Design & Computing CENG10014
(Design and Computing _2020) Assessment Brief
Assessment information
Unit name Design and Computing
Unit code CENG10014
Assessment number 1 of 1
Assessment name Design and Computing Project
Assessment prepared by Mr Jeff Barrie
Assessment type Design report including supporting drawings, CAD files and
MATLAB files
Credit value 20
Expected time to
Project runs from weeks 6-23 TB1-TB2
Approx 200 hours (This includes lectures/pre-session
activities, design studio sessions, practical drawing, CAD and
computing classes as well as self-study)
Submission format Online submission on Blackboard
Deadline TB2 Week 23-Friday 07/05/21 (midday)
Deliverable Individual Design project report submitted on Blackboard as
pdf, including CAD files, technical drawings and MATLAB files
Learning outcomes being
assessed able to demonstrate an appreciation of the
environmental, economic, social, professional and
interdisciplinary contexts, scope and purpose of engineering in
delivering sustainable development able to demonstrate an appreciation of how engineering
fulfils its purpose through design as a process of individual and
collective learning
3.demonstrate ability to formulate and solve complex
engineering problems at the conceptual and detailed levels
4.demonstrate ability to plan and manage the design process,
including an appreciation of the role of formal processes and
codified design rules
5.demonstrate ability in basic graphical communication (e.g.
sketching and technical drawing), and in written and oral
6.have an understanding of the role of computation in
7.have developed basic skills in computer coding
8.have been introduced to the use of MATLAB programming
environment for engineering computation purposes able to draft basic drawings and objects using CAD
Design & Computing CENG10014
Assessment criteria More details in the assessment rubric-in general:
1.Appreciation of engineering design/systems, sustainable
development, and wider professional context (15%) Assesses
ILO 1, 2
2. CAD/Technical drawing and practical skills (20%) Assesses
ILO 5, 9
4. Understanding of design process/conceptual design (15%)
Assesses ILO 3, 4
5. Understanding of Computing/programming skills (50%)
Assesses ILO 6, 7, 8
Oral presentations skills (ILO5) will be assessed via the EWB
Additional resources* Students should use University provided and supported
software (CAD/MATLAB) for their project work. Alternative
software will not be supported in class or assessed as part of
the submission.
Support for this
Students are strongly encouraged to fully engage with the
lecture and pre-session activities, including all staff-supported
practical and design classes as well as formative assessment
exercises. Students can also seek supplementary advice and
support from their personal tutors.
Additional advice to
To successful meet all learning outcomes and assessment
criteria of the design and computing project, students must
use their understanding of design and apply their skills in
drawing, CAD and computing. The project is delivered using a
Problem Based Learning (PBL) model-and its important that
individual students take ownership of their project and the
problem they need to solve. It’s easy to fall behind with
project work which is assessed at the end of the year-so its
vitally important to engage with weekly design classes and
formative assessment, especially the stage gate formative
assessment which assesses students understanding, skills and
performance-as well as giving vital opportunity for feedback.
Feedback information
Feedback mode/method Online feedback via Blackboard with rubric
Planned feedback date TB2 Week 26 (may be affected by exam board/moderation)
Useful previous
All formative assessments in this unit provide vital ongoing
feedback for the project
Future feedback use* CENG20020 Structural Materials and Design, CENG20019
Methods of Structural Analysis, CENG20016 Design Methods
2, CENG20023 Design Project 2, CENG20022 Principles of
Professional Practice, MENG20007 Engineering Practice
* Note: these fields are optional but good practice
Design & Computing CENG10014
Design & Computing Project 2020: Medium-sized Wind Turbine for off-grid applications
Small and medium wind turbines (SMWT) offer an environmentally friendly and cost-competitive
solution for off-grid applications in rural and island areas. Small to Medium wind power can also be
combined with hybrid systems with solar or diesel. As the price of conventional energy sources (in
particular fossil fuels) is on the rise-the costs of small wind power generation are declining, which is
making this technology an attractive offer. See Fig 1.
Fig 1. Left: Small wind turbine in rural Indiana USA (Source: Wikipedia) Right: Knabs Ridge Wind
Farm, Yorkshire, UK (Source: Wikipedia)
Advancements in wind power technology since the 1990s have increased the overall size of wind
turbines and rated output has increased by almost 50 times [1]. Advances in composites have
allowed more efficient designs with increased rotor diameters and higher stiffness to weight ratios.
Wind turbines continue to be one of the lowest priced renewable energy sources. Much of the cost
is in the purchase and installation of wind turbines-which is eventually offset by the energy
harvested. As wind turbines become larger and rotor diameters increase, there remains concerns
about visual impact, appropriate locations to access wind and risks to birds. This potentially opens
up the market for small to medium wind turbine developments where a balance of size, number and
efficiency could be met. See fig 2.
Fig 2. Left: Evolution of wind turbines (source: Wikipedia) Right: Anti-wind farm sign (source: Alamy)
Design & Computing CENG10014
Design & Computing Project 2020: Medium-sized Wind Turbine for off-grid applications
The Design Brief
A global engineering professional services company (GEP) has been asked to assist in the proposal of
an onshore wind farm development on the Orkland islands, a sub Antarctic archipelago in the
northern isles of Scotland. The islands are 1,466 sq.mi) in area and has a population of
22,920, with a population density of 15 per (40/sq.mi). The proposal is in collaboration with
Scottish Energy plc and the Orkland Islands Council, has backing from the Scottish government and is
subject to consent of a HVDC connection to the mainland. The planned completion date is 2025.
The main income for the islands is agriculture, fishing, the oil/gas industry, culture and tourism. The
islands boast interesting flora and fauna, including three nature reserves for seabird colonies and
many sites of special scientific interest (SSSI). See Fig 3.
Fig 3. Left: Map of the Orkland islands & location from Scottish mainland (Source: Wikipedia) Right: A
puffin colony on the island (Source: Wikipedia)
A planning application has been submitted for up to 150 turbines (approx. 600MW capacity) on one
of the main islands, but there is pressure to reduce the scope and scale of this proposal from the
local community. Details of this can be found in the appendices.
Taking on the role of an engineer at GEP, students are asked to propose the number, height, and
rotor diameter of the turbines in the proposal, as well as estimated rated output of the whole site
and each turbine. Different wind turbine concepts will need to proposed and evaluated, with a range
of needs and requirements in mind. Detailed technical design and modelling will be focussed on a
wind turbine sub-system aligned with each engineering discipline:
Civil Engineering: Tower Structure (see technical annex A)
Mechanical Engineering: Nacelle/Transmission (see technical annex B)
Aerospace Engineering: Rotor Hub & Blades (see technical annex C)
Engineering Design: Open choice (see appropriate technical annex from above)
The aim of each detail investigation is to optimise their sub-system using mathematical modelling-
and provide a design layout using CAD and technical drawings. A supplementary technical annex for
each sub-system will be provided in week 5, an overview of the wind turbine layout is in Fig 4.
Design & Computing CENG10014
Design & Computing Project 2020: Medium-sized Wind Turbine for off-grid applications
Fig 4. Front and side view/elevations of a medium sized wind turbine
Once the turbine conceptual design process is complete, wind farm layout (i.e. the locations of wind
turbines within the farm) needs to be considered. The prevailing south-westerly wind is found in the
summer, autumn, and winter months, while a north-easterly becomes prevalent in the spring. The
Orklands are braced by the strongest winds in the autumn and winter months and are much calmer
in the spring and summer months. The specific site has substantial variability in wind conditions and
therefore detailed analysis is required to determine financial viability of the project.
Using a combination of provided modelling tools, along with developing their own mathematical
relationships, students should analyse and determine the suitability of the proposed wind farm array
in the Orklands.
Summative Assessment and Marking Criteria
The design and computing project counts for 100% of the unit; and will run throughout the unit
(design classes will focus on the project from Week 7 after the EWB challenge). Students will work in
small groups of 30, but will be assessed individually on their own discipline specific sub-system. Each
student must present a design report (4-6 pages) with accompanying technical drawings, CAD and
MATLAB files. The report is assessed in two sections; design and computing respectively. Each
section is equally weighted (50% each) and both sections must be passed (at a grade of 40%
minimum) to pass the overall unit. Each group will have two teachers assigned to them (one for
design and for computing) who will provide continuous support & feedback throughout the unit.
Side view/elevation
Hub Height
Rotor Dia 50-150m
Front view/elevation
Blade tip height
Design & Computing CENG10014
Design & Computing Project 2020: Medium-sized Wind Turbine for off-grid applications
50% of the project report focusses on design and is assessed under the following criteria:
1. System and sub-system level idea generation, identification and understanding of needs with an
appreciation of the environmental, social and economic context. (15%)
2. 3 x Hand-drawn wind turbine concepts, a 3D CAD visualisation of the final proposed sub-system
design with annotations/captions showing key detail. 2D CAD orthographic drawing of the sub-
system showing dimensions and elements of manufacture/construction. CAD modelling approach
assessed from CAD files (20%)
3. Understanding of design requirements and constraints, design process and evaluation of 3
alternative turbine concepts using design tools to justify final design (15%)
This section assesses ILOs 1-5 and 9 and is linked to 4 x formative assessments in TB1
50% of the project report focusses on computer-based modelling and is assessed under the
following criteria:
1. The code meets the project objectives and runs without producing errors and plots the
required outputs (20%)
2. The code is easy to understand with appropriate style, and follows sound programming
principles (15%)
3. The code can handle non-standard inputs from the user without error (10%)
4. The final documentation comprehensively details the approach taken, uses appropriate
figures and explains the patterns observed using appropriate technical language (5%)
The required submission will include the code and associated documentation
This section assesses ILO 6, 7, 8 and is linked to 1 x formative assessment in TB2
The report must be submitted in pdf format in Blackboard. CAD files (dwg. files and
parts/assemblies) must be submitted alongside the report. Large format technical drawings (A3) can
be submitted separately from the report. The report and all files submitted form part of the
complete assessment.
Design & Computing CENG10014
Design & Computing Project 2020: Medium-sized Wind Turbine for off-grid applications
Formative Assessment
Throughout the unit, there are a series of formative assessments and activities which build individual
and collective understanding and practical knowledge of design and computer based modelling to
support the project. It is important for all students to engage with each activity to successfully
complete the design and computing project and receive ongoing feedback.
TB1 Formative assessments
1. Engineers without Borders Engineering for People design challenge (TB1 Wk 1-5); this
introduces students to the design process, understanding needs and appreciation of
environmental, social and economic context-as well as conceptual development and use of
key design tools to justify designs.
2. Technical communication exercise (TB1 Wk 6); this demonstrates the ability to produce and
interpret technical drawings and sketches by hand.
3. CAD exercise (TB1 Wk 11); this demonstrates the ability to produce models and drafting
information using CAD software
4. Design project concept stage-gate (TB1 Wk 12); an opportunity to get feedback on the
design section of the project and show consolidation of understanding, skills and knowledge
learned from this term.
TB2 Formative assessment
5. MATLAB/Computing exercise (TB2 Wk 20); this demonstrates the ability to understand
coding/programming using MATLAB
All formative submissions are assessed anonymously via Blackboard under pass/fail criteria
Deadlines, assessment, and feedback
The design & computing project must be submitted by midday (12pm) on Friday 07/05/2021 (wk 23
TB2). Grades and feedback will be available within 15 working days of the report submission.
Design & Computing CENG10014
Design & Computing Project 2020: Medium-sized Wind Turbine for off-grid applications
The Orkland Island Council and Scottish Power plc signed a partnership agreement to develop a wind
farm on the main island of the Orklands in 2007. The scope area of the wind farm is 129 sq. km (50
sq mi), of which only 104 hectares (1.04 would be permanently built upon, additionally the
plan requires construction of approximately 104 km of access roads, and the quarrying of 1,470,000
cubic metres of rock, and the disturbance of between 650 and 900,000 cubic metres of peat.
The proposal is based on 150 x 4.5MW turbines with 90m hub height and a blade tip height of 145m.
The electricity produced from the site would meet the needs of 475,000 homes and save 0.5 million
tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. Any changes to the number of wind turbines or specifications
requires renewed consent. The proposal is dependant on the construction of an HVDC connection at
a cost of £300 million-and as such needs to be large in scale to justify the investment-as the Orkland
islands are not connected to the national grid network.
The capital cost of the project is £600million with income of the development estimated at
£20million per annum to the Orkland Island Council Trust.
The intention of the Norse Wind farm proposal is to be the most productive and efficient in the
world, creating 35 permanent jobs on the island with £2.2 million community benefit to the islands
per annum. It alone could generate a fifth of Scotland’s energy needs and help meet the 2020 target
of 500MW from community and locally-owned renewable energy.
Since 2010, the project has been on hold pending revised plans, legal action from the island
community, objections from RSPB Scotland as well as changes to UK government policy on onshore
wind and uncertainty about the UK’s relationship with the EU in meeting the renewable energy
targets by 2020.
In 2011, there was planning consent for a converter station and 150 turbines on the proposed site
based on previous understanding that the land could be used for power lines and 50m high pylons
according to section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989. There is currently only consent for 127 turbines-
with consent withheld for the remainder due to potential interference with equipment at Orkland
In 2013, the local community and RSPB Scotland objected to the plans, stating that the proposal and
Scottish ministers failed their obligations under the Bird Directive [2009/147/EC] to the protected
breeding sites of the Whimbrel bird species-and subsequently won a court ruling. In response
approvals for access works inc road and converter station have been sought to keep the project
It is hoped that renewed consent, backed by the Scottish government, Orkland Island council and
Scottish Power plc, can be approved by 2020, with a 5 year build of the turbines and operation from
To date, the wind farm proposal has received 2,772 formal objections and 1,115 in support.
Design & Computing CENG10014
Design & Computing Project 2020: Medium-sized Wind Turbine for off-grid applications
This project will bring benefits threefold for the island; harnessing its renewable potential,
securing its electricity supplies for the long term, and helping decarbonise electricity. After
more than a decade working closely with the community we are delighted to reach this stage
and be playing our part in Orkland's net-zero future Managing Director of Scottish Power-
Renewables plc
“We were not satisfied that the residual impacts on several birds, arising from collision with
turbines or displacement from the development, were acceptable. We also had concerns
about damage to blanket bog habitat, the proposed means of dealing with excavated peat
and the carbon budget of the development and hence we objected to the original application.
We will continue to work with stakeholders to seek a reduction in adverse environmental
impacts and suitable, compensatory habitat management should the development be
consented. The impacts predicted to arise from any revised application are still considered
unacceptable and we formally object. RSPB Scotland Spokesperson
This is excellent news for Orkland, and for Scotland's renewable energy and climate change
ambitions. Climate change poses a greater threat to landscapes than windfarms and that
opposing them should be socially unacceptable. Scottish Energy Minister
The proposal would have a hugely damaging detrimental impact on the treeless, hilly
landscape. We can't simply build our way out of climate change. It is both cheaper and less
destructive to reduce energy need and waste, rather than cover the wild landscapes that define
Scotland and its people with wind turbines." Spokesperson of the Orkland Community
campaign group
The dispute has highlighted the conflicts arising over the siting of major windfarms on land,
between the need to exploit the most windy locations and the desire to preserve the rural
environment. I believe there's a dialogue to be had, which will assuage fears, I hope.
Leader of Orkland Island Council