COMP559 Assignment 2 - Part 1 (5% of the final grade)
Due: 12:00 (noon) on Thursday, 29 April 2021
Please submit your solutions electronically (in PDF format) at the electronic submission system
of the Computer Science Department which you can find at the following url.
Marking of subquestions will be based on the marking descriptors for level ’M’ modules pub-
lished in Section D.2.5 in the Postgraduate Student Handbook. Please be aware of the University
guidelines on plagiarism and collusion. The marks for late submissions will be affected in ac-
cordance with the University’s Code of Practice on Assessment published in Section 2.2 of the
Postgraduate Student Handbook.
Total: 100 marks
1. Consider an auction with three items a,b,c and three players. The valuations for getting
a single item is as follows v1(a) = 7, v1(b) = 11, v1(c) = 5, v2(a) = 10, v2(b) = 5, v2(c) =
12, v3(a) = 13, v3(b) = 12, v3(c) = 4. Assume that the valuation for getting a set S of
more than a single item for each player i are given by
(a) vi(S) =
j∈S vi(j).
(b) vi(S) = maxj∈S{vi(j)}.
First, describe in detail the set of possible outcomes A, assuming that we care only about
allocations that assign all the items. Then, for all the above cases
• (10 marks) Describe the valuations of each player over A.
• (15 marks) ”Run” the VCG mechanism (compute the allocation and the Clarke
2. (25 marks) Consider a single item setting with n ≥ 2 bidders. Show that the social
choice rule that always allocates the item to the smallest bidder cannot be truthfully
implemented. Hint: Use Weak Monotonicity (Section. 9.5.2, Theorem 9.29 in [2]. ).
3. Show the only if direction of Theorem 10.2. That is, show that if the social choice is
f() = med{p1, p2, . . . , pn, y1, . . . , yn−1},
then f is
(a) (13 marks) strategy-proof,
(b) (6 marks) onto,
(c) (6 marks) anonymous.
4. (25 marks) Run the Greedy mechanism (compute the allocation and the payments) for
the following Combinatorial Auction instance with 6 single-minded bidders and 6 items:
< v∗1 = 12, S∗1 = {a, c, d, e} >,< v∗2 = 14, S∗2 = {b, c, e, f} >,< v∗3 = 6, S∗3 = {a} >,< v∗4 =
5, S∗4 = {e} >,< v∗5 = 9, S∗5 = {f} >,< v∗6 = 20, S∗6 = {c, d, e, f} >.
[1] D. Gale and L. S. Shapley. College admissions and the stability of marriage. The American
Mathematical Monthly, 69(1):9–15, 1962.
[2] N. Nisan, T. Roughgarden, E. Tardos, and V.V. Vazirani. Algorithmic Game Theory. Cam-
bridge University Press, 2007.