CIS 315: Introduction to Business Data Analytics
Spring 2021
Mondays & Wednesdays
Professor: Jessica Pye
E-mail : Jessica.pye@asu.edu
Office Hours: Tuesdays 1 - 3pm & Thursdays 1:30 – 3:30pm and by appointment
Where is... ?
Course Objective
W.P. Carey School of Business Learning Goals
What Should I Already Know?
What Materials Will I Need?
Where Do I Find Course Materials?
How Do I Get in Touch with You?
What Are The In-Person Face Covering and Distancing Requirements? ........................................................3
About COVID-19?
How Is Class Structured?
How Can I Attend Class?
Zoom Instructions
Classroom Etiquette
Is Attendance Recorded?
What If I Miss A Class?
Can I Take An Exam In A Different Section?
What If The Professor Hasn’t Shown Up?
Emergencies, Extraordinary Situations, or Other Life Issues?
.................................................................... 5
If I Am Sick?
What Is Our Course Schedule?
What Am I Graded On?
What Are In-Class Assignments Like?
What Are Homework Assignments Like?
What Is The Late Policy?
What Will Exams Be Like?
How Will My Grade Be Calculated?
What is the Grading Scale?
How Do I Appeal My Grade?
Use/Availability of Y-Grades
Can I Bring My Grade Up At The End of the Semester?
How Can I Get Help? What If I Am Lost? Help?!
What Are The Academic Integrity and Ethical Behavior Policies?
I Receive An Incomplete?
Can I Post Course Material? What If I Google Your Course Material? .......................................................12
Do I Get Disability Accommodations?
What Is This Title IX Thing I Have Heard About?
How Do I Do Well In This Class?
CIS 315 Syllabus Spring 2021
Course Description
This course provides an overview of data
analytics in the business context, including
Data Visualization, Descriptive Analytics,
Predictive Analytics, and Prescriptive
Analytics. These business data analytics topics
address the theory and knowledge necessary to
analyze business data in order to support better
decision making.
Course Objective
Students enrolled in CIS 315 will study the
fundamental building blocks of business data
analytics. On completion of the course,
students should be able to:
Ø Develop critical and logical thinking for
real-world applications
Ø Apply various types and classes of analytics
to different classes of business needs and
Ø Construct models to transform raw data into
high-value, high-impact business analytics
Ø Find meaningful patterns within data and
draw conclusions from the patterns
Ø Deliver analytics to business decision-
makers and other knowledge workers
W.P. Carey School of Business Learning Goals
The Undergraduate Program of the W.P. Carey School of Business has established the following
learning goals for its graduates:
1. Critical Thinking 4. Ethical Awareness and Reasoning
2. Communication 5. Global Awareness
3. Discipline Specific Knowledge
What Should I Already Know?
Prerequisites(s) with C or better: CIS 235 (or CIS 236); ECN 221; MAT 211; BS Business Data
Analytics major.
What Materials Will I Need?
Book: • Business Analytics (BA), Camm et al., Cengage Learning, 3rd Ed.
ISBN: 978-1-337-40642-0
ASU Bookstore – look up textbook via section number
Software: • Microsoft Excel
• The University offers Microsoft Office 365 & SPSS to all enrolled students and
faculty automatically. Login to the MyApps website (https://myapps.asu.edu),
search for Office and then click on the link and you are taken directly to the
website. The Single Sign on process should transfer over. If prompted: enter
ASURITEID@asu.edu and password.
CIS 315 Syllabus Spring 2021
Where Do I Find Course Materials?
Course assignments, documents, and information will be available on our CIS 315 Canvas class
web site at http://canvas.asu.edu. If CIS 315 does not appear as a class you are registered in, send
an email to asu@service-now.com requesting that CIS 315 be added to your registered classes on
Canvas. In the e-mail, be sure to include your full name, your ASUrite ID Username (logon name)
and section number.
• Please keep me up-to-date if you are having problems in the program; I will always try to
help but it is difficult to aid students retrospectively.
• If you are having technical problems, please contact the technical team at 480-965-2400 or
online at wpcarey.support@asu.edu
How Do I Get in Touch with You?
All communication via email should be professional in form, content, and tone. The message must
have a subject indicating it is for CIS 315. Expect a response within 24 hours of sending, Monday-
Friday, 9am-5pm; weekends I will respond as soon as possible. Please first check to see if the
answer to your question is already contained in the CIS 315 Course Syllabus and Class Schedule
of Assignments.
We also have a SLACK workspace where you can ask questions and receive answers from me as
well as your classmates.
Office Hours will be offered exclusively via Zoom. Please see the Zoom section for the appropriate
What Are The In-Person Face Covering and Distancing Requirements?
ASU is a tight-knit community with a shared sense of purpose. As members of the ASU
community, our success is tied to one another. Accordingly, our mindset is to take whatever
precautions related to COVID-19 we must, to help protect not only ourselves, but those around us.
This means you must wear masks at all times in class without exception. Appropriate social
distancing will be enforced; mistakes may happen and a reminder to socially distance will be the
first step taken for quick remediation. Anyone that refuses to follow mask or distancing
requirements will be asked to leave the classroom immediately and reported to the Dean’s
Office for disciplinary action as appropriate. Faculty are empowered under SSM 201-10 to
withdraw violators from the course.
What About COVID-19?
ASU will offer free COVID testing to all faculty and students.
In the event of a COVID-19 exposure/diagnosis, we will adhere to the Sick policy. Please reach
out to me in the event of any difficulties and we can discuss various options.
CIS 315 Syllabus Spring 2021
How Is Class Structured?
Class is structured as one day of lecture and one day of lab. Our lecture days will typically be on
Mondays and will review the key terminology and concepts of that week’s topic. Our lab days will
typically be on Wednesdays and will have hands on examples and exercises that will assist you on
your homework assignment for that week.
How Can I Attend Class?
Any student is allowed to remote into class via Zoom at any time.
If you plan to attend class in-person, we will be utilizing a rotating schedule. On Week 1, A-M last
names may attend on Monday and N-Z last names may attend on Wednesday. For Week 2, we
will reverse, so N-Z last names may attend on Monday and A-M last names will attend on
Wednesdays. Given the Lecture (Monday) and Lab (Wednesday) structure of class, this is the
fairest way to split the class. Please see the course schedule for the rotation schedule.
We are all working together to coordinate this. If your assigned day causes you meaningful
difficulties, please reach out to me and we can discuss various options.
Zoom Instructions
If you are new to using Zoom, there are detailed instructions on how to use that tool on
provost.asu.edu/remote/students. I strongly encourage you to read the instructions found on that
site well before class to ensure that you can participate in the class.
Each section has a unique Zoom link. Therefore, when it is time for your scheduled class time,
please click on the appropriate link to join our virtual classroom. Alternatively, from Zoom you
can Join Meeting and enter the Meeting ID and password.
Section 19957 – 3:00pm – 4:15pm
Meeting ID: 832 5506 7694
Password: 791132
Section 19958 – 4:30pm – 5:45pm
Meeting ID: 835 1889 3959
Password: 615164
Office Hours will be held remotely Tuesdays from 1pm – 3pm and Thursdays from 1:30-3:30pm
(Phoenix time) and also by appointment.
Meeting ID: 820 7475 9253
Password: 141970
CIS 315 Syllabus Spring 2021
Classroom Etiquette
Do Don’t
Say hello to your neighbors! Come late to class. It’s disruptive.
Chat with your professor before class! Do homework (for any class) during class time
Help your classmates when doing in-class
Watch YouTube, read the news, check twitter,
etc… It’s distracting.
Ask me as well as your classmates for help Bring hot food in our classroom
Recording/Photographing the class must be approved.
Is Attendance Recorded? What If I Miss A Class?
Yes. Attendance will be recorded at the
beginning of every class. You cannot get credit
for in-class assignments if you do not complete
them in class. Your name needs to be
recognizable as uniquely belonging to you.
Review course slides which is what we did in
class. It will not be complete but will give you
a good idea of what was done.
Do not ignore the day’s work since that
knowledge will be used in subsequent classes.
It will be your responsibility to review the
material covered in class.
Can I Take An Exam In A Different
Section? What If The Professor Hasn’t Shown Up?
No. Exams will be on Canvas and their
availability will be timed by your enrolled
SLN number – therefore you will not be able
to attend a different section and take the exams.
You should wait 15 minutes. If the instructor
has not shown up, in line with university
policies, unless someone from the department
tells you that the instructor is on her way.
Emergencies, Extraordinary Situations, or
Other Life Issues? What If I Am Sick?
If you are having an issue that affects your
performance, contact the Dean of Students.
The Dean of Students will work with you and
provide all your instructors with notification.
Accommodations may then be made for
circumstances not covered in the syllabus. If
something bad happens, stay in touch – we will
try to help you.
Dean of Students: 480-965-6547
Makeups or due-date extensions for work
missed due to sickness will be given if there is
a doctor’s note which states that the student as
sick and unable to perform any work for the
majority of the duration of the assignment
being available. If you ignore your work all
week and get sick on the last day, you will not
get a make up – use your “life happens”
dropped assignment.
CIS 315 Syllabus Spring 2021
What Is Our Course Schedule?
The following table defines the schedule. Full slides will be posted after class.
All the deliverables are due by 12:00 pm (noon) on the assigned date.
Important Dates
Classes Begin: January 11
Add/Drop Deadline: January 17
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday – No Class: January 18
Course Withdrawal Deadline: March 28
Last Day to Request Y-Grade: April 19
Classes End: April 23
Final Exam: Check Final Exam Schedule
WEEK TOPIC Assigned Reading Individual Deliverables
Week 1 Introduction & Descriptive & Data Visualization Chapter 1, 2, & 3
Honor Code
Due 1/15
Week 2 Descriptive & Data Visualization Chapter 2 & 3
Assignment 1
Due 1/22
Week 3 Regression – Linear & Multiple Chapter 7
Assignment 2
Due 1/29
Week 4 Regression – Categorical DV & Non-Linear Chapter 7
Assignment 3
Due 2/5
Week 5 Regression – Logit & Probit Assignment 4 Due 2/12
Week 6 Time Series Analysis & Forecasting Chapter 8
Assignment 5
Due 2/19
Week 7 Review for Midterm Exam
Week 8 Midterm Exam & Go Over Examination
Week 9 Experimental - Sampling Assignment 6 Due 3/12
Week 10 Experimental - Factoring Assignment 7 Due 3/19
Week 11 Simulation Chapter 11 Assignment 8 Due 3/26
Week 12 Linear Optimization Chapter 12 Assignment 9 Due 4/2
Week 13 Integer Optimization Chapter 13 Assignment 10 Due 4/9
Week 14 Non-Linear Optimization Chapter 14 Assignment 11 Due 4/16
Week 15 Final Review
Week of April 26 – Final Exam
CIS 315 Syllabus Spring 2021
What Am I Graded On?
Homework and
Exam I 30%
Exam II 30%
What Are In-Class Assignments Like?
• In-Class Assignments are designed to improve your skill levels and prepare you for the
• They should be submitted before the class session ends.
• Late submissions will not be accepted and cannot be made up if the student is absent.
What Are Homework Assignments Like?
• Homework Assignments are used to further improve your skill level and prepare you for
• All homework assignments should be completed individually.
Expect a challenging analytics course.
When Are Homework Assignments Due?
All homework assignments are due by 12:00pm (noon) on the assigned date. See course schedule
for assignment due dates.
How Do Assignment Submissions Work?
All In-Class and Homework assignments must be submitted via Canvas. Assignments must be
submitted according to submission instructions.
Can I Submit Assignments By E-mail?
No. Assignments will not be accepted by e-mail. Any assignment submitted by e-mail and not
submitted on time on Canvas will receive a score of zero (0).
Can I Ask For Help By E-mail?
I can try providing limited help over e-mail. Since I will not have your work in front of me and
cannot talk with you interactively, there is only so much I can do by e-mail. Do not depend on
getting e-mail help right before an assignment is due.
and In-Class
Exam I
Exam II
CIS 315 Syllabus Spring 2021
Can I Resubmit Assignments?
No. You will be allowed only one submission for in-class and homework assignments.
What If I Submit The Wrong File?
If you submit the wrong file, you will get a zero and you should mark that assignment as your “life
happens” drop.
What If There Is A Technology Failure And I Am Unable To Submit?
You are responsible for starting your assignment early as well as maintaining backups of your
documents. You will not get a deadline extension for losing your work or failing to submit as a
result of accidents or technology failures.
As aspiring IS professionals, you should understand that computer servers regularly go down both
for planned and unplanned reasons. You should monitor the list of planned outages
http://twitter.com/asuoutages and do your work early to mitigate the effect of last-minute
unplanned outages or technology failures.
If you are not able to submit on time due to a technology failure, you will can submit the
assignment up to 24 hours late for a 50% penalty or take a zero (0) and mark that as your “life
happens” drop.
What Is The Late Policy?
• Due Dates and Times are firm
• Homework assignments may be submitted up to 24
hours late with a 50% penalty
• Homework assignments will not be accepted 24
hours past due date and will be marked as 0
/* Life Happens */
The lowest in-class or homework assignment will be
dropped. Use this drop if you forget to submit an
assignment, need to attend an interview, have a flat tire,
etc… or as “life happens.”
** You cannot drop an exam score.
Canvas submissions are
timed to the second. If you
miss the deadline, your
work will be marked as
CIS 315 Syllabus Spring 2021
What Will Exams Be Like?
Exams are a combination of short answer, design, coding, and Excel analysis questions and are
intended to thoroughly test your knowledge of the concepts to solve problems you’ve learned in
the lectures, exercises and homework assignments, and your proficiency with the computer.
Extensions for exams will be accepted only if the student notified the professor in advance with
an acceptable reason, the reason is accepted by the professor, and all university policies are
followed. Full credit will be available with an institutional excuse or absence approved by your
professor prior to the exam. Without an institutional excuse or prior professor approval you will
receive no credit for the exam. Review the following policy statements:
Excused Absence
(a) Excused absence related to religious observations/practices is in accord with ACD 304-04
“Accommodations for Religious Practices” Accommodations will be made for students with
religious holidays. Below is the calendar of official religious holidays.
(b) Excused absences related to university sanctioned events/activities are in accord with ACD
304-02 “Missed Classes Due to University-Sanctioned Activities” If you are participating in a
university-sanctioned activity, please let your instructor know as early in the course as possible so
that accommodations can be made.
How Will My Grade Be Calculated?
Each assessment item (in-class and homework assignments) will have a score calculated on as a
Individual in-class/homework assignments and exams may be scored out of a different number of
maximum points. Therefore, those individual scores will first be scaled to a percentage. All in-
class/homework assignments have equal weight and both exams have equal weight.
Once scores for all in-class/homework assignments are available as percentages, they will be
averaged together and multiped by the corresponding weight listed.
What is the Grading Scale?
How Do I Appeal My Grade?
If you wish to appeal an earned grade, this must be done by writing a brief email message that
summarizes your concerns and may follow up with an office appointment. (This can be done
during office hours). This allows the professor to locate the student’s grade and to consider the
appeal on its own merits without distraction. Appeals must be made within 7 days of the time your
Grade Percentage Grade Percentage
A+ ≥ 97 C+ 77-79.4
A 93-96.4 C 70-76.4
A- 90-92.4 D 60-69.4
B+ 87-89.4 E < 60
B 83-86.4
B- 80-82.4
CIS 315 Syllabus Spring 2021
grade is posted. It is your responsibility to frequently verify homework, exercise, or exam grades
as posted on Canvas and signal discrepancies at your earliest possible convenience within 7 days
of the posting of the grade. All posted grades are final after 7 days.
Use/Availability of Y-Grades
This course adheres to ASU’s A-E +/- grading structure. Y grade options to replace satisfactory
grades will only be used in very rare circumstances after consultation with the instructor. The Y
allows students to advance to higher level courses with a prerequisite of a “C” or better unless your
course has a “B” or better prerequisite (e.g. ACC231 and ACC 241). Any requests must be made
and resolved prior to the course’s final assessment. Once a request is granted it is irreversible.
Please contact me directly if you would like to utilize the Y grade option.
Can I Bring My Grade Up At The End of the Semester?
No. There will be no extra credit assignments or “rounding up” of scores. There is one bonus point
opportunity that will be applied to the lowest scoring assignment after your one dropped
How Can I Get Help? What If I Am Lost? Help?!
It is normal to get stuck. There is help available!
• Come to office hours, I will help you work on whatever you are having trouble on.
• Post/Ask questions on our Slack channel
Tutoring Support
The W. P. Carey School of Business provides free tutoring in BA 201 for a number of
undergraduate business classes. Assistance with writing is also provided.
In addition to the W. P. Carey Student Success Center, Arizona State University provides writing
assistance through multiple platforms – including in class workshops (within your course). More
information can be found here: https://tutoring.asu.edu/student-services/writing-centers
What Are The Academic Integrity and Ethical Behavior Policies?
It is expected that students will neither participate in nor condone activities such as cheating or
plagiarism. You are expected to do your own work on all individual assignments, exercises, and
exams unless otherwise stated. Students are not to share answers on individual assignments.
Failure to follow this policy may result in zero points for both the receiver and provider (if
involved). By placing names on assignments, students are affirming that the contents are their
original work. Consulting work done by students in this course in other platforms or in previous
years is a violation of academic integrity. This policy will be vigorously enforced.
From the ASU General Catalog: “The highest standards of academic integrity are expected of all
students. Failure to meet these standards may result in suspension or expulsion from the university
and other sanctions as specified in the academic integrity policies of the individual colleges.
CIS 315 Syllabus Spring 2021
Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to cheating, fabrication, tampering,
plagiarism, or facilitating such activities…”
The term “facilitating” includes active or inactive participation in academic dishonesty. Inactive
participation includes silent knowledge of violations. This policy relates to all homework, quizzes,
projects, and exams for this course. Please be forewarned that our W.P. Carey School of Business
advocates zero tolerance with regard to violations of academic integrity. Your professor strongly
agrees with this policy, will strive to actively enforce it, and will support punishment for those
who violate it. Any suspected violations of academic integrity will be taken seriously and result in
the following sanctions:
• A minimum of zero on the assignment AND
• A reduced grade in the course OR
• A failure in the course OR
• An XE which denotes failure due to academic dishonesty on the transcript OR
• Removal from the W. P. Carey School of Business
Therefore, to safeguard your academic integrity:
• Protect your projects and homework. Don’t leave files on the hard drives of school
computers; don’t share your disks or printouts with others.
• What you can share: Anything printed in your textbook, any information given on Canvas.
• Your professor reserves the right to call you in for a conference at any time to validate
the authenticity of your submitted contributions.
By law and regulation, this course will be conducted within the ethical standards of the ASU at
large, which and preclude such activities as plagiarism, cheating, and various forms of harassment.
Be aware that organizations and businesses, when practiced effectively, have ethics that go beyond
university standards. These are ethics that are aimed at creating collegiality. The goal is to make
customers, employees, managers, vendors, contractors, etc., feel happy and satisfied and not just
“tolerated”! This class therefore will follow similar business ethics as well as university
Statement/policy addressing these issues: http://provost.asu.edu/academic-integrity
Threatening Behavior:
ASU is committed to having a safe environment for all students and maintaining an atmosphere of
respect so that they can feel free in expressing their opinions and asking questions. Students are
expected to support the professor in creating such an environment. Any manner of threatening
behavior is inappropriate and students are expected to be aware of the University's policies
regarding it. Threatening behavior may include endangering, threatening, or causing physical harm
to any member of the university community or to oneself or causing reasonable apprehension of
such harm. Refer to the following link for what constitutes such threatening behavior:
https://students.asu.edu/safety/definitions. Statement/policy regarding threatening behavior per
the Student Services Manual SSM 104-2 “Handling Disruptive, Threatening, or Violent
Individuals on Campus”; http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/ssm/ssm104-02.html.
CIS 315 Syllabus Spring 2021
Can I Receive An Incomplete?
A grade of incomplete will be awarded only in the event that a documented emergency or illness
prevents a student who is doing acceptable work from completing a small percentage of the course
requirements. The guidelines in the current general ASU catalog regarding a grade of incomplete
will be strictly followed. A grade of incomplete will NOT be awarded unless there is documented
evidence of extreme personal or immediate family hardship. Changes in work hours, child-care
emergencies, or other similar personal problems will not be approved as reasons for awarding
incompletes. The chair of the Department must approve any incomplete grade requests.
Can I Post Course Material? What If I Google Your Course Material?
All course materials (PowerPoint slides, assignments, quizzes, exams, milestones, etc.) are
considered the intellectual property of the instructor and the Department of Information Systems
and therefore students or third parties cannot legally post online or make a profit on them without
written permission. Students who post the instructor’s materials without written permission are in
violation of federal copyright laws and subject to both University and legal sanctions.
Additionally, any student who refers to the materials posted on these types of online websites or
refers others to the sites is in violation of the academic integrity policy of the University.
Appropriate sanctions will be imposed on any students who engage in this type of illegal usage.
Further, if a student sells, obtains, or uses materials intended for an academic evaluation or
assignment without appropriate authorization is engaging in academic dishonesty. Any student
referring to materials or sources or use devices not authorized by the instructor is violating the
academic integrity policy.
How Do I Get Disability Accommodations?
Every effort will be made to accommodate students with disabilities. When requesting
accommodations for a disability, students must register with the Student Accessibility and
Inclusive Learning Services (SAILS), formerly known as the Disability Resource Center (DRC),
and submit appropriate documentation through the center.
When requesting accommodations for a disability:
(a) be registered with the Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services (SAILS), and
(b) submit appropriate documentation from the DRC. Per SSM 700 “Disability
Resources”, https://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/ssm/ssm701-01.html
What Is This Title IX Thing I Have Heard About?
Title IX is a federal law that provides that no person be excluded on the basis of sex from
participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education
program or activity. Both Title IX and university policy make clear that sexual violence and
harassment based on sex is prohibited. An individual who believes they have been subjected to
sexual violence or harassed on the basis of sex can seek support, including counseling and
academic support, from the university. If you or someone you know has been harassed on the
basis of sex or sexually assaulted, you can find information and resources
at https://sexualviolenceprevention.asu.edu/faqs.
CIS 315 Syllabus Spring 2021
As a mandated reporter, I am obligated to report any information I become aware of regarding
alleged acts of sexual discrimination, including sexual violence and dating violence. ASU
Counseling Services, https://eoss.asu.edu/counseling, is available if you wish to discuss any
concerns confidentially and privately.
How Do I Do Well In This Class?
My goal is for you to learn and succeed in this course! Accordingly, I will do whatever I can to be
available to answer questions, to explain concepts in alternative ways, and to revisit prior material.
I will also endeavor to make this class interesting and useful for you! However, it is very possible
for you to receive a poor (or failing) grade by ignoring the following suggestions:
Read the textbook before class, do the chapter exercises, and complete your assignments on time.
Ask early if you need help. Don’t wait until the last minute to ask for help. Note: Copying
assignment homework is not allowed. It is mandatory that you not converse with other students on
individual assignments.
Stay engaged: Unless you are already proficient in data analytics, your chance of success will
drop dramatically if you do not keep up with the schedule. Success will drop in all cases if you
miss more than one assignment or exam. There are no makeups offered!
As with any document, be aware that this may contain clerical errors. Please let me know if you
spot one.
The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus as necessary to improve student learning
and provide appropriate evaluation. Students will be notified of any such modification in-class
and via the web site.
Read the Book Come to Class