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Forked from COMP6080 / COMP6080 20T3 / COMP6080 Staff / Task / ass2
Merge changes from starter code into 'master'
COMP6080 Bot authored 1 day ago
Name Last commit Last update
cleaned up provided js 5 days ago
Ready for students 1 week ago
Feedback tweaks 2 days ago
Instructions for using http.server 1 day ago
Ready for students 1 week ago
1. Background & Motivation
2. The Task (Frontend)
3. The Support (Backend)
4. Constraints & Assumptions
5. Marking Criteria
6. Originality of Work
7. Submission
8. Late Submission Policy
Clarity given in plagiarism section for students who have done COMP2014 in 2018.
Added section "4.5. Static HTML, innerHTML, DOM manipulation"
the backend to it's own repository (for everyone's ease), and updated
instructions accordingly in section 3. If you copied the
from CSE servers prior to 3am on the 8th October, you will likely want
to delete that folder and clone the new repository there.
Section 2.5.4 updated with correct items described to pass in.
Section 2.6.1 updated to reflect that polling should be used, not /latest
Section 9 FAQ added
Removed irrelevant helper functions in helper.js and api.js.
Updated fileReader helper in helper.js to be more useful.
Removed non compiling code from main.js.
Added jsdoc comments to all initially provided code.
Adding instructions in 2. of how to run the frontend behind a HTTP server to more easily interact with backend.
applications are becoming the most common way to build a digital
capability accessible to a mass audience. While there are modern
that help us build these rapidly, it's important to understand the
fundamental Javascript-based technology and architectures that exist,
to gain a deeper understanding for when these skills may be needed, but
also to simply understand the mechanics of fundamental JS. Even
You won't be able to pull or push project code via SSH until you add an SSH key to your profile
A ass2 Project ID: 84597 Leave project
0 0
Assessment 2 - Vanilla JS: Quickpic
0. Change Log
1. Background & Motivation
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working with a high level framework like React, understanding
(in-concept) the code that is transpiled-to will ensure you're a more
rounded web-based engineer.
This assignment consists of
building a front-end website in Vanilla JS (no React or other
frameworks). This front-end will interact with a RESTFUL
API HTTP back-end that is built in Python/Flask and provided to you.
Information about how to talk to this API can be found the "promises & fetch" lecture.
page you build is required to be a single page app (SPA). Single page
apps give websites an "app-like feeling", and are characterised by their
use of a single full load of an initial HTML page, and then using
AJAX/fetch to dynamically manipulate the DOM without ever required a
page reload. In this way, SPAs are generated, rendered, and
updated using Javascript. Because SPAs don’t require a user to navigate
away from a
page to do anything, they retain a degree of user and
application state. In short, this means you will only ever have
index.html as your HTML
page, and that any sense of "moving between pages" will just be modifications of the DOM.
Stub code has been provided to help you get started in:
You can modify or delete this stub code of you choose. It's simply here to potentially provide some help.
If you want more help getting started, you can see the Monday Week 5 Live Lecture.
work with your frontend code locally with the web server, you will have
to run another web server to serve the frontend. To do this, in you
rproject folder you can run:
$ python3 -m http.server
will start up a second HTTP server where if you navigate to
http://localhost:8000 (or whatever URL it provides) it will run your
This focuses on the basic user interface to register and log in to the site.
When the user isn't logged in, the site shall present a login form that contains:
a username field (text)
a password field (password)
submit button to login
the submit button is pressed, the form data should be sent to POST
/auth/login to verify the credentials. If there is an error during
login an appropriate error should appear on the screen.
Once the user is logged in, they should be able to see the feed which says "Not yet implemented"
the user isn't logged in, the login form shall provide a link/button
that opens the register form. The register form will contain:
a username field (text)
a password field (password)
a confirm password field (password) - not passed to backend, but error thrown on submit if doesn't match other password
an email address (text)
a name (text)
submit button to register
the submit button is pressed, the form data should be sent to POST
/auth/signup to verify the credentials. If there is an error during
login an appropriate error should appear on the screen.
Once the user is logged in, they should be able to see the feed which says "Not yet implemented"
the frontend or backend produces an error, there shall be an error
popup on the screen with a message (either a message
derived from the backend error rresponse, or one meaningfully created on the frontend).
This popup can be closed/removed/deleted by pressing an "x" or "close" button.
Milestone 2 focuses on fetching feed data from the API.
2. The Task (Frontend)
2.1. Milestone 1 - Registration & Login (15%)
2.1.1. Login
2.1.2. Registration
2.1.3. Error Popup
2.2. Milestone 2 - Basic Feed (10%)
2.2.1. Basic Feed
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The application should present a "feed" of user content on the home page derived GET /user/feed .
The posts should be displayed in reverse chronological order (most recent posts first).
Each post should display:
1. Who the post was made by
2. When it was posted
3. The image itself
4. How many likes it has (or none)
5. The post description text
6. How many comments the post has
this is not a graphic design exercise you should produce pages with a
common and somewhat distinctive look-and-feel. You may find
CSS useful for this.
Milestone 3 focuses on a richer UX and will require some backend interaction.
a user to see a list of all users who have liked a post. You can just
display all of them at once by default, or you can optionally (not
required) toggle whether it's visible or not with a simple button.
a user to see all the comments on a post. You can just display all of
them at once by default, or you can optionally (not required)
toggle whether it's visible or not with a simple button.
A logged in user can like a post on their feed and trigger a api request ( PUT /post/like )
For now it's ok if the like doesn't show up until the page is refreshed.
Users can page between sets of results in the feed using the position token with ( GET user/feed ).
Note users can ignore this if they properly implement Infinite Scroll in a later milestone.
Let a user click on a user's name/picture from a post and see a page with the users name, profile pic, and other info.
The user should also see on this page all posts made by that person.
The user should be able to see their own page as well.
Let a user follow/unfollow another user too add/remove their posts to their feed via ( PUT user/follow )
Add a list of everyone a user follows in their profile page.
Add just the count of followers / follows to everyones public user page
5 focuses on more advanced features that will take time to implement
and will involve a more rigourously designed app to execute.
Users can upload and post new content from a modal or seperate page via ( POST /post )
Let a user update a post they made or delete it via ( DELETE /post ) or ( PUT /post )
Users can write comments on "posts" via ( POST post/comment )
Users can update their personal profile via ( PUT /user ) E.g:
Update email address
2.3. Milestone 3 - Advanced Feed (10%)
2.3.1. Show Likes
2.3.2. Show Comments
2.3.3. Ability for you to like content
2.3.4. Feed Pagination
2.4. Milestone 4 - Other users & profiles (10%)
2.4.1. Profile View / Profile View
2.4.2. Follow
2.5. Milestone 5 - Adding & updating content (10%)
2.5.1. Adding a post
2.5.2. Updating & deleting a post
2.5.3. Leaving comments
2.5.4. Updating the profile
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Update password
Update name
of pagination, users an infinitely scroll through results. For infinite
scroll to be properly implemented you need to progressively load
posts as you scroll.
a user likes a post or comments on a post, the posts likes and comments
should update without requiring a page reload/refresh.
Users can
receive push notifications when a user they follow posts an image. To
know whether someone or not has made a post, you must
"poll" the server (i.e. intermittent requests, maybe every second, that check the state).
Polling is very inefficient for browsers, but can often be used as it simplifies the technical needs on the server.
user interface looks good, is performant, makes logical sense, and is
usable. This most likely requires doing testing with other users
(family, friends) to get feedback about usability.
Users can access the most recent feed they've loaded even without an internet connection.
Cache information from the latest feed in local storage in case of outages.
When the user tries to interact with the website at all in offline mode (e.g. comment, like) they should receive errors
Users can access different pages using URL fragments:
backend server is not part of your repository (due to it's size).
However, we have put it on a publically accessible repo (so only one
rather than separate repos deployed to every student).
You can access the backend repository here. Clone this repository onto your working machine.
git clone gitlab@gitlab.cse.unsw.edu.au:COMP6080/20T3/ass2-backend backend
Once cloned, you can view the README.md in new repository to see how to get the server running.
backend server will be where you'll be getting your data. Don't touch
the code in the backend; although we've provided the source, it's
to be a black box. Final testing will be done with our own backend. Use
the instructions provided in the backend/README.md to get it
the full docs on the API, start the backend server and navigate to the
root URL in a web browser (very likely to be localhost:5000 ). You'll
see all the endpoints, descriptions and expected responses.
backend server must be running for your frontend to interact with it.
Your frontend must call the backend server on the correct port.
git pull on the backend server at least every couple of days. We will
no doubt be pushing fixes and clarifications as they arise
over the first week. git pull before you work will give you the latest changes.
must implement this assignment in ES6-compliant vanilla javascript. You
cannot use ReactJS, JQuery, or other abstract frameworks. You can
not, for example, use the popular Javascript framework such as Angular or React
2.6. Milestone 6 - Challenge Components ( advanced ) (10%)
2.6.1. Infinite Scroll
2.6.1. Live Update
2.6.1. Push Notifications
2.7. Milestone 7 - Very Challenge Components ( advanced *= 2 ) (5%)
2.7.1. High Quality UX/UI
2.7.2. Static feed offline access
2.7.3 Fragment based URL routing
3. The Support (Backend) - no work required
4. Constraints & Assumptions
4.1. Languages
4.2. Browser Compatibility
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You should ensure that your programs have been tested on one of the following two browsers:
Locally, Google Chrome (various operating systems) version 85.XX
On CSE machines, Chromium version 83.XX
may use small amounts (< 10 lines) of general purpose code (not
specific to the assignment) obtained from a site such as Stack
or other publically available resources. You should attribute clearly
the source of this code in a comment with it. You can not
otherwise use code written by another person.
You may include external CSS libraries in this assignment (with the tag). You must attribute these sources (i.e. provide the
URL/author in source code comments). For example, you are permitted to use the popular Bootstrap CSS framework. Some Bootstrap
relies on accompanying Javascript. You are permitted to include this
Javascript. The Javascript accompanying Bootstrap
requires the
popular general purpose Javascrpt library jQuery. You are permitted to
include jQuery so bootstrap can use it. However you are
not permitted to use jQuery in the code you write for the assignment.
You may NOT directly use external JavaScript. Do not use NPM except to install the helper development libraries.
specification is intentionally vague to allow you to build frontend
components however you think are visually appropriate. Their size,
colour, layout, is in virtually all cases completely up to you. We
require some basic criteria, but it's mainly dictating elements
and behaviour.
is not a design assignment. You are expected to show common sense and
critical thinking when it comes to basic user experience and
visual layout, but you are not required to be creative to achieve full marks.
In this assignment, you are:
to add static HTML/CSS to the stub website provided (i.e. you can put
raw HTML/CSS as if its a static page, even if you then later
manipulate it with Javascript).
to build HTML elements and add CSS properties to the DOM via
javascript. We expect this to be the most common way students
build these pages
not allowed to use the innerHTML property of nodes/tags to set the
inner HTML of an element. This has security vulnerabilities and is
general not best practice. Either statically add the HTML/CSS and
manipulate it with javascript, or generate and build nodes/elements in
Javascript (just like lectures/tutes/labs), or both. But don't set inner HTML.
Your assignment will be hand-marked by tutor(s) in the course according to the criteria below.
Criteria Weighting Description
Compliance to task
Each milestone specified a aprticular % of overall assignment (summing up to 70%).
Implement those components as required to receive the marks.
Your application is usable for desktop sizes generally, tablet sizes generally, and mobile sizes
generally (down to 400px wide, 700px high).
Code Style 10% Your code is clean, well commented, with well-named variables, and well laid out.
Usability &
Your application is usable and easy to navigate. No obvious usability issues or confusing
Your application follows standard accessibility guidelines, such as use of alt tags, and colours
that aren't inaccessible.
Git commits as diary
work you submit must be your own work. Submission of work partially or
completely derived from any other person or jointly written with
any other person is not permitted.
penalties for such an offence may include negative marks, automatic
failure of the course and possibly other academic discipline.
Assignment submissions will be examined both automatically and manually for such submissions.
scholarship authorities will be informed if students holding
scholarships are involved in an incident of plagiarism or other
4.3. External libraries
4.4. Other Requirements
4.5. Static HTML, innerHTML, DOM manipulation
5. Marking Criteria
6. Originality of Work
2020/10/14 COMP6080 / COMP6080 20T3 / students / Yanfeng Li / ass2 · GitLab
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Do not provide or show your assignment work to any other person — apart from the teaching staff of COMP6080.
you knowingly provide or show your assignment work to another person
for any reason, and work derived from it is submitted, you may be
even if the work was submitted without your knowledge or consent. This
may apply even if your work is submitted by a third party
unknown to you.
time you make commits or pushes on this repository, you are
acknowledging that the work you submit is your own work (as described
Note you will not be penalized if your work has the potential to be taken without your consent or knowledge.
students who completed COMP2041 in 2018, this assignment is very
similar to another you would have completed. Please remember that
plagiarism guidelines prevent you from using your previous work in
other courses. This means you must complete this assignment
using/copying any code from other assignments. Generally though, this
should be OK, as since it's been quite a while since COMP2041 I
am sure many students will not want to reuse their approaches from less-knowledgable selves.
This assignment is due Monday 26th of October, 19:59:59.
systems automatically record the most recent push you make to your
master branch. Therefore, to "submit" your code you simply need to
make sure that your master branch (on the gitlab website) is the code that you want marked for this task.
If your assignment is submitted after this date, each hour it is late reduces the maximum mark it can achieve by 2%.
example if an assignment you submitted with a raw awarded mark of 85%
was submitted 5 hours late, the late submission would have no
(as maximum mark would be 90%). If the same assignment was submitted 20
hours late it would be awarded 60%, the maximum mark it
can achieve at that time.
Is the dummy Anon user initially following anyone? A. No, you will need
to manually follow people in order to get GET /dummy/user/feed
returning something useful
7. Submission
8. Late Submission Policy
9. FAQ