
ECOS3997: Interdisciplinary Project in Economics – Stream 3 Assessment Criteria: Written Report Assignment Assessment Against Criteria Weighting (/100) Empirical analysis critically analyses data, with careful attention to issues of measurement, data, statistical methodology and key uncertainties. Construct at least one figure and one table independently. HD D C P F 30 Analysis of policy options is logical and justified in terms of economic concepts and empirical evidence. HD D C P F 25 Discussion and recommendations are clear, balanced, and appropriate given evidence presented. Acknowledgement of alternative viewpoints and key uncertainties. HD D C P F 10 Writing and presentation: readability, appropriate style, free of spelling and grammatical errors. Graphs and tables are clear and informative. HD D C P F 20 Quality, consistency and relevance of references excellent satisfactory unsatisfactory 5 Clear structure and appropriate formatting of brief no errors a few errors major errors or omitted altogether 5 Self-reflection: write a short paragraph (approx. 150 words) reflecting on what you have learned and how satisfied you are with the quality of your written report. Excl. from word limit. 5 HD=85+; D=75-84; CR= 65-74; P=50-64; F=0-49 Referencing Style USYD Library has an excellent section on their webpage which gives very thorough information about the most commonly used referencing styles. These guides are very user-friendly and are updated when a new version of a style is published. In Economics, the most commonly used style is Harvard. The “golden rule” is that whatever style is used, it must be consistent throughout the document (otherwise marks will be deducted). Therefore, do not use several different styles. Note on referencing: -Use references from the course reading list. -Students aiming for the highest grades are encouraged to do additional research. Select relevant economics journals or working paper series which are of high quality: the higher the ranking of the journal (Economics department/School), the more likely it is that the quality of the article (working paper) is higher. Other high quality economics working paper series: NBER Working papers, IZA Working papers, or working papers from international organizations such as World Bank, OECD and so on. -ECOS3997 Explore the reference list of key readings.
