EFIMM0113 _Assessment TUTOR USE ONLY
Digital Business
Unit Director: Dr Steve Pearce
Teaching Team:
Roberta Bernadi, Jie Sheng, Xiaoting Lou, Sophie Lythreatis,
Zsolt Puskas, Deogratius Mhella, Steve Pearce
Assessment Brief 2021
This assessment is assessing the following unit learning outcomes:
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this unit the student should be able to:
1. Apply the main concepts and theories of digital business.
2. Explore value propositions and propose business and revenue models for digital businesses.
3. Analyse service and business process interactions for digital interactions.
4. Understand the application of mobile and social commerce to business.
5. Evaluate existing digital business strategies, technologies, and models.
6. Develop group proposals and implementation plans for digital applications in emerging
economies, markets and developing countries.
7. Develop, analyse, and present an innovative digital business model.
8. Practice working in groups, developing skills in teamwork, planning, and presenting proposals.
These are assessed through two components:
Summative 1: Equivalent of 1500-word Virtual group coursework assignment (40%)
Summative 2: 1500-word Individual Coursework Assignment (60%)
Group Assignment – The Brief
A digital economy start-up company has requested advice from a local management consultancy,
Bristol Digital Partners (BDP). BDP is a unique boutique management consultancy, with skilled and
knowledgeable consultants recruited from around the world. The BDP lead partner has secured a
critical engagement with a digital and technology-based start-up businesses (the Client). This is the
highest revenue earning engagement BDP have secured since the consultancy started six years ago
and it provides the opportunity to significantly grow their business, leverage the tech sector within
Bristol and expand Globally. It was secured through networking and a personal relationship with the
CEO of the client business, they were undergraduates together 15 years ago and continue to meet
socially. The BDP partner has selected a team of experienced consultants and some are University of
Bristol graduates with experience in digital strategy, business analytics and big data, value
propositions, customer experience, digital technologies, and sustainability. Your group is this BDP
team and are required to work with the client and BDP team to meet the requirements in the client
brief below:
1. Review the existing business model, business process, revenue model and value proposition
of the current business.
2. Analyse the existing markets the business operates in and the current competitors and likely
new entrants.
3. Analyse the opportunities for product, process, and position innovation for the business.
4. Advise how the business can evidence commitment to two relevant global sustainability
5. Recommend a revised business model based on your analysis and proposed innovation.
Identify and analyse potential markets outside of the existing markets. Which market has
the most potential and why? (For example, if you picked a start up like Memmo
(https://memmo.me/se/en, this is not on the list below), this could operate worldwide but
where is there a potential market that this start-up could enter by innovating and modifying
the business model?)
The client is expecting the BDP consultant team (Your group) to use their knowledge of existing
theories, practices, and concepts to analyse the Client business. They are expecting analytical and
evidence-based recommendations that arise from the brief above. The BDP lead partner (Your
assessment groups allocated tutor) will monitor the team’s progress and manage the relationship
with the Client. A series of regular weekly progress reports (feedback to your tutor) for the Client
Organisation are used to monitor progress. BDP want to gain further business from this Client,
enhance their brand and reputation and possibly get a further engagement to implement the
recommendations. BDP expect the Client to make a substantial investment in their business to
enable it to expand quickly into the global digital economy, hence your team’s recommendations are
critically important. The BDP team are under pressure to do very good job. The findings and a final
report need to be presented to the BDP lead Partner and Client (your tutors) during week
commencing 22nd March 2021.
Instructions for completing the group assignment - 1500-word equivalent virtual group
coursework assignment (40%)
Groups will be formed randomly during week 13, groups will be between 5-6 students. The group
should select a start-up business from Appendix A below that they wish to base their group
assignment on. You should confirm this choice to your tutor by the end of week 14 in the first
weekly update report. The group should meet regularly, at least once a week, this meeting will be
virtual or in person, you can use any digital platform for group meetings. However, each week the
group should reflect on the teaching and small group work from the previous week and consider
how to apply this to the start-up digital business they selected. Recording the groups discussions,
particularly the reflection from the teaching, tasks allocation, progress, activities, and work
allocation must be added to the group Journal in a weekly report. The template for this weekly
report, Appendix B is below and will be available on blackboard. The group journals are located on
blackboard and will be used throughout to maintain a dialogue between the group and your
allocated tutor. Formative feedback and comments will be posted by the tutor weekly on the group
Journal. You should use the journal as a repository for your presentations, analytical work, and other
group outputs, this serves as a backup of work you have completed. Effectively the journal will be a
project space for your team to collaborate, record and store group materials and documents. You
are free to use project management techniques to manage your groups if you wish. To meet the
requirements of the client brief above, the group will need to produce the following:
Group Assessment Components
A. 15 -minute online group
presentation answering the
client brief (20%) (during small
group tutorials)
1. Review the existing business
model, business process,
revenue model and value
proposition of the current
2. Analyse the existing markets
the business operates in and
the current competitors and
likely new entrants.
3. Analyse the opportunities for
product, process, and position
innovation for the business.
4. Advise how the business can
evidence commitment to two
relevant global sustainability
5. Recommend a revised business
model based on your analysis
and proposed innovation.
B. A supporting handout which
includes the presentation
slides and relevant supporting
evidence. (10%)
The handout should include:
6. A 250-word executive summary
7. 3 key recommendations for the
Client (Max 100 words)
8. A copy of the presentation
slides and material.
9. A table(s) of references and
evidence that was used to
support the group analysis and
10. A summary table of tasks and
activities completed by the
group and individual members.
(Max 500 words)
C. Group Journal record and
weekly client updates (10%)
11. Six completed group update
weekly report templates and
other material uploaded to your
group journal by Friday each
week (Weeks 14-19)
Digital Media Blackboard Collaborate and Microsoft Teams will be used for the presentation and you
can be creative and innovative with the presentation and handout. It is intended for these
presentations to be online during the group sessions in Week 20. The group arrangements for
presenting digitally and online during that week will be confirmed in Week 18. You should consider
you are presenting to a Client CEO and their Investors, the BDP Partner will be present (Your Boss
and tutor!). Further advice will be provided on Blackboard and by your tutor in Week 18, this week
there are formative exercises to help prepare for the main presentations in Week 20.
Assessment criteria
The assignment marking criteria are based on the University of Bristol and School of Management
published criteria. Additional criteria relating to the group and individual components will be
published on Blackboard during Weeks 16-18. Groups that undertake research and analysis that is
relevant, that has not been covered within the unit, are demonstrating independent research, a
criterion for higher marks.
Important: You and your group must not contact the start-up company to obtain further
information, this constitutes primary research which would require ethical approval. Primary
research is not currently permitted or approved for this unit. You can explore all secondary data
concerning the company, review all the contents of their websites and any published data relating
to the company or its markets.
Group Assignment Deadline: w/c 22nd March 2021 in small group teaching sessions and Group
handout by 13:00 on 29th March 2021.
Individual assignment - 1500 - word Individual Coursework Assignment (60%)
Using the company chosen for the group assignment, consider the existing business model and
markets analysed from the group work.
12. Use PCN methodology to analyse and map the interactions between entities and identify
the primary strategic process position that the start-up company has chosen in its
current markets. (15%).
13. Select a developing country from Appendix C, identify a potential market in that country
for the company selected and develop a revised value proposition for the opportunity in
the country based on the economic, environmental, digital infrastructure and social
circumstances (15%).
14. Propose a revised business model canvas and digital strategy for entering the market in
the country you chose (15%).
15. Write a 250 – word executive summary for the Company CEO of your findings from 12,
13 and 14 (15%)
Individual Deadline: Thursday 6th May 2021 at 1300 via Blackboard and Turnitin
This individual assignment is expected to be between (1300 and 1700 words) in length, plus the 250-
word executive summary. This range excludes words in bibliographies, references, diagrams, images,
and tables. If your work is greater than the suggested maximum, you should interpret this as a signal
that you have not expressed your ideas concisely or with enough focus. Similarly, if it is less than the
suggested minimum, you should interpret this as a signal that your coverage of the subject is
insufficiently comprehensive, either in depth or breadth of coverage. Excessive use of diagrams,
images and tables would also indicate that your work is not concise. All, in terms of academic
judgement, are weaknesses and may be reflected in the marking. Work achieving the highest marks
would not exhibit the above flaws.
Appendix A: Client Businesses – Select ONE for the Group Assessment
AI Ecommerce EdTech
SurveyAuto Snackpass NutSpace
https://surveyauto.com/ https://www.snackpass.co/ https://nutspace.in/
Spacemaker Cazoo CoachHub
https://spacemaker.ai/ https://www.cazoo.co.uk/ https://coachhub.io/
Capacity Wheels Coded Minds
https://capacity.com/ https://takewheels.com/#our-focus https://www.coded-minds.org/
Observe.AI Verishop Springboard
https://www.observe.ai/ https://www.verishop.com/ https://www.springboard.com/
Eyewear tech Eatigo Labster
https://eyeware.tech/ https://eatigo.com/ https://www.labster.com/
Streem Pleo
https://www.streem.com/ https://www.pleo.io/en
Blockchain IoT Software & SaaS
Eligma xFarm Speechly
https://eligma.com/ https://xfarm.ag/?lang=en https://www.speechly.com/
Mythical Games Infraspeak ButterCMS
https://mythical.games/ https://www.infraspeak.com/ https://buttercms.com/
Dapper Labs Zypp Tego
https://www.dapperlabs.com/ https://zypp.app/ https://tegoinc.com/
FinTech Nodle.io Clumio
Securitize https://nodle.io/ https://clumio.com/
https://www.securitize.io/ Smarten Spaces Optovision
NuovoPay https://www.smartenspaces.com/ https://www.optovision.com/
https://nuovopay.com/ Seekify Soundsuit
BUTTON Wallet https://seekify.com/ https://soundsuit.fm/
https://buttonwallet.com/ Finverity
Hastee https://finverity.com/
https://www.hastee.com/ Get Quuie
Finn AI https://getquuie.com/
https://www.finn.ai/ Food and Beverage Healthcare
CNote Meatable NuvoAir
https://www.mycnote.com/ https://www.meatable.com/ https://www.nuvoair.com/
Transport and Travel Kitopi iRise
LuggageHero https://www.kitopi.com/ https://www.irise.bg/
https://luggagehero.com/ TapRm Kindbody
Airlift https://taprm.com/ https://kindbody.com/
https://rideairlift.com/ Choco Zenyum
Grab https://www.choco.com/ https://www.zenyum.com/sg-en
https://www.grab.com/sg/ Chipper Cash NeuroFlow
Airalo https://chippercash.com/ https://www.neuroflow.com/
https://www.airalo.com/ Swvl
Appendix B: Group Weekly Report Template
Group Weekly Update Report for start-up company name:
Group no: Date: Report completed by:
Refection on teaching content this week
and application to client company. (Max
100 words)
Group progress update: List the 3 key
outputs this week (Max 50 words)
Group Progress and Status (self-
assessment) based on these criteria:
A. Red: More than one group
member has been unable to
attend or engage in the group
work or a meeting has not been
held this week. There are few
outputs from the group this week
and there is a risk the group will
not catch up. Individual work is
not being shared or reviewed and
there are limited uploads to the
B. Amber: One group member has
been unable to attend or engage
this week, the group is
supporting this individual. There
were some difficulties in
producing outputs and uploading
these to the journal, mitigations
are in place to produce and
upload these next week. There
has been no group peer review of
individual contributions.
C. Green: All group members have
engaged with tasks and attended
group meetings. The Group is
progressing to plan, and this
week’s outputs are uploaded
onto the journal. The group has
peer reviewed individual
Task allocation: List all group members
and their assigned tasks for next week.
Target group activities/outputs for next
week (Max 50 words).
Appendix C. Developing Country List – Select one for the Individual Assignment
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Congo, Dem. Rep.
Gambia, The
Sierra Leone
South Sudan
Yemen, Rep.