程序代写案例-COMP90007 2021
COMP90007 2021 Semester 1
Tutorial 01
1. Provide a definition of a Distributed System
1. Provide a definition of a Distributed System
- A system in which hardware or software components located at networked
computers communicate and coordinate their actions only by passing
message [Coulouris]
- A collection of independent computers that appears to its users as a single
coherent system [Tanenbaum]
2. Briefly explain the difference between a computer network
and a distributed system.
2. Briefly explain the difference between a computer network
and a distributed system.
A Computer Network: Is a collection of spatially separated, interconnected
computers that exchange messages based on specific protocols. Computers are
addressed by IP addresses.
A Distributed System: Multiple computers on the network working together as a
system. The spatial separation of computers and communication aspects are
hidden from users.
3. List three reasons for using a distributed system.
3. List three reasons for using a distributed system.
- Economy (cost effective)
- Reliability (fault tolerance)
- Availability (high uptime)
- Scalability (extendible)
- Functional Separation (Modularity)
The main motivation to build and use distributed systems is Resource Sharing
- Hardware Resources (Disks, printers, scanners etc.)
- Software Resources (Files, databases etc)
- Other (Processing power, memory, bandwidth)
4. Briefly explain four consequences when using distributed
systems, i.e. issues that arise that are not present otherwise.
4. Briefly explain four consequences when using distributed
systems, i.e. issues that arise that are not present otherwise.
- Concurrency
- Heterogeneity
- No Global Clock
- Independent Failures
Java IDE
IDE - Integrated Development Environment
Used to facilitate development, options available:
- Eclipse (supported by this subject)
- IntelliJ
- Netbeans
You can use any IDE of your choice
Quick Eclipse Demo
- Create a new Eclipse project
- Add a JAR file (internal / external)
- Build an executable jar file
Create a new Eclipse Project
Build an executable jarfile
- Export a Jar
- Execute Program using Jar
Add a JAR file (internal / external)
Command Line Arguments

