
7209MKT Integrated Marketing Communication
Assessment 1 Background Analysis and Creative Brief
Group: X
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Brief company overview
HelloFresh was established in 2011 in Germany. It is a distinctive delivery company
that specializes in providing raw food materials and recipes (“Hellofresh,” 2020).
Users can choose the dishes and ingredients that they need from the selected menu
of HelloFresh, and then make an appointment to order them. Company collects
users’ orders one week in advance, sorts and packs ingredients in a storage center,
and delivers them to households in next week.

Competitive environment
Current strategy
Currently, Hellofresh utilizes demonstration strategy to show a box of fresh food
materials in its standard display ads, which in order to prove it performs as its claim.
Besides, it posts brand image and “get $35 off” on the ads to delivery message that
reminds and persuades customers’ call-to-action (Nickel, 2020).

In addition, Hellofresh uses “American’s most popular meal kit” as their single-mind-
proposition, which gives a reason for customers to choice (Nickel, 2020). At the end
of the landing page, Hellofresh utilizes testimonial strategy to tell and inform users
the effectiveness of the their products in form of existing customers’ short story
(Nickel, 2020).

Moreover, Hellofresh uses slice-of-life appeal to place the brand in a social context,
which customers can be attracted by ‘real’ household, as they can see people using
Hellofresh’s products in ‘real’ situation (Solomon, Marshall, & Stuart, 2008).

Characteristics of target audience/s
Hellofresh’s target audiences are considered from three dimensions of customers’
lifestyle (psychological), family structure (demographic) and consumer habits
(behavioural). Offering the classic plan for customers who are looking for a good
lifestyle of making routine dinner, and providing family plan to satisfy those families
with young kids, and veggie plan is particularly offered for vegetarians (“Hellofresh,”

Communication tools use
Hellofresh applies communication tools of sales promotion to offer discount
information through social media (e.g. YouTube & Facebook) and official websites
that pursue customers. Besides, it utilizes advertisement to inform customers of
weekly menu through mass media (e.g. email & TV), which is developed by a team
of nutritionists and chefs to ensure a good cooking experience for users at home.
Level of integration
Data integration: Hello fresh shares relevant data (the customized recipes to
influence their choices and develop their eating habits and healthy attitudes) across
different media (IMC, 2015).
Vertical integration: Hellofresh’s current marketing and communications objectives
are supporting the corporate increasing sales (IMC, 2015).
External integration: Hellofresh greatly utilizes several advertisement appeal
strategies to delivery an integrated message to customers (IMC, 2015).

Analysis of the situation
Current market situation
Political environment: Regulations on organic and GMO food give HelloFresh the
opportunity to further improve its standards to ensure proper labelling of organic and
GMO free products.
Economic environment: According to Nielsen's article in industry magazine Grocery
Dive, 14.3 million American households purchased meal sets in the second half of
2018, an increase of 3.8 million from 2017 (Seal, 2019).
Social environment: American people attach great importance to healthy lifestyle
(Levine et al., 2016).

Current problems and threats
HelloFresh has not made a profit since its inception. According to the Emory
university study, only 17% of users stuck with HelloFresh for more than six months.
According to the survey, among the reasons why American consumers choose not to
buy the meal kit, 54% of them say that the price is too high (Hughes, 2020). So, high
recruiting costs, low retention and high distribution costs have become the big
obstacles for Hellofresh to develop.

Competitor status
Blue Apron lost some users as it cuts back on marketing spending and benefits. To
reduce its losses, Blue Apron has expanded from online sales to Costco stores and
plans to set up pop-up shops in U.S. cities to promote the brand.
Chef'd, which is based in the U.S., also recently expanded its business to offline
sales, expanding its current distribution to Costco, Harris Teeter, Hy-Vee and Weis
Markets in 27 states. In addition, Chef’d established a cooperative relationship with
Weight Watcher, a health and Weight loss consulting company, in 2015 to design
healthy diet meals according to Weight Watcher points and set its finger on the
market of healthy diet.
Walmart and amazon whole foods are also threatening the online ordering industry
because of their ability to sell semi-finished products offline without requiring a long-
term order (Andrew, 2019).

1. Customized recipes ensure a customer experience.
2. A weekly order can effectively reduce costs.
1. Lack of supporting offline store services.
2. Lack of valuable partners.
1. The rise of e-commerce.
2. People's lifestyles and healthy attitudes are changing.
3. The COVID-19 outbreak is driving more Americans to eat at
1. The offline sale of semi-finished food by big supermarket
chains poses a threat.
2. The offline development and cross-border cooperation of
competitors in the same industry have attracted many

According to the SWOT analysis, it helps HelloFresh to achieve higher sales volume.

Problem identification
The major IMC problem is reducing costs while attracting more customers, which
requires HelloFresh to grasp the needs of customers more accurately and provides
more convenient services for customers in the fierce competition. This also requires
learning from competitors, launching offline businesses, and cooperating with
appropriate partners to make brand communication more influential and achieve win-
win situation. The core competitiveness of fresh retail is warehouse integration.
Offline retail can cover the cost of warehousing, online gross profit directly into profit.
HelloFresh's IMC strategy in the Internet environment includes creating a life circle
that understands consumer needs and revolves around the life scenarios of target

Creative Brief
The purpose of creative brief
A creative brief is the foundation of any advertising or marketing campaign
(Salemme, 2020). The purpose of this creative brief is to improve its present creative
process and optimize the content, which increases the customer conversion,
retention and sales to gain competitive advantage and get more market share.

Brand positioning
Hellofresh is a successful brand in Innovative food concept. It has differentiated from
competitors by positioning itself as purely functional attributes (Bakeberg, 2020).
However, Hellofresh is inability to differentiate themselves from other similar
products in the market and building loyalty with existing customers. According to the
article, the idea of “ inspiration” and “motivation” are the most effective way to
stimulate customers’ emotional appealing and increase customer retention, which
encourages Hellofresh to reposition itself by combining attributes of purely functional
and emotional appealing (Bakeberg, 2020). Aligning with the existing brand position,
expanding their core statement of “easy home-cooked meals” to involve inspiring
that customers to discover new things in diet.

Comparing to Hellofresh’s competitors, its purely functional attributes are offering
convenient service, fresh and healthy products. Although it provides better quality of
products, Hellofresh’s competitors (home chef & blue apron) are charging a lower
price (respectively $6.99/pp and $9.99/pp with free shipping) for the same kind of
meal plan (Weliver, 2020). Hellofresh’s pricing meals range from 7.49 - $11.5 without
shipping fees, which older cohorts are less willing to pay and vegetarians believes
that high price subsidizes the meat consumption (Campbell, 2019). Hellofresh could
reposition itself by lower price and offering high quality products in customer’s mind.

Measurable objectives
Hellofresh needs to establish effective communication objectives that requires a
serious of information dissemination to attract more users through to purchase action
as well as increase their loyalty.

The first step is expecting Hellofresh’s target audience aware that there is a brand of
delivering fresh food materials on the market. Hellofresh can create awareness
through advertising, which places a simple, repetitive marketing message on
television, such as brand name and logo (Solomon, Marshall, & Stuart, 2008).
Hellofresh might also consider to create a “teaser” ad campaign in the outdoor bus
shelter, which utilizes slogans and jingles strategy that says “where every one can
get fresh food and keep healthy” without showing actual products to inform target
customers and promote brand recall.

According to the demographic segmentation, Hellofresh segments young generation
(e.g. university students), male and family in target market (Baldwin, 2018). However,
the elder generation was neglected to target. Actually, elder generation could be a
potential target group for Hellofresh because there are more than 40% of elder
people in the U.S. that has disability. (“Disability statistic annual report,” 2017).
Hellofresh is a good way for them to overcome the non-convenience outside
shopping. Thus, the objective in this stage may create 50% brand awareness from
baby boomers to generation Y.

The second step is an effective stage that creates desire and encourages purchase
towards the products, which in order to persuade a part of target customers that
Hellofresh’s meal plan is preferable than others (Solomon, Marshall, & Stuart, 2008).
Hellofresh at this stage might combine both rational and emotional appeals in
advertising campaign. With a rational appeal, Hellofresh could delivery descriptive
message through marketing communication of print advertisement, such as
magazine or newspaper (Solomon, Marshall, & Stuart, 2008). For example, focusing
on the products’ attributes and benefits describing or single-minded proposition that
in order to link to the brand name and show its brand positioning relative to
competitors. Hellofresh’s present single-minded proposition is “America’s most
popular meal kit” in U.S. market, which is unclear to express the reason why the
Hellofresh’s product is the best option for customers (Animitevabg, 2020). It could
utilize the tagline “be a expert in making healthy homemade food” as a SMP to
delivery a motivating message that encourages customers to make the homemade
food properly and keep healthy. With the emotional appeals, Hellofresh might use
celebrity endorsers in the ad campaign to increase brand credibility to strength its
SMP and satisfy customers’ social and psychological needs, which hopes customers
can transfer their positive feeling from ad into the products and persuades them to
do the purchase action (Solomon, Marshall, & Stuart, 2008).

The final step is establishing a reliable relationship with existing customers in order
to build loyalty (Solomon, Marshall, & Stuart, 2008). Loyalty customers have a
certain commitment in the emotional to purchase same brand repeatedly (Alan &
Kunal, 1994). Hellofresh might strength their resonance strategy to evoke customers’
emotional appealing through popular television shows, which applies new tone to
delivery the message that customer not only can do easily healthy meal at home, but
also can be motivated and get inspired in cooking. In addition, Hellofresh can
continuously communicate and interact with users through social media and posts
discount and coupons information to stimulate customers doing repurchase action.
Besides, Hellofresh needs to provide discount information through direct email or
flysheet in mailbox because the most of older generations aren't used to the social
media (Campbell, 2019).

Budget maintains business run stable and drives business forward in a safe situation
(Banks, 2018). Due to incomplete or wrong budget strategy, Hellofresh is suffering
from its incomplete budget plan currently. Failed and incomplete budget plan causes
its high pricing strategy, which is unable to attract new consumers. Hellofresh should
think about their communication tools carefully, combine advertising strategy, which
uses TV, website and newspaper as its main communication channel.
In the past, Hellofresh only focused on online communication and promotion, which
makes it losing their market share and market advantage comparing with their
competitors (who have already started using offline communication tools). Hellofresh
should re-adjust its communication tools, not only focus on online communication,
but also should consider allocating their budget on offline communication tools, such
as newspaper, mail, and billboard. These offline communication tools can help
Hellofresh to attract new customers like some old people who don’t use PC. So,
Hellofresh should increase its offline channel advertisement and promotion budget
At the same time, the USA is affected by COVID-19 and number of people who be
infected more than 190000. People are panic now and they want stay home to
protect themselves, which is a great opportunity for Hellofresh. Hellofresh can
provide cook recipe and delivery food materials to customer’s home. Under this
situation, online communication channel become most popular place, Hellofresh
should increase its budget cost on website ads, social media like Youtube and
Facebook etc. Providing promotion information online by offering different discount
codes to first time users and loyal customers.
According to affordability method, Hellofresh can provide advertisements on
websites and TVs to remind people that it is best to stay at home due to the impact
of COVID-19 and promote the information that they can provide recipes and food
delivery for the family. As above, due to ignorance on offline channel and COVID-19
impact, Hellofresh need re-allocate its budget by putting more budget cost on
Website, TVs, newspaper, social media and broadcast’s advertisement and
promotion. Hellofresh needs to consider carefully that how much they could put in
budget cost as they already lost their advantage in USA market than its competitors
and not good at sales. If Hellofresh spends too much money on budget, it may leads
to financial liquidity problem in future. Thus, depends on Hellofresh 2019 annual
report, the new budget should increase its cost on its communication tools by 5%
which informs or reminds people that they can choose Hellofresh delivery as an
alternative choice of shopping under the COVID-19 situation and improve 5% of
budget cost for provide promotion mix like discount. At the same time Hellofresh
should increase budget cost of improving delivery method, which reduces customer’s
delivery fee by 4% to encourage people use Hellofresh.

Evaluation and feedback
For a great creative brief, it needs to evaluate its development (McOwen-Banks,
2014). In order to evaluate the creative brief, it needs to check is it related back to
the original requirements on the brief. It must be not subjective. Hellofresh can
evaluate its own creative brief subjective and fairly. By checking the creative work,
Hellofresh might solve its currently main problem and check audience whether they
enjoy the style of creative work or not. Ensuring the creative work is unique and
memorable for customers to make difference. Hellofresh needs to set meeting with
creative work team to discuss and share information about their works as well as
evaluate creative work by both side’s feedbacks and opinions. Besides, evaluating
its potential risk is very important. Both of management and creative work should
consider about the risk they might face and prepare related backup.

Reference list:

Alan, D., & Kunal, B. (1994). Customer Loyalty: Toward an Integrated Conceptual Fr
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Baldwin, D. (2018). 3 Target audiences to market your meal delivery service to.
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Banks, K. (2018). The Importance of Budgeting in Business. Retrieved from
Campbell, P. (2019). MEAL-KIT delivery teardown: blue apron vs. hellofresh. Retriev
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Disability statistics annual report. (2017). Retrieved from https://disabilitycompendiu
Hellofresh – who we are. (2020). Retrieved from https://www.hellofreshgroup.com
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Nickel, B. (2020). Advertising strategies from the billion dollar business of meal kit
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Salemme, I. (2020). What is a creative brief in advertising and marketing? Retrieved
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Seal, K. (2019). Grocery Stores Boost Sales for Meal Kit Industry. Retrieved from htt
Solomon, M. R., Marshall, G. W., & Stuart, E. W. (2008). Marketing: Real people, rea
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Weliver, D. (2020). Meal delivery comparison: home chef vs. hellofresh vs. blue apro
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