CVEN4051 Assessment Tasks Term 1 2021
Planning Outline
Due 5 pm Friday 5 March 2021
Assessment weighting – 20%
Present a one-page document outlining your approach to assessing remediation options for
the organochlorine source zones at the Botany Industrial Park. Cover sheet, appendices and
references are not included in page limit.
Submit as pdf
Video Presentation
Due 5 pm Friday 16 April 2021
Assessment weighting – 20%
Submit a three-minute video presentation highlighting the recommendations derived from
your remediation options assessment for clean-up of the organochlorine source zones at the
Botany Industrial Park
Remediation Options Assessment Report
Due 5 pm Friday 23 April 2021
Assessment weighting – 60%
Produce a 20-30 page technical report detailing the assessment of remediation options for
the organochlorine source zones at the Botany Industrial Park. Include an executive
summary. Cover sheet, table of contents, references, appendices etc are not included in the
page limit.
Submit as pdf
Marking strategy
All submissions are grading with equal weighting according to appropriateness, correctness,
presentation and engagement.