JavaScript的D3或者R的shiny html代写-FIT5147 S1

FIT5147 S1 2021 Data Exploration Feedback
Student Name: Jessica Xin (jxin0009)
Marker: Vaibhavi Bhardwaj
Outstanding (75-100%)Adequate(60-75%)Not Adequate (Below 60%)Comments
Data Checking and Wrangling
Appropriate checking for
errors in data X
Well done with basic data checking and covering
inconsistencies in the dataset.
Appropriate cleaning and
reformatting X Proper justification is needed.
Managed to get data into R
or Tableau X All good with dataset upload
Data Exploration
s X
Well done for completeness but could have written more for
explanation of the plots.
Use of appropriate
visualisations and/or
analytical measures
X Have worked well to answer the questions with proper
visualisations. Could have done better by utilising different plots.
Degree of Difficulty
including, but not limited to,
the use of non-tabular data,
significant wrangling or
cleaning required, large
dataset, multiple data sets.
X Work on further analysis is required. The degree of difficulty was low for assignment.
Written Report
Quality of writing,
referencing, images, logical
structure (follows
suggested format)
X Quality of writing needs to be improved. Please follow a
structure while writing a report.
Completeness: The report
contain the following
Introduction/ Data
Wrangling/ Data Checking/
Data Exploration/
Conclusion/ Reflection/
All sections of the report are touched and completed.
Motivation and problem description is missing.
Submitted on time
Late Penalty (5% of total
mark [33%] per day) X

