SQL代写|数据库代写 - database fundamentals
ABOUT THIS SUBJECT This subject starts with an overview of the architecture and management of database systems, and a discussion of different existing database models. The main focus includes relational database analysis, design, and implementation. The students learn: relational algebra as the formal foundation of relational databases; relational conceptual design using an entity-relationship diagram; relational logical database design; security and integrity; and SQL implementation of relational database queries. Students will also learn advanced normalization theory and the techniques to remove data anomalies and redundancies. In this subject, students are required to design a database application that meets the needs of a system requirement specification, and to implement the system using a commercial standard database system such as ORACLE or POSTGRESQL. In addition, a selection of advanced topics in databases will be introduced and discussed. Page 3 of 10 SUBJECT INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (SILOs) Upon successful completion of this subject, you should be able to: 1 Design a relational database using an ER or EER diagram and use a transformation process to change the ER or EER diagram to a relational database design. 2 Evaluate database design in terms of data anomalies and redundancies by applying the appropriate normalization techniques. 3 Implement database systems using SQL and advanced PL/SQL including stored procedures and triggers. 4 Explain the underlying model of relational database operations using relational algebra. 5 Evaluate the possible risks and ethical and social considerations relevant to designed systems. LEARNING ACTIVITY SCHEDULE Week Learning Activity Contact hours 1 Lecture - Overview – Databases Concepts and Terminologies 2 Lecture - Relational Model, Data Structure and Data Integrity 1 2 Lecture – ER Modelling (Concepts) + Problems 11 Laboratory - Database concepts and terminology. Simple ER modelling 2 3 Lecture - Relational Table Transformation 1 Lecture - EER Modelling and Transformation 1 Laboratory - ER Modelling and Transformation 2 4 Lecture – Normalization 11 Laboratory - ER Transformation, EER modelling and Transformation. 2 5 Lecture – Data Manipulation using Relational Algebra 11 Laboratory - Normalization 2 6 Lecture – SQL 11 Laboratory - Relational Algebra + SQL 2 7 Lecture – SQL 1 Laboratory - SQL 2 8 Lecture – SQL 1 Page 4 of 10 Catch up lecture 1 Laboratory - SQL 2 9 Lecture – Stored Procedures 11 Laboratory: SQL 2 10 Lecture – Stored Functions 1 Lecture – Triggers 1 Laboratory: Stored Procedures and Stored Functions 2 11 Lecture – Triggers 1 Lecture – Advanced Triggers 1 Laboratory - Triggers 2 12 Lecture – Revision 11 Laboratory – Advanced Triggers 2 Total 45 *Timetable details are available at http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/timetables. Students should also regularly check this subject’s LMS site for updated information. LEARNING RESOURCES & TECHNOLOGIES Resource Type Title Author and Year Publisher Recommended Book Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7th Edition, 2016, R. Elmasri & S. Navathe, 2016 Pearson Global Edition ISBN 9781292097619 ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK SUMMARY Date due (tentative) % Assessment Activity Feedback method ILOs & Essentials assessed 1. Week 5 10 Assignment 1 Part 1, one database conceptual design assignment. Given problem description, students provide EER Diagram as the database conceptual design. Our aim is to provide the written feedback within 3 weeks. 01 2. Week 8 10 Assignment 1 Part 2, one database table design assignment. Our aim is to provide the 01 Page 5 of 10 Given a complete EER diagram, students provide table design and implement the tables in DBMS written feedback within 3 weeks. 3. Week 12 20 Assignment 2, one database programming assignment. Given a populated database, students write SQL queries, stored procedures and triggers. Our aim is to provide the written feedback within 3 weeks. 03 60 One 3-hour examination Essay, closed book examination. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 * Penalties apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date. Refer to the Assessment (Late Submission of Tasks) Policy at https://policies.latrobe.edu.au/document/view.php?id=148&version=1 for further information. ** Students should keep a copy of all assignments submitted for assessment. HURDLE REQUIREMENTS There are a variety of assessment hurdles or conditions for passing a subject other than the overall mark. Hurdle Requirements may be built into the assessment of the learning outcomes of your subject. • The Hurdle Requirement for this subject is: students must obtain an overall pass grade and pass the final examination. Pass grade in this subject is 50%. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION If you are not able to complete an assessment task on the scheduled date due to exceptional circumstances beyond your control, you may be eligible for Special Consideration. If the assessment task is worth 15% or more of the total assessment for this subject and you have experienced serious short term, adverse and unforeseen circumstances that substantially affect your ability to complete an assessment task to the best of your potential, you may be eligible to apply for Special Consideration. To do this or find more information, go to http://www.latrobe.edu.au/special￾consideration For Special Consideration for assessment tasks worth less than 15% of your total mark, contact your Subject Coordinator. For Information about the Special Consideration policy, go to Special Consideration Policy at https://policies.latrobe.edu.au/document/view.php?id=205 REQUEST AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO SUBMIT AN ASSIGNMENT TASK Penalties apply if you submit an assessment after the due date. If the assessment task is worth 15% or more of the total assessment for this subject and you are not able to submit it by the due date, you will need to request an extension of time to submit. To do this or find more information go to http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/admin/forms/request-an-extension For extensions of time for assessment tasks worth less than 15% of your total mark, contact your subject coordinator. Poor time management is not an acceptable reason for an extension. For information about late submission policy, go to Assessment (Late Submission of Assessment Tasks) Policy at https://policies.latrobe.edu.au/document/view.php?id=148&version=1 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY “Academic integrity means being honest in academic work and taking responsibility for learning the conventions of scholarship. Academic integrity education is integral to the learning experience at La Trobe University. The University requires its academic staff and students to observe the highest ethical standards in all aspects of academic work, and it demonstrates its commitment to these values by awarding due credit for honestly conducted scholarly work, and by penalising academic misconduct and all forms of cheating”. (La Trobe University Academic Integrity – Procedures and Responsibilities, 2015). The penalty for submitting an assignment as your own but is the work of a third-party, may be as severe as “exclusion from the University without readmission”. Refer to the Academic Integrity - Schedule of Responses and Penalties for Academic Misconduct at https://www.latrobe.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/847923/Academic-Integrity-Schedule-of￾Responses.pdf You should familiarise yourself with the Academic Integrity website at http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/academic-integrity, and complete the Academic Integrity Module (AIM) in your LMS. If you have any questions regarding Academic Integrity, your Subject or Course Coordinator will be able to assist. STUDENT FEEDBACK ON SUBJECT SURVEYS Student feedback contributes to enhancing the student experience and to improving the quality of learning and teaching at the University. The University piloted two new survey instruments in 2019 which will be rolled out for all 2020 subjects. The new student feedback instruments include: 1. Early Feedback on Learning – You will receive this survey early in your course. The purpose of this survey is for you to highlight what works well or does not while there is still time to make changes in the semester. Teaching staff will review your feedback and introduce changes where appropriate to further improve this subject and enhance your learning. 2. Subject Quality Survey - This survey allows you to provide feedback prior to the end of the teaching period about this subject and the teaching of this subject. It combines the previously separate Student Feedback on Subjects (SFS) and Student Feedback on Teaching (SFT) surveys. The Subject Quality Survey (SQS) is one of the quality assurance processes that occur across the University. While the survey is anonymous, we do expect that you use respectful language and provide constructive feedback. Your views are taken seriously and assist us to improve the learning experience for future students. Feedback from previous students who completed this subject, as well as the action taken by the subject coordinator in response to the feedback is available in the LMS site for this subject. The new survey instruments are shorter than previous surveys and have been designed in conjunction with both staff and students. CHARTER OF STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES As a La Trobe coursework student, you have a number of rights and responsibilities. La Trobe statutes and regulations, as well as policies and procedures govern your rights and responsibilities. LaTrobe University aspires to provide an outstanding student experience conducive to scholarly activity and supportive of your learning goals. The Charter of Student Rights and Responsibilities is a brief summary of your rights and responsibilities as a student at La Trobe. The Charter was developed in consultation with La Trobe students. A copy of Page 6 of 10 Page 7 of 10 the Student Rights and Responsibilities can be found at https://policies.latrobe.edu.au/document/view.php?id=225. STUDENT COMPLAINTS The Student Complaints Management System (SCM) is a formal mechanism for students to lodge concerns about any aspect of their University experience. A student complaint may be about any aspect of University life, such as an administrative matter, a problem with a subject or course, or the conduct of a student or staff member. For more information about the Student Complaint process and how to lodge a complaint, visit the Complaints and Feedback page at: https://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/support/complaints. Page 8 of 10 GETTING HELP AND SUPPORT AT UNI A range of services at La Trobe can assist you with your studies, health and wellbeing. For the full range of services and facilities available for you, go to Student Help and Support at http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/support. For help with essay and report writing, referencing, oral presentation skills, study skills Academic Skills Advisor: Paul Gregory Email: p.gregory2@latrobe.edu.au LIBRARY Your Library offers many ways to support your study. To discover more about how the Library can help, visit your Library website and explore the following essential resources: • Achieve@Uni https://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/study-resources/learning/achieve - Learn skills to help complete your assessments • Assessment Planner http://www.latrobe.edu.au/library/assessment-thesis-support/plan-my-assessment – Create a personal assessment schedule • Expert Help Guides https://latrobe.libguides.com/ - Find expert discipline and specialist help for your research • Referencing at La Trobe University http://latrobe.libguides.com/referencing/ - Understand how and why to reference • Academic Referencing Tool www.lib.latrobe.edu.au/referencing-tool - Get detailed examples of referencing styles • Chat to library staff www.latrobe.edu.au/library - Access the text chat service from the Library website • Contact us www.latrobe.edu.au/library/about/contact - Call or email your Library ASK LA TROBE ASK La Trobe is a service open to all La Trobe students who need guidance with administrative matters during their time at La Trobe. ASK La Trobe can provide you with help relating to enrolments and timetabling, fees and financial support, exams, results and graduations & student life and support services. Go to ASK La Trobe – Current Students at http://latrobe-current.custhelp.com/app/home and start by looking at our FAQs, or visit us at your campus ASK La Trobe Help Zone. If you can’t find what you’re looking for: • Call 1300 La Trobe (1300 528 762) • Ask a question online at http://latrobe-current.custhelp.com/app/ask • Visit the ASK La Trobe Help Zone. Join the queue for the Bundoora, Bendigo or city campuses using the QLess: Virtual Queuing system. LEARNING AND SUPPORT PROGRAMS There are many resources, including services, to help you with your academic studies at La Trobe. Go to the Learning and Support Programs page at http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/studyresources/learning for further information. HEALTH AND WELLBEING Your health and wellbeing are an important part of being a successful student. Studying can be stressful and many factors can affect your mental and physical health, in and outside of the University. Check out the services available to you at La Trobe to support your health and wellbeing at www.latrobe.edu.au/wellbeing. La Trobe University Sydney Campus has an onsite psychologist available to assist with any issue that is affecting your study.