Python代写-STA 141C
STA 141C: Homework 1
• Homework due in Canvas: 04/23/2021 at 11:59PM. Please follow the
instructions provided in Canvas about homeworks, carefully.
1. Linear algebra basics: 5 points. Answer true or false for each of the question below and
give justification.
(a) A rectangular matrix of size n×m is a linear transformation.
(b) Only square matrices have Eigenvalue decompositions.
(c) Power Method can be used to find only eigenvectors (and not singular vectors).
(d) Left (or right) singular vectors are orthogonal to each other.
(e) If A and B are any 2× 2 matrices, then AB = BA.
2. Python practice via statistical concepts: 10 points. This questions tests your nu-
merical computing skills in python by implementing some basic statistics concepts. You are
encouraged to use the Alan server and parallel processing techniques for this question.
Let X be a random variable that takes values +1,−1 with equal probability. That is:
P (X = +1) = P (X = −1) = 1/2.
Generate N = 10, 000 datasets, each of which has n data points. For this simulation, we
consider n = {10, 100, 1000, 10000}. (Hint: Write a function that samples from the uniform
distribution between 0 and 1. If the result is less than 0.5, set it to -1. Otherwise, set it to
1). Let X
n be the sample average of i
th dataset, µ = E(X) = 0 and σ2 = Var(X) = 1.
(Hint: Once you compute the sample averages, you will not need the individual data points
from each dataset. Therefore, to save memory, you need only store the X
n rather than all
the data points. It is highly recommended that you do this to avoid freezing or crashing your
computer). Plot and intepret the following:
(a) log10(n) v.s. X
n − µ;
(Hint: This plot illustrates how the deviation X
n − µ converges to 0 as n increases).
(b) Draw log10(n) v.s.

i=1 1I{|X
n − µ| > ǫ} for ǫ = 0.5, ǫ = 0.1, ǫ = 0.05;
(Hint 1: This plot illustrates the convergence of empirical averages to true expectation.)
(Hint 2: For some statement S, the indicator function 1I{S} is defined as 1I{S} = 1 if
S is true and 1I{S} = 0 otherwise.)
(c) Draw histograms of

n − µ)/σ for N datsets for n = 10, n = 1, 000, n = 10, 000.
You may choose your histogram bins or you may let Python choose automatically–any
meaningful plot will do.
(Hint: This plot illustrates the Central Limit Theorem.)
3. Principal Component Analysis: 10 points. In this problem, we will run PCA algo-
rithm on the MNIST data set (provided in Canvas). The data set consists of .pgm images
corresponding to digits 0, 1 and 2. Follow the steps below.
(a) Load all the images in Python. The easiest way to load .pgm images is by using the
opencv python package1. If you do so, you want to import cv2 package and use the
command cv2.imread(‘00002.pgm’, -1). This would give you the grey-scale pixel
image in the form of a matrix. You are welcome to use any other method to load the
images in the form of a matrix.
(b) Once you read the image from the 3 different groups (0, 1 and 2), calculate the mean
image corresponding to each group and plot it.
(c) Now convert each image into a vector and form a matrix, which is of size number of
images × number of dimensions and standardize it.
(d) Now perform PCA on the standardized data matrix, with number of components= 2,
using scikit-learn.
(e) Transform the data into the two PC coordinates and draw a scatter-plot of principal
component 1 versus principal component 2.
(f) Do you observe any cluster structure in the scatter-plot ? If so explain. If not, explain
why not.
1 py intro.html

