CptS 583 Software Quality
Spring 2021
Project Deliverable III (2)
(Due April 30, 2021 on Blackboard)
Deliverable Description
The last milestone of this course project is about independent quality assessment,
measuring and evaluating software quality of a product developed by a different team.
Each team will be given the test project repository (where the product source code is
located) along with the requirements and quality planning documents. Based on these
given artifacts, your team is expected to conduct quality assessment to check if the test
project meets what are specified in its requirements and quality plan, especially
whether the product meets the quality goals originally set by the development team.
In the first part of the independent quality assessment milestone, you have studied and
understood the requirements and quality plan of the test project assigned to your team.
Now, this is the second part of this milestone, Deliverable III (2), where you will conduct
the actual assessment of software quality of the test project.
In particular, for this part, your team will
• Conduct assessment of the product quality for the given software, according to
the requirements, and quality goals and metrics stated in the original quality
plan. Essentially this is to check whether or not and how well the goals have
been achieved by the test project.
• Summarize the final verification and validation results as an assessment report
(e.g., results of the quality metrics, which quality goals are met and which are
not, and other issues you found); in addition, suggest in the report strategies for
quality improvements with respect to the assessment results.
What to Submit
a. A report that documents the summarization of results of your assessment tasks
as described above.
* Submit (a) as a single PDF to Blackboard.
Assessment Criterion
This part of the deliverable will be mainly be evaluated based on the clarity of the
assessment report, and the completeness of the report (e.g., objectively describing whether
or not the quality goals are met). Further, the deliverable will be evaluated based on the
quality improvements suggested. The improvements include but are not limited to
clarification and/or elaboration of the quality goals, the selection of alternative/additional
quality measures, the selections of different techniques/tools to collect data, the selection
of alternative/additional quality assurance strategies.