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Module Number:
1 and 2
Module Title:
Honours stage project
Dr P A Robinson
Assessment Number: 1 of 2
Title of Assessment:
Final report
Report Demonstration Video
Method of Working:
Workload Guidance: Typically, you should
expect to spend between
100 and 120
hours on this
Length of
This assessment should be no
more than:
(over length submissions will be
penalised as per University policy)
15000 words
(excluding diagrams, appendices,
references, code)
Date of issue:
ONE copy of this
assessment should
be handed in via:
If Other
(state method)
Time and date for
Time 2pm Date 29/4/2021
If multiple hand–ins
please provide
Will submission be
scanned via
If submission is to be scanned byTurnitin, these should
be one of the allowed types e.g. Word, RT, PDF, PPT,
XLS etc.
Specify any particular requirements in the subumission
Students MUST NOT submit ZIP or other archive
formats unless specified.
Students are reminded they can ONLY submit ONE file
and must ensure they upload the correct file.
Normally only the LAST submission will be considered
(and if late incur a late penalty).
The assessment must be submitted no later than the time and date shown above, unless an
extension has been authorised on a Coursework Extension Form: see the Canvas site:
Help&Support > Student Forms
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Marking will be by:
Student Name
The assessment is
marked out of:
and is
% of the
N.B If multiple hand-ins please indicate the marks and % apportioned to each stage above (i.e.
Stage 1 – 50, Stage 2 – 50). It is these marks that will be presented to the exam board.
The overall assessment strategy is designed to evaluate the student’s achievement of the module
learning outcomes, and is subdivided as follows:
LO Learning Outcome
Method of Assessment
{e.g. report, demo}
1 Investigate relevant material, software, tools and
techniques, including a critical evaluation of their
requirements, alternative solutions, and their
achievements. Evaluate these selected
approaches and solutions.
2 Show evidence of a conceptual understanding of
relevant key principles and techniques, some of
which may be at the forefront of the discipline,
and describe, using informed insight, the broader
context of a topic.
3 Demonstrate a professional, structured approach
to the analysis and/or development of non-trivial
software or systems, using appropriate tools and
environments, and including project
management, documentation and ethical
Report, informed by demo
and video
5 Communicate complex information and ideas
coherently, accurately, and with clarity. Select
and use relevant ICT applications to enhance the
level of engagement with an
academic/professional audience.
Assessment Criteria
Contributes to
Learning Outcome
Abstract and introduction 1,5 15
Literature review 1,2,5 15
Technical achievement 2,3 30
Process and management 3 15
Critical evaluation and conclusions 1,2,5 15
Referencing (scope and correctness) 1,2,5 5
Presentation and quality of writing 5 5
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Feedback will be
given via:
Feedback will
be given via:
Verbal at demo
(staff to explain
Feedback will be provided no later than 4 ‘teaching weeks’ after the submission date.
This assessment is set in the context of the learning outcomes for the module and does not by
itself constitute a definitive specification of the assessment. If you are in any doubt as to the
relationship between what you have been asked to do and the module content you should take this
matter up with the member of staff who set the assessment as soon as possible.
You are advised to read the NOTES regarding late penalties, over-length assignments, unfair
means and quality assurance in your student handbook, which is available on Canvas.
In particular, please be aware that:
• Up to and including 24 hours after the deadline, a penalty of 10%
• More than 24 hours and up to and including 7 days after the deadline; either a penalty of
10% or the mark awarded is reduced to the pass mark, whichever results in the lower
• More than 7 days after the deadline, a mark of zero is awarded.
• The overlength penalty applies to your written report (which includes bullet points, and lists
of text. It does not include contents page, graphs, data tables and appendices). 10-20%
over the word count incurs a penalty of 10%. Your mark will be awarded zero if you exceed
the word count by more than 20%. There is no penalty for underlength reports.
Please be reminded that you are responsible for reading the University Code of Practice on
Academic Misconduct through the Assessment section of the Quality Handbook (via the
SharePoint site). This govern all forms of illegitimate academic conduct which may be described
as cheating, including plagiarism. The term ‘academic misconduct’ is used in the regulations to
indicate that a very wide range of behaviour is punishable.
In case of any subsequent dispute, query, or appeal regarding your coursework, you are reminded
that it is your responsibility to produce the assignment in question.
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ACW2 - Project Final Report
The final report on your project is a formal document. Its aim is to summarise the work you have
done over the whole module, to analyse it critically and reflect upon it.
Style and presentation is important for this report, which is probably the most substantial piece of
work you will submit during your degree programme. To help you create your report, you will be
provided with a template document for guidance (which you may edit). The template shows the
broad structure of the report and is a guide as to the expected content; your project may have
different requirements and if so you should modify it appropriately where necessary. You may elect
to insert new sections and/or remove some which are not relevant to your project, but bear in mind
the marking criteria as you do so. You will certainly want to create more subsections to present your
material in a logical manner. In most cases, there should be no need to change the general layout,
font or paragraph styles.
The report must be written in the third person, passive voice (“Software was developed to...” and
not “I wrote software to…”). This is a formal report, not a journal. Critical thinking is required; you
should document what is important to the project, and not every last detail. The report should be
written at a technical level suitable for a reader who is not necessarily familiar with your project, but
is fully aware of general computing principles and issues. It may help to think that one of the
functions of the report is to help someone else to replicate your work in future without
encountering the problems that you have already solved.
Images – charts, screenshots, UML diagrams and others – are welcome in your report. Include them
at appropriate places in the text to illustrate particular points. Refer to the images in your text, and
give each one a caption. If you do not generate the images yourself, make sure you attribute them
properly in accordance with good referencing practice.
As is the case with any formal scientific document, you must properly reference the work of others
when you make use of it (Witwicky 1897). You must use the approved standard for citing and
compiling references, available online at http://libguides.hull.ac.uk/referencing/harvard. To avoid
suspicion of plagiarism, be very careful not to use the work of others without properly
acknowledging it. Do not copy and paste large chunks of text from elsewhere. If you do have good
reason to quote text from elsewhere, make sure it is properly marked and acknowledged. If your
software uses code libraries or other sources, make it very clear in your report which parts are not
your work.
You must submit your final report in PDF format, not zipped or compressed in any way. You must
submit through Canvas, and your submission will be scanned by Turnitin.
You must also submit the source code of any software you have developed, as a single ZIP archive.
This must also be submitted via Canvas.
Your work will be double marked, by your project supervisor and the second marker. There will also
be a compulsory meeting (the ‘demo’) with both of your markers during which you will be expected
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to present your project, demonstrate any software you have developed and answer questions. Your
project will be marked according to the following criteria for excellence, which are subdivided into
the categories in the rubric:
Abstract and introduction
An excellent report will present a succinct and detailed abstract summarising the nature of the
work, the methodology and the main results. The abstract will provide a good overview of the
whole report to a reader unfamiliar with the project. An excellent introduction will set the
project context, providing a concise and cogent overview of the issues involved, followed by a
statement of the project goals (aims and objectives). The deeper discussion of the broad context
will appear in later sections of the report, including a thorough analysis of the specific application
domain and requirements, and identify the technical principles, tools and methods to be applied.
This detailed discussion will be supported by appropriate examples, illustrations, and properly
presented references.
Literature review
An excellent literature review will provide a clear starting point for the project. It will examine
the state of the art in the relevant field, show where similar work has already been done and
make clear where there is scope for further work. Discussion will demonstrate a breadth of
awareness and solid understanding of relevant principles and techniques. Full source references
will be made to background material on all significant issues concerned, including traditional and
formal academic sources. A high class report will be further strengthened by a critical appraisal of
the problem domain.
Technical achievement
An excellent project report will demonstrate a high level of technical achievement, in terms of
the work conducted and the standard of technical deliverables. Software will be solidly designed,
engineered and documented, showing insight and flair. The design will be presented thoroughly
using diagrams as appropriate. Software will be robustly and efficiently implemented to meet all
requirements with an appropriate and effectively styled user interface, and appropriate system
and user documentation. Non-software development aspects will be equivalently professional
and thorough in their conduct and final delivery, for example well evidenced and argued
conclusions of investigative research, showing insight and flair.
Process and management
An excellent project will show evidence of good planning, project management and
implementation of appropriately chosen, well-defined software development or research
processes. This element of the assessment will take into account organisation of and attendance
at project meetings, reviews and demonstrations. Excellent project management will show
evidence of appropriate time management, decision making with relation to resources and
delivery against plans and goals.
Critical evaluation and conclusions
All aspects of the project process and outcomes will be reflectively reviewed, considered against
relevant standards, and appraised relative to stated goals. Evidence will be presented of
software testing and, evaluation by users. Project outcomes or research results will be clearly
presented and their ramifications considered. Opportunities for further refinement will be
discussed and potential future developments identified and appraised. Within this critique, an
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excellent report will further demonstrate insight, depth and breadth of understanding of the
An excellent set of references will indicate a wide scope of relevant research sources, including
some or all of the following: academic papers, textbooks, technical sources, application domain-
related materials, general contexts, in both traditional and modern media (including websites).
All references will be presented in full and linked to narrative consistently according to the
Harvard protocol, in line with departmental policy.
Presentation and quality of writing
An excellent report will have a highly professional standard of presentation, consistently neat
layout and minimal errors of grammar and spelling. The report will be logically sectioned, with
further attention paid to appropriate use of type size and style for additional sub-headings and
narrative emphasis where appropriate. Illustrations will be neatly prepared and positioned
appropriately in relation to their relevant narrative discussion – in line or cross-referred to an
appendix. Presentation of data will be done using appropriate graphical techniques. Large or
complex diagrams or data tabulations will be presented as appendices, with suitable illustrative
extracts placed within the narrative if it aids understanding.
Showcase Video
You also need to create and submit a short video that showcases your delivered project. The
particular nature of your project may have an impact on what you choose to include in the video. It
may show off features of your delivered software, results of experiments, and/or the algorithms that
you have developed. It should certainly include an introduction that informs the user about what
they are watching.
As a rough guideline, aim for around 10 minutes. There is a hard file size limit of 1 GB and you should
be submitting only the video file (no zips) using your nine-digit student number as a file name
(e.g. “2016123456.mp4”). There are no specified quality attributes, but think about what you expect
when using services such as YouTube; you probably want to aim at 720p and above for resolution
and around 30fps and above.
In some cases, the video can form part of, and/or inform, your demo. This may be particularly useful
in projects that are impractical to demo indoors (such as with GPS based apps for example). You are
encouraged to produce these to a high quality and use it as part of your online portfolio when
applying for jobs. Your work may also be given exposure as part of a department showcase of
projects on our website. The video should be uploaded to Canvas via the relevant assignment.
Please note: because we may use this video in our showcase of student work, or in other ways for
publicity, you must ensure that you do not include any copyright material.
Further information
Further information will be made available through the Canvas site and at lectures as appropriate.
Witwicky, A. A. (1897), “On the discovery of certain artefacts in the northern polar regions”,
Proceedings of the American Institute of Exploration, Boston, 17 (2) 145