Dance in Popular Culture Syllabus 212G, Section 22461, Spring 2021 1 of 2

DANC 212G, Section 22459R: Dance in Popular Culture
4 units (GE-A)
Day: Monday/ Wednesday
Time: 2:00pm-3:50pm
Location: Online

Instructor: Saleemah E. Knight
Office: KDC 230/ Online
Office Hours: To be scheduled by email
Contact Info: saleemah@usc.edu
Available via email: Monday/Wednesday 11am-1:00pm,
Tuesday/ Thursday 12:00n-4:30pm (response time: 0-
Syllabus/ Course Design: Saleemah E. Knight

“Personal Exploration and The New Social Dance”
Individual Paper Grading Rubric

Formatting 20 pts

The paper is properly formatted based on the assignment details as listed in the course
syllabus and MLA standard formatting guidelines via the Owl Purdue website
(https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/). This includes a proper header,
title, margins, spacing and pagination.

Content 30 pts

Your paper covers all content and questions pertaining to the assignment details (as listed
in syllabus), stays on topic and flows in a logical manner. Paper includes a proper
introduction to the topic, several body paragraphs with supporting information and a
conclusion tying together all ideas discussed within the paper. The paper includes relevant
information from course materials and uses lectures as supporting information to arrive at a
plausible conclusion.

Spelling/ Grammar 20 pts

The paper uses proper spelling of all words, names, locations, titles and authors. The
paper has been checked for proper grammar and syntax. (Note: It is advised to have
your paper reviewed outside of the auto-corrective services provided by Microsoft
Office and Word applications).

Dance in Popular Culture Syllabus 212G, Section 22461, Spring 2021 2 of 2

Quotes 20 pts

Your paper includes at least 6 quotes (3 personal sources and 3 scholarly sources) from
your family and scholarly texts that expand their commentary. The quotes properly
support the written claims and are inserted correctly within the paper. The quotes
follow the MLA/ OWL Purdue guidelines for quotations and/or in-text citations as
listed on the website. For the purposes of this assignment, an in-text citation does not
count as a full quote, but may be necessary in certain instances.

Quotations: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/03/ In Text Citations:

Bibliography 10 pts

The paper includes a properly formatted bibliography that lists all sources used within
the paper. Please use the MLA/ OWL Purdue guidelines for correct formatting of
sources (books, articles, movies, lectures) etc.

Basic Works Cited:

Works Cited-Books:

Works Cited- Periodicals:

Works Cited- Electronic Publications:


Works Cited- Other Resources (Interviews, Etc.):


Dance in Popular Culture Syllabus 212G, Section 22461, Spring 2021 3 of 2

