BIOSTAT 274 Spring 2021 Homework 1
Due 11:59 PM 04/21/2020, submit to CCLE
Remark. For Theoretical Part, you can summit a Scanned or Typed copy.
Theoretical Part
1. (20 pt) This problem illustrates the estimator property in the shrinkage methods. Let Y be a single
observation, and regress Y on an intercept
Y “ 1 ¨ β ` .
(a) Using the formulation as shown in class, write down the optimization problem of general linear
model, ridge regression and LASSO in estimating β respectively.
(b) For fixed tuning parameter λ, solve for βˆ (general linear model), βˆRλ (ridge regression) and βˆ
(LASSO) respectively.
Hint. For the LASSO problem, show that the objective function is convex even though not
everywhere differentiable, hence any local minima is also a global minima. Argue that it suffices
to solve for β ě 0 and β ă 0 respectively. Carefully discuss all possible situations (where the
minima locates and what’s the optimal value in both cases), and then pick the better one as βˆLλ .
(c) Represent βˆRλ and βˆ
λ by βˆ and create plots of them separately for λ “ 1, 5, 10. What can you
2. ([ISL] 6.5, 15 + 10 pt) It is well-known that ridge regression tends to give similar coefficient values
to correlated/collinear variables, whereas the LASSO may give quite different coefficient values to
correlated/collinear variables. We will now explore this property in a very simple setting. Suppose
that we have two observations px1, y1q and px2, y2q, where x1 ‰ 0, x1`x2 “ y1` y2 “ 0. Consider the
linear model yi artificially regressed on pxi, xiq without intercept:$’&’%y1 “ x1β1 ` x1β2 ` 1y2 “ x2β1 ` x2β2 ` 2
(a) Write out the ridge regression optimization problem in this setting.
(b) Argue that the ridge coefficient estimates satisfy βˆRλ,1 “ βˆRλ,2.
(c) Write out the LASSO optimization problem in this setting.
(d) (Optional) Argue that in this setting, the LASSO coefficients βˆLλ,1 and βˆ
λ,2 are not unique. De-
scribe these solutions.
Hint. Starting with an optimal coefficients pβˆLλ,1, βˆLλ,2q, indicate that you can find another one.
Use the relationship of a usual LASSO problem and its constrained version. Investigate into the
relationship between the contour of the objective function and the constraint set in the constrained