英文代写-BSAD 009
BSAD 009 – Written Assignment Outline
Spring 2021
I. Tell your story
a. How did you get to this point in time?
b. Why did you choose to make the decisions that got you to this point?
c. Where do you want to go and what do you want to do moving forward?
d. Why do you want to:
i. Go to a certain geographical area?
ii. Go into that certain line of work?
iii. Live with your parents for a year?
iv. Etc.
e. Outline what the purpose of the assignment is and what you hope to learn by going
through this process
II. Income Analysis
a. Talk about the pay you will receive
i. How did you arrive at that pay amount? Is it an estimate? Is it an actual offer?
ii. Go through your take home process where you start at gross income and show
your path to your actual take home pay amount
1. Show your work
2. Add commentary along the way as you see fit or what you find
III. Expense Analysis
a. Break your expenses into categories of your choosing. Along the way add context on
each item, how did you find that amount? Why is it important to choose this type of
b. Sample category options:
i. Housing
1. Rent
2. Utilities
3. Security Deposits
ii. Food
1. Grocery shopping
2. Eating out
iii. Insurance – What does each cost? How does each coverage work? Why is it
important to have each type of insurance?
1. Healthcare
2. Life (20 year term)
3. Disability
4. Car
iv. Transportation
1. Car payment?
2. Bus pass? MetroCard?
3. Gas, car maintenance
4. Car insurance
v. Personal expenses
1. Shopping
2. Travel
3. Entertainment (Sporting events/Concerts)

IV. Saving and Retirement
a. Emergency fund
i. Why it’s important
ii. How much do you need? How did you get that amount?
iii. What is your plan?
1. How much will you save?
2. Where will you save this money?
b. Retirement Savings
i. Why it’s important
ii. How much do you need?
1. Show some Time Value of Money calculations for bonus points!
2. How will you save for retirement?
3. How will you invest? Why?

V. Summarize everything!
a. At end of each section above you can itemize each expense and break down by annual
and monthly amounts.
b. At end of paper take all of the micro elements you have organized throughout the paper
and provide one singular spreadsheet that shows it all together.
c. Goal is to show your expenses compared to your take home pay
i. This will show if there is a surplus or deficit.
ii. If a deficit, what do you need to do to correct things?
iii. If a surplus, what will you do with this extra money left over?

VI. Conclusion
a. What did you learn from this exercise?
b. What things surprised you?
c. What will you do differently now that you have taken this course?

