CIS434 Final Take-Home Project
Download 3 data files from Blackboard. Every line in each file corresponds to a customer
tweet sent to an airline (i.e., @ an airline) although sometimes a tweet may mention multiple
1. The file complaint.txt contains samples of customer tweets that are considered by my
former TA as complaints.
2. The file noncomplaint.txt contains samples of customer tweets that are not considered
by my former TA as complaints.
3. The file customertweets.csv contains samples of customer tweets that may or may not
be complaints, although most of them are complaints. Your task is to find out as many
noncomplaints as you can from this file.Your grade depends both on the number of
noncomplaints you identify, and whether they are indeed noncomplaints.
A customer tweet is considered a complaint if the tweet expresses anger, frustration, or
disappointment towards an airline, and is considered a non-complaint otherwise. Such an
evaluation should be clear in most cases, but may be hard in some ambiguous scenarios. For
• A tweet may mention multiple airlines, lashing out at one while praising or swearing
to fly with the other. Do not include these as non-complaints.
• A tweet may contain too little information, for example, due to text truncation. Include
these as non-complaints.
You need to submit 2 files with file names formatted as firstname_lastname.csv and
firstname_lastname.pdf. Suppose a student’s first name is John and last name is Smith.
1. john_smith.csv: a CSV file of non-complaint tweets consisting of two columns.
Please note that unless your file conforms to the following requirements, you will
receive 0 grade.
• Only include your identified non-complaint tweets in this CSV file.
• Only include 2 columns in this CSV file and the 2 columns must be separated
by comma and be in the following order.
– The first column contains the id field from the original csv file.
– The second column contains your identified non-complaint tweet.
• Please do not put quotation marks around any field.
2. john_smith.pdf: a PDF file describing how you completed the task, along with any
code you used.

