材料学代写-MATS3004 /
MATS3004 / MATS6109 - Individual Assignment C (15%)
Due Week 4, 25-06-21 by 3pm
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Question 1 (6 points):
A student is running two separate reactions, Reaction I and Reaction II.
Note: if a reaction has two compounds, you need to consider the two compounds reacting together and not as
individual compounds.
a) Assess whether each reaction will result in a polymer, justifying your answer in 2 lines max. (2 pts)
b) For each reaction that has the potential to produce a polymer, describe the type of polymerization that the
compounds undergo: free radical, cationic, anionic, or step polymerization. (1 pt)
c) Draw the chemical structure of the resultant products for each reaction assuming the right conditions were
used. (1 pt)
d) Describe each product and its skeletal structure. (2 pts)

Figure 1: Chemical structures of compounds used in Reaction I and Reaction II.

Question 2 (4 points):
Derive a relation demonstrating the temperature dependence of the rate of polymerization (Rp) initiated by

Hint: the temperature dependence of Rp arises from the temperature dependence of the individual rate
coefficients, described by Arrhenius equations. For example:
= �− �
Include a step-by-step derivation with justifications for each major step.

Question 3 (2.5 points):
A polymer scientist is reacting p-phenylenediamine with 1,4-benzendicarboxylic acid to produce poly(p-
phenylene terephthalamide).

a) What feed ratio of the monomers should be used to achieve a molecular weight of 7,500 g.mol-1 at 97%
conversion? (1.5 pts)

b) What will be the end groups of the polymer? (1 pt)

Question 4 (2.5 points):
A student prepared a dilute solution of poly(methyl methacrylate) having a molecular weight of 100,000
g/mole in a theta solvent at 25 °C. Let’s assume that the polymer has a coiled spherical shape, and that the
RMS end-to-end distance can be an approximation of the diameter of the sphere. Calculate the volume
occupied by the polymer.
C-C bond length = 1.54 Å; steric parameter = 2.1; tetrahedral bond angle = 109.5°.

