COMP4434 Big Data Analytics
Individual Project
For internal use only, please do not distribute!
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Individual Project
 Work independently on a real-world problem
 Deliverables and Grading (40%)
 Mid report (5%)
 Final report (8%)
 Presentation (7%)
 Code (20%)
 Submit deadline:
 Mid report: 23:59 15 March 2021
 Final report: 23:59 5 May 2021
New Jersey Institute of Technology
 The project dataset contains information on user
preference data on different teleplays.
 It is composed of two files
 Teleplay.csv: It includes different features of teleplays.
 rating.csv: It includes the rating of each user to every
teleplay she/he has watched.
 You are required to implement using Python.
 Third-party packages are allowed.
New Jersey Institute of Technology
 In any big data analysis projects, data pre-
processing is the first and an important step.
 Data preprocessing tasks:
a) Detecting missing value: The rating dataset uses “-1”
to represent missing ratings. You need to replace them
with a null value to avoid the average to be distorted.
b) Encoding categorical data: The teleplay dataset has a
“type” column which includes “TV”, “OVA”, and
“Movie”. You need to encode them to 0, 1, and 2
because most algorithms require numerical inputs.
c) Process Outliers. There are plenty of outliers inside the
datasets. Deal with them according to the situation.
Stage 1.1: Data Preprocessing
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Stage 1.2: MapReduce
 Because there are huge amounts of data in the
provided dataset, you are expected to design a
MapReduce algorithm for data pre-processing
in parallel.
 MapReduce task:
a) The average rating of each teleplay can be
computed by MapReduce based on the rating of
each user to each teleplay in rating.csv.
b) The average rating computed from rating.csv can
be attached as a new feature to the corresponding
teleplay in Teleplay.csv.
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Stage 1.3: Linear Regression
 Task:
a) Using python to design a linear regression model. Note that
you are required to implement linear regression algorithms
by yourself.
b) Using the training dataset to train your model, which can
predict the rating of teleplay.
c) A grading dataset with hidden average rating column has
been provided and you need to give predicted values
through your trained model.
 Evaluation standard:
Your predicted values will be compared with the true value and
the grading is based on prediction accuracy.
 Only using the third-party related packages will lose the
points for the coding.
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Stage 2.1: Neural Network
 Task:
a) Using python to design a neural network model,
such as Multi-Layer Perception (MLP).
b) Using the training dataset to train your model,
which can predict the average rating of teleplay.
c) A grading dataset with hidden average rating
column has been provided and you need to give
predicted values through your trained model.
 Evaluation standard:
Your predicted values will be compared with the true
value and the grading is based on prediction accuracy.
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Stage 2.2: Contend-based Recommendation System
 Task: Build a teleplay recommendation system
based on user’s content preference.
a) Calculate the similarity between teleplays.
b) From existing dataset, find user 53698’s favorite
teleplay, and based on that, recommend similar
teleplays for user 53698.
New Jersey Institute of Technology
 Task: Build a teleplay recommendation system
based on the preferences of other users,
automatically recommend teleplay to users that
they haven’t watched yet.
a) Design and train the prediction model via SGD from
known ratings.
b) Predict the ratings of the teleplays that are not rated
by the user (user_id:53698).
Stage 2.3: Collaborative Filtering-based
Recommendation System
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Report & Presentation
 Mid Report (Stage 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
 Details of Data analytics
 Details of model design and implementation
 Primary Result
 Summary of discoveries and future work
 Final Report (Stage 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)
 Problem definition
 Model design and analysis
 Solutions and implementation details
 Performance evaluation and discussion
 Summary of discoveries and future work
 Presentation
 Presentation slides in 15-20 pages
 Record a presentation video in 10-15 minutes

