网络安全代写-FIT 5124-Assignment 2
FIT 5124 Advance Topics in Security (S1 2021)
Assignment 2: Secure Multi-Party Computation
Total marks 100
Due on 22 May 11:59:59 am (Firm!)
1 Overview
The objective of this assignment is to assess the learning outcomes in secure
multi-party computation (SMC) techniques and their applications to
privacy-preserving data mining and machine learning. Specifically, the tasks will
evaluate your knowledge of SMC and assess your capability of using SMC primitives
to build, analyse, implement, and evaluate privacy-preserving computational
protocols in a comprehensive manner.
2 Submission Policy
You need to submit a report (one single PDF file) to describe what you have done
and what you have observed with screen shots whenever necessary; you also need
to provide explanation or codes to the observations that are related to the tasks. In
your report, you are expected to answer all the questions listed in this manual.
Typeset your report into .pdf format (make sure it can be opened with Adobe
Reader) and name it as the format:
[Your Name]-[Student ID]-FIT5124-Assignment2,
Please upload the PDF file to Moodle. Note that the assignment is due on 22 May,
Saturday, 11:59:59 am (No extension).
Late submission penalty: 10-point deduction per day. If you require a special
consideration, the application should be submitted at least three days in
advance via Monash Connect ( Zero
tolerance on plagiarism: If you are found cheating, penalties will be applied, i.e., a
zero grade for the unit. The demonstration video is also used to detect/avoid
plagiarism. University policies can be found at
FIT 5124 Advance Topics in Security (S1 2021)
3 Using Secure Computation Techniques to Realise Privacy-preserving Data
Mining and Machine Learning applications (100 marks)
Pick one application scenario of interest to you, where secure computation
protocols can offer a privacy-preserving solution to the security requirements of the
parties involved. Application scenarios include:
● K-means clustering
● Linear regression (10 bonus marks if you select this task)
● Neural network inference (20 bonus marks if you select this task, only
inference not training)
Note that we plan to give you bonus marks for Linear Regression and Neural
Network Inference due to the higher difficulty of the tasks. Namely, if you choose one
of them, your final mark will be multiplied by 1.1 and 1.2, respectively.
For K-means clustering or linear regression, you can choose any dataset from UCI
machine learning repository: For the
selected dataset, the number of attributes must be larger or equal than 20.
For neural network inference, the task is image classification for the FashionMNIST
dataset. Pytorch already include Fashion-MNIST data/API, you can use load the
dataset by using:
train_set = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(
root = './data/FashionMNIST',
train = True,
download = True,
transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()])
test_set = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(
root = './data/FashionMNIST',
train = False,
transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()])
You can use direct links to download the dataset. The data is stored in the same
format as the original MNIST data as we used before:
training set images:
FIT 5124 Advance Topics in Security (S1 2021)
training set labels:
test set images:
test set labels:
Some references (you may follow other references/realisations/algorithms as long as
they can achieve the same functionality):
● K-means clustering: Chapter 7.3, “Mining of Massive
Datasets”, Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, Jeff Ullman.
● Linear regression and Neural Network Inference:, “SecureML: A System for Scalable
Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning”, Payman Mohassel, Yupeng Zhang.
3.1 Plaintext Algorithm Description (10 Marks)
To design a privacy-preserving protocol, the first task is to understand how the
plaintext algorithm works. In this question, please describe the details of the plaintext
algorithm for your selected application (step by step) with clear definitions of
notations and parameters used in the description. For neural network inference, you
can also draw a figure or table to illustrate the model architecture you plan to adopt.
3.2 Protocol Overview (10 Marks)
Please explain the concrete application scenario. What are the parties involved in
your proposed protocol? What are the security and privacy goals of your proposed
protocol? You can draw a figure to illustrate the parties involved and to describe the
high-level overview of your proposed protocol.
3.3 Protocol Design (40 Marks)
Please analyse the plaintext algorithm and explain how to use SMC techniques to
realise the plaintext algorithm in a privacy-preserving manner. Explain how the
algorithm can be computed securely among the parties involved (please write down
FIT 5124 Advance Topics in Security (S1 2021)
the protocol step by step), and explain what are the security guarantees for your
proposed protocol?
25 marks for clearly presenting the design of the proposed protocols, and 10 marks
for correctness of your proposed protocol, and 5 marks on clearly explaining the
security guarantees of your proposed protocol.
3.4 Protocol Analysis (10 Marks)
Please conduct performance analysis for your proposed protocol. What is the
complexity of communication, computation cost?
3.5 Implementation and evaluation (30 Marks)
Please implement your proposed protocol and clearly explain how to run the code on
your VM in detail, so that our teaching team can verify the correctness of your
implementation and reproduce the results. Please add detailed comments and print
detailed logs in your implementation to foster the teaching team to check the
correctness and verify your results. (20 Marks)
Please evaluate the practical performance of your protocol based on the
implementation, e.g., the time cost for your protocol under different parameter
settings, the communication cost between parities when running your protocol.
Please also report the accuracy of your protocol, and tell whether there is an
accuracy loss compared to the plaintext algorithm and explain the reason. (10
Appendix: Arithmetic Shares to Yao’s Shares (A2Y)
In the lecture, we introduced mixed protocols for efficiently realising complicated
computation tasks. For example, when computing K-Means in the assignment,
sorting is a necessary operation after computing distances. However, we cannot
directly sort arithmetic shares since they are randomised values. Thus, we need to
seek an alternative method that can sort the distances without revealing it. Intuitively,
Yao’s Garbled Circuit will help achieve this goal. In the lecture, we have introduced
the A2Y technique that can convert the arithmetic shares to garbled circuit labels
(i.e., Yao’s shares). The emp-toolkit provides the corresponding class/functions to
enable the A2Y method. Particularly, we can use the Integer class of emp-toolkit
FIT 5124 Advance Topics in Security (S1 2021)
( to
achieve our goal.
Assuming that we have already shared a value a to two-servers as 0 and 1,
we can use the constructor of the Integer class to convert the arithmetic share as
well as the field size (e.g., 232) to Yao’s share. Then, the overridden operators (+,
%) can be invoked to compute the label of a ((
0 +1) % Field size). Finally, the
sorting algorithm can be executed over Yao’s garbled circuits (GC).
N.B. In week6 tutorial, we were using as an
example to demonstrate how to use emp-toolkit under the semi-honest two-server
setting. Please refer to this again when you design a GC-based program.
