3551 Trousdale Rkwy, University Park, Los Angeles, CA
You are responsible for monitoring the course news and discussion forums in eclass and this
section of the project specification for more details and clarifications. No clarification will be
posted after 5pm on Nov 2nd.
• Oct 29. (1) A tag can include more than one word, e.g. "relational databases" is a valid
tag. (2) When searching for a post, the search keyword can be part of another word. For
example, the keyword "relation" will match a post that has "relational" in the title. (3)
When ordering the results, the number of matching query keywords and not the number
of occurrences are counted. For example, the same keyword that appears in both title and
body is only counted once.
• Oct 28. (1) The given schema cannot be updated under any condition. This also means
temporary tables should not be created. (2) Passwords cannot be encrypted or hashed, to
allow an easy testing of the projects. (3) All votes in the project are upvotes (downvotes
are not considered).
• Oct 27. (1) The user id and pwd will only contain alphanumeric characters. (2) Privileged
users are assumed to be in the database and they cannot be added through the registration
The goal of this assignment is twofolds: (1) to teach the use of SQL in a host programming
language, and (2) to demonstrate some of the functionalities that result from combining SQL
with a host programming language. Your job in this project is to build a system that keeps the
enterprise data in a database and to provide services to users. You will be storing data in a SQLite
database and will be writing code in Python (or similarly Java/JDBC, C, etc.) to access it. Your
code will implement a simple command line interface. You are free to implement a GUI interface
instead but there will be no support nor bonus for doing that. You are also free to write your code
in Python, Java, C, C++, Perl or any other language that is suited for the task. If you decide to
use any language other than Python, you should let the instructor know in advance.
Your project will be evaluated on the basis of 84% of the mark for implementing
the functionalities listed in this specification; this component will be assessed in a
demo session. Another 12% of the mark will be assigned for both the
documentation and the quality of your source code. 4% of the mark is assigned for
the quality of your group coordination and the project break-down between
Group work policy
You will be doing this project with one or two other partners from the 291 class. Register your
group at the group registration page. It is assumed that all group members contribute somewhat
equally to the project, hence they would receive the same mark. In case of difficulties within a
group and when a partner is not lifting his/her weight, make sure to document all your
contributions. If there is a break-up, each group member will get credit only for his/her portion of
the work completed (losing the mark for any work either not completed or completed by the
Database Specification
You are given the following relational schema.
• users(uid, name, pwd, city, crdate)
• privileged(uid)
• badges(bname, type)
• ubadges(uid, bdate, bname)
• posts(pid, pdate, title, body, poster)
• tags (pid, tag)
• votes(pid, vno, vdate, uid)
• questions(pid, theaid)
• answers(pid, qid)
These tables are derived from the specification of Assignment 1 and
are identical to those in Assignment 2 except the tables users, which
has now a field for password (referred to as pwd), and
table privileged, which is new, keeping the id of privileged users.
These users can perform more actions than ordinary users. The SQL
commands to create the tables of the system are given here (right
click to save as a file). Use the given schema in your project and do
not change any table/column names.
Login Screen
The first screen of your system should provide options for both registered
and unregistered users to login. Registered users should be able to login
using a valid user id and password, respectively denoted with uid and pwd
in table users. Unregistered users should be able to sign up by providing a
unique uid and additionally a name, a city, and a password. Passwords are
not encrypted in this project. The field crdate should be set by your system
to the current date. After a successful login or signup, users should be able
to perform the subsequent operations (possibly chosen from a menu) as
discussed next.
Users should be able to logout, which directs them to the first screen of the
system. There must be also an option to exit the program directly.
System Functionalities
After a successful login, users should be able to perform all of the following
1. Post a question.The user should be able to post a question by providing title and body
texts. The post should be properly recorded in the database tables. A unique pid should be
assigned by your system, the post date should be set to the current date and the poster
should be set to the user posting it.
2. Search for posts.The user should be able to provide one or more keywords, and the
system should retrieve all posts that contain at least one keyword either in title, body, or
tag fields. For each matching post, in addition to the columns of posts table, the number
of votes, and the number of answers if the post is a question (or zero if the question has
no answers) should be displayed. The result should be ordered based on the number of
matching keywords with posts matching the largest number of keywords listed on top. If
there are more than 5 matching posts, at most 5 matches will be shown at a time, letting
the user select a post or see more matches. The user should be able to select a post and
perform a post action (as discussed next).
3. Post action-Answer. If the selected post is a question, the user should be able to post an
answer for the question by providing title and body texts. The answer should be properly
recorded in the database tables. A unique pid should be assigned by your system, the post
date should be set to the current date and the poster should be set to the user posting it.
The answer should be also linked to the question.
4. Post action-Vote.The user should be able to vote on the post (if not voted already on the
same post). The vote should be recorded in the database with a vno assigned by your
system, the vote date set to the current date and the user id is set to the current user.
Privileged users can perform the following post actions in addition to those that can be
performed by ordinary users (as discussed above). These actions are not available to ordinary
1. Post action-Mark as the accepted. The user should be able to mark the post (if it is an
answer) as the accepted answer. If the question has already an accepted answer, the user
should be prompted if s/he wants to change the accepted answer. The user can select to
change the accepted answer or leave it unchanged.
2. Post action-Give a badge. The user can give a badge to the poster by providing a badge
name. The information is recorded in the database with the badge date set to the current
system date.
3. Post action-Add a tag. The user should be able to add tags to the post.
4. Post Action-Edit. The user should be able to edit the title and/or the body of the post.
Other fields are not updated when a post is edited.
String matching. Except the password which is case-sensitive, all other
string matches (include user id, name, etc.) are case-insensitive. This
means the keyword "database" will match Database, DATABASE,
DataBase and database, and you cannot make any assumption on the
case of the strings in the database. The database can have strings in
uppercase, lowercase or any mixed format.
Error checking. Every good programmer should do some basic error
checking to make sure the data entered is correct. We cannot say how
much error checking you should or should not do, or detail out all possible
checkings. However, we can say that we won't be trying to break down
your system but your system also should not break down when the user
makes a mistake.
Groups of size 3 must counter SQL injection attacks and make the
password non-visible at the time of typing.
At development time, you will be testing your programs with your own data sets but
conforming to the project specification.
At demo time, you will be given a database file name that has our test
data (e.g., prj-test.db), and you will be passing the file name to your
application as a command line argument. Don't hard-code the database
name in your application since the database name is not known in
advance, and you don't want to change your code at demo time (see next).
The database will include the tables given above (created using these SQL
statements) and with our own test data. Your application will be tested
under a TA account.
Every group will book a time slot convenient to all group members to demo
their projects. At demo time, all group members must be present. Once
we create our tables and populate them with our data, you will be asked to
start your application and perform various tasks, showing how your
application is handling each task. A mark will be assigned to your demo
immediately after the testing.
Here are some important details about our testing process and your
1. The demo will be run using the source code submitted and nothing else. It is essential to
include every file that is needed to compile and run your code.
2. We must be able to compile and run your code under our account on undergrad machines
and using our own database. You are not allowed to make any changes to the code
without a hefty penalty.
3. Our test data and our test cases will be published after the project due date but before our
demo times. This means, you have a chance to test your application and learn about
possible issues (if any) before your demo time.
4. Your code cannot be demoed on a laptop (yours or ours) or any machine other than the
lab machine with only one exception. The exception is if you are developing your
application using a less traditional programming language or tool that is not available on
lab machines, you MAY be allowed to demo your application on a laptop. Those cases
should be discussed with the instructor well before the project due date and an approval
must be obtained. Otherwise, you cannot demo your project on any machine other than
the lab machines.
Instructions for Submissions
Your submission includes (1) the application source code, (2) README.txt,
and (3) your design document Report.pdf.
• Create a single gzipped tar file with all your source code, additional files you may need
for your demo, README.txt and Report.pdf. Name the file prjcode.tgz.
• Submit your project tarfile in the project submission site.
• All partners in a group must submit their own copies (even though the copies may be
The file README.txt is a text file that lists the names and ccids of all group
members. This file must also include the names of anyone you collaborated
with (as much as it is allowed within the course policy) or a line saying that
you did not collaborate with anyone else. This is also the place to
acknowledge the use of any source of information besides the course
textbook and/or class notes.
Your design document must be type-written and is saved as a PDF and be
included in your submission. Your design document cannot exceed 4
The design document should include (a) a general overview of your system
with a small user guide, (b) a detailed design of your software with a focus
on the components required to deliver the major functions of your
application, (c) your testing strategy, and (d) your group work break-down
strategy. The general overview of the system gives a high level introduction
and may include a diagram showing the flow of data between different
components; this can be useful for both users and developers of your
application. The detailed design of your software should describe the
responsibility and interface of each primary function or class (not secondary
utility functions/classes) and the structure and relationships among them.
Depending on the programming language being used, you may have
methods, functions or classes. The testing strategy discusses your general
strategy for testing, with the scenarios being tested, the coverage of your
test cases and (if applicable) some statistics on the number of bugs found
and the nature of those bugs. The group work strategy must list the break-
down of the work items among partners, both the time spent (an estimate)
and the progress made by each partner, and your method of coordination
to keep the project on track. The design document should also include a
documentation of any decision you have made which is not in the project
specification or any coding you have done beyond or different from what is
Your design document will not include the source code. However your
source code will be inspected for source code quality (whether the code is
easy to read and if data processing is all done in SQL and not in the
application) and self-documentation (whether the code is properly