BFF3751 Derivatives
Assignment (20%), Semester 1, 2024
Due Date: 6/May/2024, MON, 11:55 pm (Week 10)
Weighting/Value: 20%
Topic: What We Can Learn from the Financial Disasters?
Task: This assessment is designed to test students’ learning outcomes 1, 2, and 3. Students
are expected to complete this assignment individually. Based on your surname, select one of
the following cases about financial disasters caused by derivatives mishaps (see business
snapshots 37.1 and 37.2 on pages 816-817 of the textbook):
1. UBS 2011
2. Société Générale 2008
3. Sumitomo 1990s
4. Barings 1995
Required: Students whose last names start with (1) A to G should select case 1; (2) H to L
should select case 2; (3) M to S should select case 3; and (4) T to Z should select case 4.
Incorrect selection will be penalized.
Part 1: Writing Report (13%)
(a) Students are expected to study Chapter 37 of the textbook and incorporate the
contents from the textbook (and/or other sources) with the case, then answer “what we can
learn from the case.” A summary of Chapter 37 without an appropriate connection with the
case is considered an unacceptable answer.
(b) Students may discuss the impact of the financial disasters on other participants in the
financial market and their reactions, for example, peer firms, shareholders, regulators, and so
(c) Students should provide efficient and logical analysis and show comprehensive
evidence to support the conclusion.
(d) Students can use information from multiple sources as long as the source is
appropriately referenced, for example, academic journal articles, media reports, regulation
discussions, etc.
(e) Students must use their own words but not directly copy or quote from a particular
source. Graphs, figures, or tables can be included in the report with appropriate citations. All
assignments will be processed by plagiarism check.
(f) Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools can be used, but not more than 50% of
your work. The purpose of using generative AI tools is to assist your research but not
write your report. For example, if you have ten paragraphs with 100 words, you can use
generative AI tools to assist you with five paragraphs. Using generative AI tools to write and
copy a paragraph to your report with a minor edition is unacceptable.
Where used, generative AI must be used responsibly. Any use of generative AI tools
must be appropriately acknowledged (see Learn HQ). In addition, you need to screenshot all
conversations with generative AI tools and attach them to the appendix of your report.
Format Requirements:
The writing report should include the following components: a title page with an abstract
(150 words max), introduction, body, conclusion, reference, and appendix.
 Word count: 1000 words (+ or –10%). Abstract, reference, and appendix are excluded
from the word count.
 Format: 12-point Times New Roman font, 1.5 lines spacing, normal margin.
 Tables and figures: Insert in the body section.
 Reference: Work submitted for this assignment must be consistent with the guidelines
in the Q Manual, which is the faculty’s student guide for producing quality work on time.
Marks may be deducted where in-text citations and/or the reference list are inconsistent with
the American Psychological Association (APA) style illustrated in the Q Manual. The Q
Manual is available on Moodle.
 Submit the electronic copy via Moodle.
 The electronic submission should be in Word or PDF format.
Part 2: Presentation (7%)
Students are expected to shoot a presentation video based on the writing report as described
in part 1.
Format Requirements: Students must show the PPT and record themselves in the video (i.e.,
video recording but not picture). The required recording format is shown as follows (i.e.,
show PPT as background and your face at the top right corner):
Recording software: Zoom
Length: 10 mins (+ or –1 min)
File format: mp4
File size: 500MB max strictly (e.g., a 10 mins zoom video should be about 120MB)
Presentation tips:
A guide to oral presentations:
The following links show some insightful tips for good presentation slides:
Recording equipment: Computer or phone with a camera. You can use other software or
equipment; however, ensure the uploaded file is in MP4 format and does not exceed the
required length and size.
Video edit: Not allowed. However, you can use the pause function in Zoom.
Technical issues: This task aims to exercise students’ virtual learning and working abilities.
Students are expected to self-resolve the technical issues and record the video using Zoom.
Students are responsible for ensuring the image and audio are functioning well in the video
and that the uploading file does not exceed the required length and size.
 Important note: Make sure you check and play your video after recording. DO NOT
submit at the last minute, as the uploading takes time.
Use Zoom to Record:
Using a computer, you can save the recorded Zoom video locally. The following link shows
the steps of local recording:
If you record using the Zoom app of your phone, the procedure is similar, except the video is
saved in the cloud. You can download it from your Zoom account after the recording.
 Submit the electronic copy via Moodle.
 The electronic submission should be in MP4 format. Do not compress the file.

Academic Integrity: To ensure the academic integrity of your submission and to deter others
from copying your work, your submission may be processed by text-matching software such
as Turnitin. For additional information, the University’s Student Academic Integrity Policy
can be found at the URL:
Criteria for Marking: Overall, the work submitted for assessment will be graded in
accordance with the Faculty approved Grading Descriptors:
Penalties for Late Lodgement: Penalties for late lodgement: The University has a standard
penalty for a late submission. See the Marking and Feedback Procedure for more
Special Consideration: You need to apply for special consideration no later than two
University working days after the due date of the affected assessment or activity. For the
application link, please visit the following link:
Assignment Marking Guide
Name / ID / Project Number: _________________________________________________
Part 1: Writing Report (13 marks) _________
Part 2: Presentation (7 marks) _________
Other deductions ________ due to _______________________________________________
Total: _____ / 20
Other Comments:
