School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
INFS3202/7202 – Web Information Systems

Milestone Two and Three Specification
Project – Milestone two (20 Marks) and Milestone three (20 Marks)

Milestone Two Due at 16:00 PM on Friday, 30st April 2021 (Week 9)
Milestone Three Due at 16:00 PM on Friday, 21st May 2021 (Week 12)

Overview and objectives

The goal of milestone two and milestone three is to carry out your proposed website in milestone one by
implementing server-side code and deploying the system on the UQcloud or a public host.

These two milestones can be done either in the lab or at home via VPN. However, you must present this
assignment from either UQcloud or a public host to your lab tutor during your scheduled lab sessions.
You must also submit the code to Blackboard before due 16:00 PM on Friday, 30th April 2021 (Week 9
- Milestone Two Due), and 16:00 PM on Friday, 21st May 2021 (Week 12 - Milestone Three Due).

Blackboard Submission

● You should compress all your source code files into a zip file and submit it to the blackboard at
Assessment - Milestone 2 Submission before the deadline. A penalty will be applied to the late
● The file should be named using the following format: “sxxxxxxx_milestone2.zip”, (replace sxxxxxxx
with your Student ID, e.g., s1234567_milestone2.zip)
● Only your submitted version will be marked.

Marking criteria

• All work on this assignment is to be your own individual work. Using the code supplied
by course staff or released on the Internet is acceptable. However, you should understand
the underlying mechanism of each implemented feature in your project. You may lose
marks if you cannot explain the code to the tutors clearly.
• You must deploy your project to a remote server (e.g., UQ zone, AWS) to get it marked.
• Your project must be implemented in a 3-tier architecture, which means communications
among front-end, back-end, and database are expected.
• You must complete all compulsory features (refer to Appendix 1) in your project and
demonstrate them in either Milestone 2 or Milestone 3 (i.e., final submission). Otherwise,
the final marks for your entire project will be capped 20%.
• Besides the compulsory features, you are encouraged to creatively design and develop
innovative features which are appropriate for your project purpose. Refer to Appendix 2
for sample features with different credits (marks) according to their difficulty levels.
• The final marks you will obtain in Milestone 2 will be the total marks for the elective
features that are successfully implemented in your project. Thus, you can select only a
subset of completed features for marking and leave the remainder to Milestone 3. Note, if
you cannot complete the compulsory features, your final mark will be capped 20%.
• Note that one feature can be only marked once. E.g. the registration for admin and users is consider
one feature, due to the similarity of the implementation.

The teaching team reserves the right for the final explanation of this specification. If you have any
doubt, you should inquire before the due date.

Appendix 1 - Compulsory Features

1.1. Login
● Server-side validation is required (e.g., informing the user if the username is not registered in
the database or if the password is incorrect).
● Each page should reflect the user’s login status (e.g., profile/logout button should appear only
when the user has logged in).
● Some content should only be visible for logged-in users.
● Choose an appropriate HTTP request method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, etc.) for client-server
1.2. Registration
● Username and email address should be checked to be unique.
● Password strength should be checked.
● The registered user data should be saved in the database.
● Choose an appropriate HTTP request method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, etc.) for client-server
1.3. User Profile
● Create a user profile interface which is only accessible when the user has logged in.
● All the user’s information should be fetched from the database.

1.4. Cookies
● Use cookie in at least one of features you implemented

1.5. AJAX
● Use AJAX in at least one of features you implemented.

Appendix 2 - Elective Features (applied to both
Milestone 2 & 3)

1. Basic Level (2 marks each)

§ Remember me: retain user’s login details even after session expired.
§ You must use Cookie
§ Maintain scroll position of large HTML page when client returns
§ Continuously loading data when scrolling
§ Favorites, voting or rating
§ Search box autocompletion
§ Refer to the google search box
§ Adding items (e.g., dishes, events, goods, pictures)
§ Writing comments/reviews
§ Allow unregistered users to comment using their IP addresses as ID (+1%)
§ User profile updating (e.g., email, phone number)
§ Display the user’s current location on a map
§ You must use the user current location information for at least one kind of service in
your system, e.g., recommending nearby stores based on the current location
§ Image processing (e.g., resize, compress and add watermarks to images)
§ Third party API integration (e.g., sending an SMS to verify phone number using SMS API)
§ Google Map, Email, Calendar are excluded
§ Item/video/event recommendation (e.g., google recommendations api)
§ Basic file uploading: (e.g., profile image, food pictures, thumbnails)
§ Using drag and drop to choose files for uploading (prerequisite: basic file uploading)
§ Multiple files uploading at the same time (prerequisite: basic file uploading)
§ Web Security (e.g., captcha, password encryption, data sanitizing)
§ 2% for each
§ Online Payment Integration (e.g., PayPal, Stripe)
§ Image and PDF Manipulation (e.g., generating a receipt )
§ Social media integration (e.g. post to Facebook)
§ Automatic logout when user inactivity
§ Anonymous post/bid, allow user to post/bid anonymously
§ Infinite scrolling (or load more)
§ Using reCAPTCHA to enhance web security
§ Secure data transaction (end to end encryption, user-to-user) (e.g., Zend framework)
§ Create/schedule calendar events
§ Google Calendar API
§ Synchronize Google Calendar data into your system

2. Intermediate Level (3 marks each)

§ Item Searching (e.g., images, meals or items, depending on the topic)
§ Each resulting search item should contain a link which redirects to a detail page
§ fuzzy search, e.g., type “giigle” can be recognized as “Google” by the system (+1%)
§ Email Verification
§ After registration, an email should be sent to the user for the email verification
§ This feature could be implemented using a random token or a verification code
§ The user should be able to see the verification status, i.e. email verified or not
§ Forgot Password
§ Take account of security concerns.
§ This feature could be implemented using reset tokens or secret questions
§ Shopping Cart/Wishlist/Calendar
§ The information should be stored in the database
§ Users should be able to add and remove items from the cart/wishlist/calendar.
§ You can only choose to implement one and collect marks
§ Adopt Oauth to allow unregistered users to login
§ Allow users to use their social network account to login with registration
§ Store user information into the database
§ Self-implemented Secure data transaction (end-to-end encryption, user-to-user)
§ Develop your own encryption method
§ Secure all communication between user with random generate key pairs

3. Advanced Level (4 marks each)

o Data Mining (e.g., association rule mining)
o Management Dashboard (statistical information)
§ demonstrate at least four kinds of statistical analysis graphs, e.g., bar chart, pie chart,
line chart, sunburst chart
• Web Push Notification (e.g., when the item is sold, when the meal is delivered)
§ Refer to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
• Recommendation Algorithm (statistic based)
• Computer Vision Algorithm (e.g., detecting objects in images)
• Real-time Chatbot (self-implemented)
• Setup proxy server
• Chatbots (e.g,. alexia)
• Others at the same difficulty level
Note that, if you are unsure whether your elective features can be considered as basic or advanced
ones, feel free to contact tutors for confirmation.

4. User Interface Design
To obtain marks for UI design, your project must meet all the marking criteria (visual design, HTML
usage, CSS usage and navigation) in a column below. E.g., you will get 1 mark if your website UI meets
all the criteria listed in the basic-level column.

Basic Level (1 mark) Medium Level (2 marks) Advanced Level (3 marks)
• Basic style guide
provided with basic
rules for application
to site elements.
• A basic illustration
of the visual design
of the site.
• Style guide provided
with basic rules for
application to site
• Requires additional
detail in description.
• A clear illustration of the
visual design of the site.
• Style guide clearly
describes how color,
typography and stylistic
elements are to be
implemented & applied to
the site.
• An excellent illustration of
the visual design of the site
- showing the application of
the style guide to key
elements using
representative content.
• HTML is
• Some errors
(semantic and/or
syntactic) remain in
the code.
• HTML is semantically
appropriate and
syntactically correct.
• Minor syntax errors
remain in the code.
• HTML is implemented with a
high standard, well-structured
and semantically appropriate.
• No errors in the code.
CSS Usage • Use CSS to style
text, headings, links
and block elements
• Some CSS scripts
do not work.
• CSS use is
• Styles are provided for
text, headings, links,
and block elements.
• Minor errors remain in
the code.
• CSS is implemented with a
high standard
• No errors remained
Navigation • A basic navigation
system using links
• No broken links
• Any pages can be
• Navigation is achieved
with simple menus and
interface implemented with
• Interactions with the
interface elements are static
or just hyperlinked.
• Navigation is achieved with
menus and interface elements
with JavaScript.
• Elements provide some
interaction such as hints,
validation, and autocomplete or
drive some functionality.

Note that, if you are unsure whether your elective features can be considered as basic or
advanced ones, feel free to contact tutors for confirmation.

