CMPSC 431W Final Exam Instructions
Academic Integrity Statement and Honor Code
This will be a closed-book and closed-notes exam. You are not permitted to access any “cheat
sheets” or textbooks during the exam, and you are not allowed to search online for hints or
clarifications. Please do not access the internet on any device during the exam.
Since there may be students taking this exam at alternate times, you should also not
discuss exam questions with anybody else for a duration of 24 hours after the exam has
ended for you. If we suspect you are in violation of these policies, we will file an
academic integrity violation.
In your exam, please write a sentence on page 1 saying, “I have read the instructions for this
exam and agree to abide by the honor code.”
Exam Format
1. The exam will be held on 5th May from 2:30 to 4:00 pm U.S. ET, except for an
accommodation approved by the instructor.
2. The exam PDF will be available in Canvas by 2:30 and until 4:00 pm ET.
3. Start each part with a new page. Please make sure your answers are in question order
and specify which questions you answer with identifiers like “Part I.1”, Part IV.3”, etc. We
will be using GradeScope for grading.
4. To ensure a legible scan, use a black or blue pen and letter-sized sheets of paper for
your exam.
5. Imagine yourself in a silent exam hall taking the exam. Any activity that is not permitted
in an exam hall is not permitted in this Zoom-proctored exam. You should have the exam
PDF file open and the Zoom meeting running on your computer, with all other
applications (browsers, email, music players, chat) closed.
6. To keep this exam format aligned with an in-person exam, we will only be accepting
handwritten solutions. It is okay to write using a tablet with an electronic device (e.g.,
Apple Pencil) in an app (e.g., OneNote, GoodNote).
7. There will be partial credit for attempts. However, please try to give concise and clear
1. Scan your solutions and submit them to GradeScope as a single PDF file. If you log in
with your PSU id to GradeScope, you will see a final exam assignment under the
CMPSC 431W class. You should use a scanning app (e.g., Adobe Scan, Microsoft
Office Lens) or a scanner to create a PDF instead of cropping images and combining
them into a single file. Make sure you test your app/scanner before the exam. Make sure
you scan and submit the solutions to all the problems you attempt.
2. You will have 15 extra minutes to scan your papers and upload, i.e., GradeScope will be
open until 4:15 pm. Late submissions will not be accepted. Don’t scan/upload at the last
minute. If you encounter any technical issue during submission and likely not able
to submit it before 4:15 PM, you should contact the instructor or TA right away in
the zoom session.
1. Please join the zoom session 10 minutes before the exam just in case you have any
login or other issues.
2. The zoom meeting has been set up as “authenticated users” only. You will have to login
via PSU WebAccess.
3. You are required to be present in the Zoom meeting (main Zoom room) for the entire
duration of the exam.
4. You are required to have a camera turned on from the start of the exam until you upload
the PDF file to GradeScope. Your video stream should ideally look like the image below
(the proctors should be able to see you working on the exam).
5. The proctors may also periodically ask you to share your screen and/or reorient your
6. Please keep your computer volume up so that you can hear announcements.
7. Mute yourself during the exam. If you have any questions, please use the Chat window
in Zoom to type your question in plain text. You will be restricted by Zoom to chat with
the instructor and the TAs only.