Friday 10 th May 2019
09:30 to 11:30
Answer any TWO of the three questions. If more than two questions
are answered, only QUESTION 1 and QUESTION 2 will be marked.
All questions carry equal weight.
Year 3 Courses
Convener: C. Stirling
External Examiners: S.Rogers, S. Kalvala, H.Vandierendonck
1. (a) Alice’s computer has the below firewall policy. Read it and use it to answer
the following questions.
# Alice’s computer
# Generated by iptables-save v1.6.0
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 6666 -j DROP
-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 6666 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp -s --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
i. If Eve ( were to run a port scan on Alice’s computer using
nmap what ports would she see as open? List the numbers of the open
ports and explain your reasoning. [4 marks ]
ii. Imagine Alice were to use her computer to access the Computer Secu-
rity class website. You use Wireshark and limit the collection of packets
to those coming from Alice’s computer headed for ports 80 or 443. In
1-2 sentences, describe the traffic you would expect to see coming from
Alice’s computer. You can assume that no other computers are com-
municating with Alice at the time. [3 marks ]
iii. There are several different types of firewalls that operate at different
layers of the OSI network stack. Name the type of firewall shown above
and explain how you know it is of that type. [3 marks ]
iv. Imagine that Eve decides she really does not like Alice having an in-
ternal website on port 443. She decides to launch a SYN Flood attack
against Alice. The SYN Flood described here has some disadvantages
for Eve. Name one of the problems with this attack and suggest a better
approach Eve could use. [3 marks ]
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(b) For each of the following, assume that the user is correctly using Tor on
their computer.
i. Bob logs into a website which uses HTTP, but not HTTPS. Can he be
absolutely certain that his password will be safe in transit? Explain. [2 marks ]
ii. Bob connects his laptop to a local coffee shop’s free WIFI. There have
been some past reports of the shop recording website traffic and selling
it. Is Bob’s browsing data safe from the coffee shop? [2 marks ]
(c) Eve discovers a company website where she can log in using the username
“admin” and the password “admin”. She uses this information to log onto
the website and take a large amount of personal customer data.
i. How could this attack have been prevented. [2 marks ]
ii. There are three types of authentication which start: “Something you...”
Which type of authentication did Eve use? [1 mark ]
iii. The website administrator would like to add an invisible second authen-
tication mechanism to the website in addition to the password to further
improve security. Describe how such an approach might be implemented
on the site. [3 marks ]
iv. There are five properties of security. Name one property which was
violated in this attack and describe how it was violated. [2 marks ]
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2. RSA signatures
In class we discussed the RSA Signature Scheme. I briefly remind you the details
of this cryptoscheme here:
• Key generation - Bob generates two large random primes p and q, and
computes n = pq. He then picks a number v that is relatively prime to φ(n),
and computes s such that s · v = 1 mod φ(n). From this point on, he can
“throw away” the values p, q, and φ(n). They are no longer needed. Bob’s
public verification key is vkB := (v, n). His private signing key is skB := s.
He keeps skB secret, but publishes vkB to allow others to verify signatures
he has issued under his signing key.
• Signing algorithm - Bob can sign a message m under his signing key skB
as follows:
Sign(skB,m) := (m, (h(m))
s mod n)
where h is a secure cryptographic hash function.
• Verification algorithm - Given Bob’s verification key vkB, Alice can verify
if a signature (m,σ) is a valid signature from Bob by testing if h(m) = σv
mod n. That is,
Verif(vkB,m, σ) =
True if h(m) = σv mod n
False otherwise
The goal of this exercise is to explore why is hashing the message necessary for
computing an RSA signature. We will consider the simplified RSA signature
scheme which skips the hashing of message m and just uses m directly. So now
to sign a message Bob just computes σ := ms mod n and sends (m,σ) to Alice.
(a) What is the verification algorithm for the simplified RSA signatures? In
other words, what equation should Alice check, to confirm whether (m,σ)
is a valid signature from Bob? [2 marks ]
(b) Mallory knows that Alice and Bob are both using the simplified RSA signa-
ture scheme, and wants to trick Alice. Assume that Mallory has captured
over the network two signed messages from Bob (m1, σ1) and (m2, σ2). How
(using these two messages) is Mallory able to forge a valid signature under
Bob’s signing key, of a message different than m1 and m2? Justify your
answer. [3 marks ]
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(c) Alice and Bob are still using the simplified RSA scheme, but suppose now
that Mallory has not previously seen any valid signature issued by Bob.
Explain how only knowing Bob’s verification key vkB, Mallory is still able
to forge a valid signature under Bob’s signing key. In other words Mallory
can find m and σ such that Verif(vkB,m, σ) = True. Justify your answer.
[Hint: m and σ can be chosen freely.] [8 marks ]
(d) For standard RSA signatures, we typically set v to a small prime value such
as 3. For this question, let Bob’s signing key be skB = 3.
Charlie is holding an auction. The protocol is simple. Bidders just submit
signed bids (using the simplified RSA signature scheme) to Charlie. The
message m is their bid (in pounds). Charlie will accept the highest bid and
will expect that person to pay the amount they bid. Mallory wants to mess
with Bob’s bidding. So, when Bob forms his bid m and sends to Charlie
his signed bid (m,σ) where σ = ms mod n, Mallory intercepts it. Mallory
would like to tamper with m and σ to form a new signature (64m,σ′) that
corresponds to a bid for 64 times Bob’s original bid. This will force Bob
to win the auction and pay much more for it. More precisely, she’d like to
find a value σ′ such that σ′ is a valid signature on 64m, so she can replace
(m,σ) with (64m,σ′) and forward the result onto Charlie. Help Mallory
out: explain to Mallory how she can compute such a σ′. You will assume
that m is small enough so that 64m < n, so that 64m does not wrap around
modulo n. Justify your answer. [6 marks ]
(e) Are your attacks from questions 2b, 2c and 2d possible against the real RSA
signature scheme (the one that includes the cryptographic hash function)?
Explain your answer. [6 marks ]
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3. Web security
Answer each question, and do not forget to justify or explain your answer.
(a) Consider this piece of pseudo PHP code
$query = "SELECT name FROM users WHERE uid = $UID";
// Then execute the query
where $UID represents a URL parameter named UID supplied in the HTTP
GET request.
i. There is a security issue with this code. Explain what it is and how you
would exploit it to delete all tables in the database. [3 marks ]
ii. How does blacklisting work as a defence? What are some difficulties
with blacklisting? [2 marks ]
iii. What is the best way to fix the security issue from question 3(a)i?
Justify your answer. [2 marks ]
(b) Is setting the Secure flag on a cookie enough to defend from all CSRF
attacks? Justify your answer. [3 marks ]
(c) Is setting the Secure flag on a cookie enough to defend against all XSS
cookie-stealing? Justify your answer. [3 marks ]
(d) Is setting the HTTPOnly flag on a cookie enough to defend against all XSS
cookie-stealing? Justify your answer. [3 marks ]
(e) Is switching all application requests to HTTP Post enough to stop all CSRF
attacks? Justify your answer. [3 marks ]
(f) Is the Same Origin Policy enough to prevents all XSS attacks? Justify your
answer. [3 marks ]
(g) Can two Javascript scripts embedded in pages running in two different tabs
on a user’s browser access the resources (such as cookies) of each other?
Justify your answer. [3 marks ]
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