Assessment INSTG068: Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities
Submission date: Monday 30 April 2021 at 14:00
Return date: Monday 28 May 2021
The assessment is composed of the following elements:
• Class presentations (30%)
• 3,000 word essay
This essay will give you the opportunity to dive deeper into one of the topics that
were covered in class. Your essay will:
Present a more complete summary of the state of the art of the scholarship that
exists on your chosen topic (pick 1 of the topics that were covered in class, carry out
a more systematic literature review of the topic and summarize and analyse some of
the key ideas that emerge from that review).
Reflect on how (and perhaps whether) the more conceptual debates and
perspectives that we explored in seminar sessions are influencing digital humanities
scholarship in practice. You may, for example, formulate a research
question/problem to address. To do this you should draw on your knowledge of the
Digital Humanities landscape (past or present) in order to identify and describe how
one Digital Humanities resource engages with, is informed by, or grants a further
perspective on your chosen topic.
Your essay should include the following sections:
Introduction: Identify the debate, perspective or framework that you wish to explore
in this report (drawn from one of the topics covered in class) and give a rationale of
why you selected this topic in particular.
Section 1 Research context: literature review; include at least 5 sources that were
not already assigned in class. Ensure that your literature review does not simply
summarize or describe relevant sources – show your critical engagement with the
literature you discuss.
Section 2: Sources and methodology Particulars of the digital resource: Identify
and describe (using screen shots and any appropriate illustrative prop in addition to
narrative text) the digital platform that you will focus on in the next section. Establish
criteria that will assist you in critiquing the resource in terms of how it is shaped by,
or seeks to shape this debate. Ensure accurate and consistent referencing of both
digital and scholarly sources. A particular citation style is specified – select what you
prefer and use it consistently.
Section 3 Analysis: analyse the resource according to your selected criteria so as
to write a critical analysis of your selected digital object. Include annotated
screenshots or any other appropriate illustrative prop.
Section 4 Conclusion: Suggest ways that the resource you are analysing may
respond more effectively / ethically/ reflectively etc to the debate that your essay is
focusing on OR reflect on the new perspectives that analyzing a digital resource in
this way has opened up for you OR any other logical and appropriate conclusion
Bibliography: a bibliography of resources cited (not included in word count).