程序代写案例-COMP 3000
COMP 3000
Operating Systems
Inter-Process Communication and Concurrency
(part 1)
Lianying Zhao
Recap: Ways to Pass Data to a Program
• Command line arguments
• Standard I/O
• Files
• Network
• Pipes (e.g., FIFO)
• Here, one end is a process (program)
• The other end (which can be a process) represents a third party/user
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How Do Processes Talk to Each Other?
• If they don’t, we won’t have concurrency problems
• But how to make the work done?
• Signals
• But it’s more like notification (hence signaling)
• Pipes
• Unidirectional
• Sockets
• Message queues (we will not discuss them)
• Shared memory!
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Synchronous & Asynchronous
• AKA, blocking & non-blocking
• Applicable in function invocation and communication in general
• Synchronous (blocking)
• Yield CPU (the process is no longer running)
• Returns when completed (e.g., data sent/received)
• Asynchronous (non-blocking)
• Returns right away
• Needs a mechanism to check the results
COMP 3000 (Winter 2021)
1. Polling
2. Callbacks based on
• Unidirectional data channel
• One end for read and one end for write (two FDs)
• Backed up by an in-memory buffer
• Size is determined by implementation
• Named pipes and unnamed (regular) pipes
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Pipes (CONT’d)
• Unnamed pipes
• Created with the pipe() system call
• Only between forked processes or within the same process, i.e., there’s no
name to refer to outside.
• Gone when involved processes are terminated
• Named pipes (FIFOs)
• Backed up by file systems (recall: one type defined in the inode)
• i.e., you see a file in a directory
• Created with the mkfifo()system call
• Supports different processes with access to the FIFO file
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• Just endpoints for communication
• Not necessarily for Internet
• Created with the socket() system call
• Supports various protocols
• E.g., AF_INET (Internet), AF_UNIX/AF_LOCAL (local)
• Socket programming
• bind(), listen(), accept(), etc.
Source: www.geeksforgeeks.org
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Performance Overhead!
• All the aforementioned mechanisms can be considered “messaging”
• A third party is involved
• Messages are copied from one end to the other
• Overhead caused by data moving
• Also, what about multiple parties
• Overhead caused by context switch
• Don’t only think about data size
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Shared Memory
• It seems the ultimate solution is sharing
• Can be generalized to shared resources
• Shared memory: the mmap() system call
• But don’t forget: "There is no such thing as a free lunch"
Review of mmap()
1. Allocate memory (tut2)
2. Allocate shared memory (tut6)
3. Map a file into memory (tut5)
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Recall: the Storage Hierarchy
• What is shared may not
be seen the same by all
• L1 and L2 are per-core
• L3 is shared
• We admit and accept it,
and it can be alleviated
with proper configuration
Source: www.flashmemorysummit.comCOMP 3000 (Winter 2021) 10
Then How to Coordinate Updates?
• What is the main cause of concurrency problems?
• Shared data!
• If all parties are allowed to update the shared data (needed in most
cases), it should be OK, if:
• Updates from each party are carried out as intended
• And there are rules
• In today’s multitasking environments, satisfying the former condition
is nontrivial
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Lack of Atomicity
• How update to the shared data can go unintended:
• It involves multiple operations, as opposed to one
• So, for example:
counter = counter + 1;
mov 0x8049a1c, %eax
add $0x1, %eax
mov %eax, 0x8049a1c
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Race Condition
• When multiple concurrent tasks/threads are accessing shared
resources roughly at the same time leading to an undesired outcome
• The results depend on the timing
• Non-deterministic
• Critical section: the piece of code that updates a shared resource
• Seemingly two ways out: atomicity or mutual exclusion
• which is about the same goal (one achieves the other)
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Atomic Operations
• Indivisible
• All or nothing
• No in-between state visible
• To enforce atomicity, in case of interruption
• Roll back
• Information about the previous state must be available before discarding
incomplete operations
• Recall: crash consistency for file systems
• E.g., Journaling
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COMP 3000 (Winter 2021) 15
COMP 3000
Operating Systems
More on Mounting File Systems
• The permission bits
• File system-specific *
• E.g., Access Control Lists (ACLs)
• How come I can mount all/many kinds of file system on Linux and still
see the same view?
• Possibility: the driver fakes it
• Mount options
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Using the dd Command
• Experimenting with real devices can be risky
• So let’s use a “virtual” version
• dd is a command-line utility to copy/convert data
• Always involves an input file (if) and an output file (of)
• Not necessarily regular files
• Block devices (e.g., /dev/sda)
• Other special files (e.g., /dev/null, /dev/random, /dev/zero)
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dd vs. cp
• Well, they both copy files, so…
• They have different positionings
• cp: works at the granularity of files
• Can handle multiple files/directories
• dd: file I/O, more control over data is handled
• Position control: seek (of), skip (if)
• Conversion: e.g., encoding
• Analogy: dd is like a file-based pipeline
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