Java代写 - Agile SoftZare DeYelopment Practices (SOFT2412/COMP9412)
1. BacNgURXQd The gRal Rf WhiV aVVigQmeQW iV WR ZRUk aV a Weam RQ deYelRSiQg a VRfWZaUe SURdXcW XViQg Whe ScUXm meWhRd aQd Agile deYelRSmeQW WRRlV aQd SUacWiceV. IQ WhiV VRfWZaUe deYelRSmeQW SURjecW, \RXU Weam mXVW aSSl\ ScUXm SUacWiceV aQd SUiQciSleV SURSeUl\ WR bXild a VRfWZaUe SURdXcW iQ JAVA. Each Weam alVR haV WR XVe Whe Agile VRfWZaUe WRRlV Whe\ VeW-XS dXUiQg Whe fiUVW gURXS SURjecW WR fRllRZiQg CI/CD SUacWiceV iQ WheiU deYelRSmeQW. TheVe WRRlV mXVW be VeW XS aQd Uead\ befRUe ZUiWiQg Whe cRde Rf \RXU aSSlicaWiRQ. Each Weam Zill haYe a VWakehRldeU RU clieQW/cXVWRmeU (\RXU WXWRU) fRU WheiU SURjecW. YRXU Weam Zill haYe Whe RSSRUWXQiW\ WR e[SlRUe aQd aVkV TXeVWiRQ UelaWed WR VRfWZaUe UeTXiUemeQWV fURm Whe SURjecW clieQW dXUiQg Whe lab/WXWRUial Wime (\RXU WXWRU Zill acW aV a clieQW ZhRm \RX VhRXld VaWiVf\ iQ WeUmV Rf deliYeUiQg a ZRUkiQg YeUViRQ Rf Whe VRfWZaUe). AV a Weam, \RX Zill geW haQdV-RQ e[SeUieQce RQ hRZ WR RUgaQiVe aQd cRQdXcW Agile VRfWZaUe deYelRSmeQW XViQg Whe ScUXm meWhRd aQd Agile deYelRSmeQW WRRlV. SSecificall\, \RX aQd \RXU Weam Zill be able WR: SeWXS aQd XVe Agile deYelRSmeQW WRRlV aQd CI/CD SUacWiceV, E[SeUieQce Whe imSRUWaQce Rf Agile YalXeV, UQdeUVWaQd aQd aSSl\ ScUXm URleV, WUiWe aQd eVWimaWe UVeU SWRUieV, 29/10/2020 ScrXm SofWZare DeYelopmenW ProjecW hWWpV://canYaV.V\dne\.edX.aX/coXrVeV/25875/aVVignmenWV/247922 2/9 PlaQ aQd e[ecXWe deYelRSmeQW SSUiQWV, CRQdXcW ScUXm eYeQWV, CRQWiQXRXVl\ imSURYe Whe deYelRSmeQW SURceVV, PURdXce YaUiRXV ScUXm AUWifacWV. 2. FRUPiQg ScUXP TeaPV IQ WhiV gURXS SURjecW, \RX Zill cRQWiQXe WR ZRUk ZiWh Whe Weam fURm Agile DeYelRSmeQW TRRlV SURjecW. SR, iW'V cUXcial WR UeflecW RQ Weam d\QamicV aQd difficXlWieV aQd WhiQk aV a Weam hRZ WR cRllabRUaWe aQd ZRUk mRUe SURdXcWiYel\ aQd effecWiYel\. The Weam VWUXcWXUe mXVW fRllRZ ScUXm meWhRd Zhich VhRXld helS \RXU Weam WR be mRUe Velf-RUgaQi]ed. YRXU Weam Qeed WR decide RQ Whe fRllRZiQg URleV: 1 PURdXcW OZQeU (PO), 1 ScUXm MaVWeU (SM), aQd 3-4 CRUe Team membeUV. AfWeU Weam fRUmaWiRQ, each Weam Zill Qeed WR diVcXVV aQd agUee RQ Whe abRYe ScUXm URleV. BRWh SM aQd PO haYe alVR WR cRQWUibXWe WR deYelRSmeQW (ZUiWiQg cRde XViQg CI/CD) iQ all SSUiQWV, iQ Zhich Whe\ Qeed WR deYelRS SaUWV Rf Whe VRfWZaUe SURdXcW. The fRllRZiQg aUe Whe deWailV/UeTXiUemeQWV Rf Whe VRfWZaUe WhaW \RX Qeed WR deYelRS iQ WhiV SURjecW. 3. VeQdiQg MachiQe (LiWe SQacNV) SRfWZaUe LLWe SQacNV maQage YeQdiQg machiQeV Zhich Vell diffeUeQW W\SeV Rf VQackV. The VQackV aUe maiQWaiQed XQdeU fRXU diffeUeQW caWegRUieV: dUiQkV, chRcRlaWeV, chiSV, aQd lRllieV. Each caWegRU\ Zill haYe diffeUeQW iWemV/SURdXcWV. The YeQdiQg machiQe caQ maiQWaiQ XS WR 15 iWemV Rf each SURdXcW. The fRllRZiQg iV Whe SURdXcW iWemV fRU each caWegRU\ (Whe TXaQWiW\ iV VeW WR 7 iWemV aW Whe fiUVW UaQ: DUiQkV: MiQeUal WaWeU, SSUiWe, CRca cRla, PeSVi, JXice. ChRcRlaWeV: MaUV, M&M, BRXQW\, SQeakeUV. ChiSV: SmiWhV, PUiQgleV, KeWWle, ThiQV. CaQdieV: MeQWRV, SRXU PaWch, SkiWWleV. B\ defaXlW, Whe aSSlicaWiRQ Zill VhRZ Whe liVW SURdXcW RSWiRQV Zhich aUe gURXSed baVed RQ Whe caWegRUieV WhaW caQ be VelecWed b\ cXVWRmeUV. A cXVWRmeU caQ VelecW RQe iWem RU mRUe fURm Whe liVW Rf aYailable SURdXcWV aQd VSecif\ QXmbeU Rf iWemV Whe\ ZaQW WR SXUchaVe. The cXVWRmeU caQ alVR caQcel Whe WUaQVacWiRQ aQ\Wime (e.g. b\ clickiQg a caQcel bXWWRQ) aQd aQ\ idle acWiYiW\ WhaW iV mRUe WhaQ 2 miQXWeV (WimeRXW) Zill aXWRmaWicall\ caQcel Whe WUaQVacWiRQ. The caQcelled WUaQVacWiRQ Zill UeWXUQ Whe aSSlicaWiRQ WR Whe defaXlW Sage (liVW Rf SURdXcWV). The defaXlW Sage haV a bXWWRQ WR lRgiQ/cUeaWe accRXQW b\ SURYidiQg XVeUQame aQd SaVVZRUd. The XVeUQame mXVW be XQiTXe aQd Whe SaVVZRUd iQSXW iV hiddeQ b\ VhRZiQg aVWeUiVk V\mbRl (*). AfWeU Whe cXVWRmeU cUeaWeV Whe accRXQW fRU Whe fiUVW Wime, iW Zill be aXWRmaWicall\ lRgged iQ. WheQ Whe XVeU iV lRgged iQ, Whe defaXlW Sage Zill VhRZ a liVW Rf Whe laVW 5 SURdXcWV/iWemV bRXghW b\ WhiV XVeU. OWheUZiVe (ZheQ aQRQ\mRXV XVeU), Whe defaXlW Sage Zill VhRZ liVW Rf laVW bRXghW 5 SURdXcWV/iWemV bRXghW b\ aQRQ\mRXV XVeUV. TheUe aUe WZR Sa\meQW meWhRdV aUe allRZed: 29/10/2020 ScrXm SofWZare DeYelopmenW ProjecW hWWpV://canYaV.V\dne\.edX.aX/coXrVeV/25875/aVVignmenWV/247922 3/9 CaVh: Whe cXVWRmeU Zill UeTXiUe WR iQSXW Whe TXaQWiW\ Rf cRiQV aQd/RU QRWeV WhaW aUe Yalid iQ AXVWUalia (e.g. $5, $10, $20, 5c, 10c, eWc.). If Whe mRQe\ SURYided b\ Whe cXVWRmeU iV QRW eQRXgh WR cRmSleWe Whe WUaQVacWiRQ, WheQ Whe\ VhRXld be SURmSWed WR eQWeU Whe UemaiQiQg mRXQW RU caQcel Whe WUaQVacWiRQ. USRQ VXcceVVfXl WUaQVacWiRQ, a cXVWRmeU UeceiYeV Whe VelecW SURdXcWV aQd cRUUecW chaQge. The chaQge mXVW be RSWimal ZheUe higheU QRWeV RU cRiQV aUe SUiRUiWiVed. FRU e[amSle, if Whe cXVWRmeU XVeV a $50 QRWe fRU a $5 iWem, Whe chaQgeV Zill be WZR $20 QRWeV aQd RQe $5 QRWe (QRW fRXU $10 QRWeV aQd fiYe $1 cRiQV). HRZeYeU, \RX mXVW cRQVideU TXaQWiW\ Rf Whe aYailable cRiQV RU QRWeV iQVide Whe YeQdiQg machiQe ZheQ calcXlaWiQg Whe chaQge. FRU e[amSle, if WheUe iV RQl\ RQe $20 QRWe, WheQ Whe chaQgeV fRU Whe SUeYiRXV e[amSle Zill be RQe $20 QRWe, WZR $10 QRWeV aQd RQe $5 QRWe. If WheUe iV QR SRVVible chaQge aYailable fRU giYeQ caVh mRQe\ SURYided b\ Whe cXVWRmeU, \RX Qeed WR QRWif\ Whe cXVWRmeU WhaW WheUe iV QR aYailable chaQge ZiWh Whe iQVeUWed mRQe\. YRX caQ aVk Whe cXVWRmeU WR iQVeUW/XVe diffeUeQW QRWeV/cRiQV WR cRmSleWe Whe Sa\meQW RU caQcel Whe WUaQVacWiRQ. AW Whe fiUVW UXQ, \RX caQ VeW Whe aYailabiliW\ Rf each QRWe aQd each cRiQ WR 5. CaUd: Whe cXVWRmeU Zill UeTXiUe WR SURYide "caUdhRldeU Qame" aQd "cUediW caUd QXmbeU". YRX RQl\ Qeed WR check ZheWheU Whe SURYided cUediW caUd deWailV maWch ZiWh aQ\ Rf WhiV cUediW caUd liVW: FUHGLW_FaUGV.MVRQ, aQd QRWif\ XVeUV ZheQ iW iV iQYalid (QR maWch iQ Whe liVW). A lRgged iQ XVeU Zill be SURmSWed aQ RSWiRQ WR VaYe WhiV cUediW caUd deWail ZheQ Whe WUaQVacWiRQ iV cRmSleWed aQd VXcceVVfXl. WheQ iW iV VaYed aQd Whe cXVWRmeU dReV aQRWheU WUaQVacWiRQ Qe[W Wime, Whe cUediW caUd deWailV Zill be aXWRmaWicall\ filled iQ. PleaVe QRWe WhaW Whe caUd QXmbeU iQSXW Zill hiddeQ ZiWh aVWeUiVk (*) aV Zell. WheQ Whe WUaQVacWiRQ iV cRmSleWe, Whe SURdXcW VWRck Zill be XSdaWed accRUdiQgl\ aQd aQ\ lRgged iQ cXVWRmeU Zill be lRgged RXW aXWRmaWicall\. AQ\ caQcelled WUaQVacWiRQ (bRWh dXe WR WimeRXW RU SUeVViQg caQcel bXWWRQ iQ aQ\ Sage VWaWe) Zill lRg RXW Whe cXVWRmeU aV Zell. BeVide cXVWRmeU, WheUe aUe WhUee RWheU URleV/W\Se Rf XVeU aYailable WR XVe Whe YeQdiQg machiQe: SelleU: WhiV URle iV able WR fill/mRdif\ Whe iWem deWailV. TR fill aQd mRdif\ Whe iWemV, WhiV URle iV able WR VelecW aQd mRdif\ iWem deWailV VXch aV iWem Qame, iWem cRde, iWem caWegRU\, iWem TXaQWiW\ aQd iWem SUice. ASSURSUiaWe eUURU meVVage mXVW be VhRZQ if Whe TXaQWiW\ added Zill be RYeU WhaQ Whe limiW (15 Rf each iWem/SURdXcW) RU WheUe iV cRQflicWiQg iWem cRde/Qame/caWegRU\. ThiV URle Zill alVR able WR RbWaiQ WZR UeSRUWV (eiWheU cVY RU We[W file) XSRQ lRgged iQ: A liVW Rf Whe cXUUeQW aYailable iWemV WhaW iQclXde Whe iWem deWailV. A VXmmaU\ WhaW iQclXdeV iWemV cRdeV, iWem QameV aQd Whe WRWal QXmbeU Rf TXaQWiW\ VRld fRU each iWem (e.g. "1001; MiQeUal WaWeU; 12", "1002; MaUV; 1", eWc.). CaVhieU: WhiV URle iV able WR fill/mRdif\ Whe aYailable chaQge RU QRWeV/cRiQV aYailable iQ Whe YeQdiQg machiQe. ThiV URle Zill be able WR mRdif\ TXaQWiW\ Rf each QRWe aQd each cRiQ aYailable iQ Whe YeQdiQg machiQe. ThiV URle Zill alVR able WR RbWaiQ WZR UeSRUWV: A liVW Rf Whe cXUUeQW aYailable chaQge (Whe TXaQWiW\ Rf each cRiQ aQd each QRWe iQ Whe YeQdiQg machiQe). A VXmmaU\ Rf WUaQVacWiRQV WhaW iQclXdeV WUaQVacWiRQ daWe aQd Wime, iWem VRld, amRXQW Rf mRQe\ Said, UeWXUQed chaQge aQd Sa\meQW meWhRd. OZQeU: WhiV URle iV able WR add/UemRYe SelleU RU CaVhieU RU OZQeU XVeU(V). IQ addiWiRQ, WhiV URle caQ mRdif\ Whe iWemV deWailV aQd Whe aYailable chaQgeV iQ Whe YeQdiQg machiQe aV Zell. PleaVe 29/10/2020 ScrXm SofWZare DeYelopmenW ProjecW hWWpV://canYaV.V\dne\.edX.aX/coXrVeV/25875/aVVignmenWV/247922 4/9 QRWe WhaW a XVeU caQQRW haYe mRUe WhaQ RQe URle, e.g. a cXVWRmeU XVeU caQQRW haYe SelleU URle. ThiV URle VhRXld be able WR geQeUaWe all Rf abRYe UeSRUWV ZiWh WZR addiWiRQal UeSRUWV: A liVW Rf XVeUQameV iQ Whe YeQdiQg machiQe ZiWh Whe aVVRciaWed URle (cXVWRmeU, VelleU, caVhieU, RU admiQ). A VXmmaU\ Rf caQcelled WUaQVacWiRQ. ThiV VXmmaU\ RQl\ iQclXdeV daWe aQd Wime Rf Whe caQcelled, Whe XVeU (if aYailable, RWheUZiVe "aQRQ\mRXV") aQd Whe UeaVRQV (e.g. "WimeRXW", "XVeU caQcelled", "chaQge QRW aYailable", eWc.). The aSSlicaWiRQ deVigQ caQ be XViQg aQ\ UI (We[W RU GUI) fRU Whe fXQcWiRQaliW\. YRX caQ decide RQ Whe aSSlicaWiRQ deVigQ/aUchiWecWXUe; bRWh We[W file RU SeUViVWeQW daWabaVe aUe acceSWable. The VRfWZaUe mXVW alZa\V SURdXce cRUUecW RXWSXW aQd maiQWaiQ cRUUecW aQd cRQViVWeQW VWaWe Rf all iQclXded eQWiWieV. Like Whe fiUVW gURXS SURjecW, Whe Weam¶V deYelRSmeQW ZRUk mXVW be XQdeU Whe SOFT2412 GiWHXb RUgaQi]aWiRQ accRXQWV. YRXU WXWRU mXVW haYe acceVV aQd caQ iQVSecW Whe VRXUce cRde aW aQ\ SRiQW Rf Wime. YRXU WXWRU VhRXld alVR be able WR iQVSecW \RXU CI/CD XVed iQ Whe deYelRSmeQW. 4. ScUXP ± The PURMecW SSUiQWV YRX haYe a WRWal Rf 4 ZeekV WR cRmSleWe \RXU SURjecW. The SURjecW deYelRSmeQW Zill be diYided iQWR SURjecW VeWXS aQd gURXS SUeSaUaWiRQ. The acWXal deYelRSmeQW Rf Whe VeQdiQg MachiQe VRfWZaUe mXVW UXQ RYeU 3 SSULQWV (LWHUaWLRQV). Each SSUiQW VhRXld laVW fRU RQe Zeek. Each Team Qeed WR cRQdXcW all ScUXm eYeQWV dXUiQg each SSUiQW. The fiUVW SSUiQW mXVW VWaUW fURm \RXU Zeek 9'V WXWRUial. Each Weam mXVW fRllRZ Whe SSUiQW VchedXle aV deVcUibed belRZ. PUeSaUaWiRQ fURm Zeek 8. YRXU Weam caQ XVe WhiV SeUiRd WR decide Weam URleV, geW mRUe XQdeUVWaQdiQg ZiWh Whe ScUXm meWhRd aQd WR make aSSURSUiaWe deYelRSmeQW VeWXS (e.g., agile deYelRSmeQW WRRlV) aQd WR SUeSaUe iQiWial XVeU VWRUieV (iQclXdiQg iQiWial SURdXcW backlRg) baVed RQ Whe abRYe deVcUibed UeTXiUemeQWV. SSUiQW 1: VWaUWV Zeek 9 aQd eQdV Zeek 10 SSUiQW 2: VWaUWV Zeek 10 aQd eQdV Zeek 11 SSUiQW 3: VWaUWV Zeek 11 aQd eQdV Zeek 12 FURm Zeek 9 WXWRUial, \RXU Weam Zill haYe aQ RSSRUWXQiW\ WR claUif\ aQd elabRUaWe RQ Whe VeQdiQg MachiQe UeTXiUemeQWV aV a . DXUiQg each SSUiQW, \RXU Weam mXVW: CaUU\ RXW Whe deYelRSmeQW ZRUk fRllRZiQg ScUXm SUacWiceV aQd SUiQciSleV, aQd CI/CD SUacWiceV XViQg Whe agile deYelRSmeQW WRRlV. DRcXmeQW all Whe ScUXm eYeQWV WhaW haSSeQV, XVeU VWRUieV, UeleYaQW Weam membeUV iQWeUacWiRQV aQd UeVXlWed/XSdaWed aUWifacWV. ThiV alVR iQclXdeV Whe WRRlV XVed WR imSlemeQW ScUXm. DRcXmeQW Whe ke\ eYeQWV WhaW RccXUUed dXUiQg Whe deYelRSmeQW Rf Whe VeQdiQg MachiQe VRfWZaUe. ThiV iQclXdeV Whe XVe Rf Agile deYelRSmeQW WRRlV aQd SUacWiceV (iQclXdiQg CI/CD) b\ all Weam membeUV. If \RX UeTXiUe aQ\ dail\ meeWiQg, SleaVe adjXVW Whe meeWiQg iQWR WhUee WimeV iQ a Zeek iQVWead aQd \RX caQ XVe ZRRm iQVWead Rf face WR face meeWiQg.