variations (e.g.: capitalisation, potential inconsistencies) of the headline_category values,
when counting them.
How many news category articles contain either the keyword, "Ireland", "Irish", "US", or
"USA" along with year digits from 2000 to 2024 in headline_text? For example, you need to
search and count articles containing both “Ireland” and the year digits, or containing both
“Irish” and the year digits, and so on.
3. Please display the top 10 headline categories with the largest number of articles published on
Monday throughout the years. Then, draw a chart showing the total number of articles for the
top 10 headline categories (as identified previously) for each year. What can you observe?
Please discuss the chart and your findings.
4. Compute the total number of articles for each headline category and news provider. Then, use
a single R function/command to display the statistical information, i.e., Min, Max, and Mean,
of the total number of articles (as computed previously) for each news provider. Note: You
can use multiple functions/commands to get the desired pre-processed data table, but when
you compute and display the statistical information, you need to use a single R
5. Please compute the total number of articles for each headline category, news provider, and the
day of the week. Then, compute the average number of articles for each news provider and
the day of the week, based on the total number of articles computed previously.
After that, please display the day of the week with the highest average number of articles for
each provider. The output data should be structured in the following format.
News provider The day of week (with the highestaverage number of articles)
The highest average
number of articles
Irish Examiner Mon 843
Irish TImes Wed 1023
... ... ...
6. Please select the 2019 and 2020 data and categorise the data based on the period it falls in. To
do this, add a new column named “Period” and fill it with the suitable period names based on
the publish_date value. The publish_date should be assigned the following period names:
publish_date Value to be inserted in Period column
1/1/19 - 31/3/19 Period 1
1/4/19 - 30/6/19 Period 2
1/7/19 - 30/9/19 Period 3
1/10/19 - 31/12/19 Period 4
1/1/20 - 31/3/20 Period 5
1/4/20- 30/6/20 Period 6
1/7/20 - 30/9/20 Period 7
1/10/20 - 31/12/20 Period 8
After that, write the code to compute the total number of articles by period and headline
category for the top 10 headline categories, then generate a boxplot showing the total number
of articles for each of the periods.
7. Please sample 1% of the data, conduct the text pre-processing for the values of the
headline_text column in the sampled data, and display a portion (the first few columns and
rows) of a document-term matrix generated. Then, draw a plot showing the top 10 most
frequent words where the x-axis represents the frequency of words and the y-axis represents
the words themselves. Additionally, generate a word cloud.
8. Now using the original dataset, please draw any chart or create any summary table which
hasn’t been investigated in the previous questions and discuss them. Marks will be given
based on depth of investigation (What analysis and discussion have been done) and reasoning
(How insights and conclusions have been drawn).