凸优化 covex optimizations 代写-ECE 5759-Assignment 2

ECE 5759 Assignment 2 Due: September 24, 11:59 PM Eastern time Instructions You have to submit all MATLAB codes at CarmenCanvas website along with your homework. To submit MATLAB codes (and your assignment if you want to submit electronically), please go to Assignments/Assignment 2 and upload as many MATLAB code files and pdfs as you like. Please make sure you name your MATLAB code according to the problem number. For example, use LastName_2c.m as the filename for the code that you submit for problem 2(c). Problem 1. Futility of Necessary Conditions (20 marks) Consider the unconstrained optimization problem minx∈R x3/3. Part (a) Show that x? = 0 satisfies the first and second order necessary conditions for optimality. Part (b) Next, pick your favorite x0 ∈ (0, 1) and use steepest descent method with αk = 1 for all k. Plot the semilogy curve for k vs xk in MATLAB for 100 iterations. Does the sequence {xk} converge? Why (present a mathematical proof of your answer)? No need to turn in your MATLAB code. Part (c) Suppose now you are solving minx∈Rn f(x). You used your favorite algorithm to generate a sequence {xk} that converges to x∞ (just like in the part b above). How would you know if x∞ is indeed a local minimum? Give two conditions to ascertain x∞ is a global minimum? (one of the conditions is obvious, the other condition is rather tricky). Problem 2. Divergence with Diminishing Stepsize (35 marks) The purpose of this problem is to learn that if you choose the initial point “somewhat far” from the optimal point, then the gradient methods may diverge. Consider the one-dimensional function f(x) = 2 3 |x|3 + 1 2 x2. Since f(x) ≥ 0 and f(0) = 0, we immediately have x? = 0. Pick αk = γk+1 , where γ is a positive scalar. We will use in the steepest descent method. Part (a) Plot the function in MATLAB for x ranging from -5 to 5. Also compute the second derivative of the function ∇2f for x ∈ R \ {0} and show that it is unbounded? Is the function f convex? Part (b) Pick γ = 1 and compute the expression for xk+1 in terms of xk. Show (without using MATLAB) that if γ = 1 and |x0| ≥ 1, then |xk| ≥ k + 1 for all k ∈ N. Thus, the steepest descent method diverges if γ = 1 and |x0| ≥ 1. Hint: Use the principle of mathematical induction. Part (c) Use trial and error to identify a pair (γ, x0) for which the steepest descent method converges. You can use MATLAB to identify a pair1. Show the first six points x0, x1, . . . , x5 on the plot using the MATLAB command text(x,y,’x_1’,’HorizontalAlignment’,’left’); or text(x,y,’x_2’,’HorizontalAlignment’,’right’); The above command puts the text x1 at the position (x, y) on the MATLAB. The steepest descent does not converge in this problem because the second derivative of the function is unbounded! 1I expect everyone in the class will have a different answer from that of others for this question. Page 1 of 3 ECE 5759 Assignment 2 Due: September 24, 11:59 PM Eastern time Part (d) Pick σ = 0.001, s = 1, β = 0.2, and some x0 such that |x0| ≥ 1. Use Armijo rule and see if the iterations converge. Recall that Armijo rule sets αk = sβ mk , where mk is the smallest non-negative integer 2 m for which the following inequality is satisfied: f(xk)− f(xk + sβmdk) ≥ −σsβm∇f(xk)T dk. Since this is the steepest descent algorithm, dk = −∇f(xk). Note: If the method does not converge, then try changing the value of β and σ. To ensure convergence, the values of β and σ will depend on the initial point x0 you choose. In fact, for fun (and if you don’t have anything better to do), you can play with various values of (x0, σ, β). Problem 3. Newton’s Method (25 marks) In this problem, we will code Newton’s method on a quartic optimization problem. Define Q =  2 −1 0−1 2 −1 0 −1 2  , b =  102 −20  . In Assignment 1, you showed that the matrix Q is positive definite. Consider the function f : R3 → R as f(x) = 1 2 xTQx+ bTx+ 0.5x41 + 0.2x 4 3. We now consider the minimization problem minx∈R3 f(x). Part (a) What is ∇f(x) and ∇2f(x)? Is f a convex function? Part (b) Pick your favorite x0. Write a MATLAB code using Newton’s method with stepsize determined by Armijo rule with σ = 0.05, s = 1, β = 0.5. Does it converge to the optimal solution? Part (c) What is the value of x? you computed in part (b)? Define the error as ek = ‖xk − x?‖ and define zk = ek+1/ek. Start with your favorite x0 and plot k vs zk graph for k = 1, . . . , 20 for Newton’s method on the same plot. What do you notice in the plot? (No need to turn in the code for this problem, since you are submitting the code for Part b) Problem 4. Conjugate Direction Method (20 marks) Generate a positive definite matrix by using the following MATLAB code: function Q = posdef(n) A = randn(n,n); [U,V] = eig(A+A’); Q = U’*diag(5*rand(n,1))*U; end The above function inputs a matrix size n and returns a positive definite matrix Q. Let n = 1000. Generate b using randn(n,1). Part (a) Pick your n favorite linearly independent vectors (you may use rand(n, 1) n times or use unit vectors along every axis). Identify the Q-conjugate vectors using the linearly independent vectors you chose (feel free to use the result from Problem 2 in Assignment 1 and MATLAB). Submit the code. 2mk can be equal to 0. Page 2 of 3 ECE 5759 Assignment 2 Due: September 24, 11:59 PM Eastern time Part (b) Use the n conjugate vectors computed above to solve the following optimization problem min x∈Rn 1 2 xTQx+ bTx. in MATLAB using conjugate direction method (recall that αk must solve the line minimization problem at every k). Page 3 of 3
