
DESK No. FAMILY NAME: GIVEN NAMES: SIGNATURE: HRMT5502 People Analytics STUDENT NUMBER: PRACTICE EXAM PAPER FOR SEMESTER 2, 2021 (ACTUAL EXAM PAPER FROM SEMESTER 1, 2021) UWA Business School Marketing, UWA Business School This paper contains: 6 pages plus Attachment (24 pages) Pages (including title page) Time Allowed: 2:00 hours INSTRUCTIONS: This paper contains TWO parts. Part A: Short Answer Questions- contains five sections with short answer questions. Complete TWO of the five sections. Marks are identified within each section. Part A marks: 10 Part B: Case Analysis- contains a case study with statistical output. Complete ALL parts. Marks are identified within each section. Part B marks: 50 Total marks: 60 (to be recalculated to a mark out of 40). ONLINE Instruction This paper contains TWO parts. Part A: Short Answer Questions- contains five sections with short answer questions. Complete TWO of the five sections. Marks are identified within each section. Part A marks: 10 Part B: Case Analysis- contains a case study with statistical output. Complete ALL parts. Marks are identified within each section. Part B marks: 50 Answer the final exam on a separate word document and submit the document via the submission link on LMS. Total marks: 60 (to be recalculated to a mark out of 40). This is an open-book, examination. You are permitted to bring in to the exam your notes, textbooks, calculators with approved UWA sticker, together with your writing materials. THIS IS AN OPEN BOOK EXAMINATION SUPPLIED STATIONERY ALLOWABLE ITEMS 1 x Answer booklet 10 pages UWA Approved Calculator with Sticker PLEASE NOTE Examination candidates may only bring authorised materials into the examination room. If a supervisor finds, during the examination, that you have unauthorised material, in whatever form, in the vicinity of your desk or on your person, whether in the examination room or the toilets or en route to/from the toilets, the matter will be reported to the head of school and disciplinary action will normally be taken against you. This action may result in your being deprived of any credit for this examination or even, in some cases, for the whole unit. This will apply regardless of whether the material has been used at the time it is found. Therefore, any candidate who has brought any unauthorised material whatsoever into the examination room should declare it to the supervisor immediately. Candidates who are uncertain whether any material is authorised should ask the supervisor for clarification. Candidates must comply with the Examination Rules of the University and with the directions of supervisors. No electronic devices are permitted during the examination. All question papers and answer booklets are the property of the University and remain so at all times. This page has been left intentionally blank PART A: PLEASE ATTEMPT TO ANSWER ANY TWO OF THE FOLLOWING FIVE QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION. Each question is worth 5 marks. Total marks for this section: 10. Marks are identified with each question. Please respond in your own words. Question A1: Diversity Analytics (5 marks) Describe the Logic model for diversity initiatives in the workplace and specifically discuss how investments in diversity initiatives lead to positive organisational outcomes. (5 marks) Question A2: Employee Performance (5 marks) Your CEO requests the following: “What is the value of good versus great performance? Is it necessary to have great performance in every job and on every job element? Where should I push employees to improve their performance, and where is it enough that they meet the minimum standard?” Discuss. (5 marks) Question A3: Assessing HR Programs (5 marks) Your CEO requests the following: “I hear a lot about the increasing demand for work and life balance. Are there really tangible relationships between work-life conflict and organizational productivity? If there are, how would we measure and track the benefits of work-life programs?” As the HR manager, how would you respond to this request given your knowledge of HR Analytics, evidence-based management and, in particular, your understanding of assessing HR programs? Discuss. (5 marks) Question A4: Recruitment and Selection Analytics (5 marks) Explain how people analytics can inform recruitment and selection decisions. Then, select two selection tools from the Schmidt and Hunter (1998) paper that are used to predict job performance. Discuss how useful the selection tools perform together with the General Mental Ability (GMA) tests according to Schmidt and Hunter (1998). (5 marks) Question A5: A HR Analytics Framework (5 marks) The LAMP model is a framework for decision-making in Human Resource Management. In your own words, answer the following questions about the LAMP model. a) Describe in detail the ‘L’ component of the LAMP model using an example. (3 marks) b) Discuss how the ‘L’ component relates to each of the other components in the overall framework. (2 marks) PART B: PLEASE ATTEMPT THE QUESTIONS IN DETAIL. Total marks:50. INSTRUCTIONS The following questions relate to a dataset from a large organisation. The questions from the survey are attached as Appendix A. The results from the data analysis are attached as Appendix B. Please have a look at both documents and answer all the questions below (Part B). Question B1: Testing for Independence: Understanding the relationship between gender and role (3 marks) Referring to the chi-square output… a) Discuss whether there is a relationship between gender and role (Director, Level 1, Level 2-4, Manager, etc) and refer to the appropriate results to support your decision. Use a 5% significance (alpha) level. (2 marks) b) Provide a conclusion in relation to the results. (1 mark) Question B2: Testing for Independence: Understanding the relationship between gender and salary (3 marks) Referring to the chi-square output… a) Discuss whether there is a relationship between gender and salary and refer to the appropriate results to support your decision. Use a 5% significance (alpha) level. (2 marks) b) Provide one management recommendation based on the results. (1 mark) Question B3: Testing for Independence: Understanding the relationship between gender and function. (3 marks) Referring to the chi-square output… a) Discuss whether there is a relationship between gender and function and refer to the appropriate results to support your decision. Use a 5% significance (alpha) level. (2 marks) b) Provide an overall conclusion based on the results. (1 mark) Question B4: Testing Group Differences: Comparisons for Gender (male, female) in relation to job satisfaction remote, job satisfaction on premise, engagement, and last evaluation. (8 marks) Referring to the independent-samples t-test output… Fully discuss the results and in particular whether there are significant differences between males and females in relation to job satisfaction remote, job satisfaction on premise, engagement, and last evaluation (refer to relevant statistics). Use a 5% significance (alpha) level. (8 marks) Question B5: Predicting Outcomes: Multiple regression models for predicting last evaluation (6 marks) Referring to the correlation and multiple regression output… a) Referring to the seven regression models predicting last evaluation, determine which model is the best model for predicting last evaluation. Refer to appropriate statistical output to support your answer. Discuss the usefulness (model quality) of your chosen model in comparison to the others. (4 marks) b) Write out the regression equation to predict last evaluation in Model 1. (1 mark) c) Interpret the beta coefficient for “Percent_Remote” (Model 1). (1 mark) Question B6: Predicting Outcomes: Multiple regression models for predicting engagement (6 marks) Referring to the correlation and multiple regression output… a) Determine which variables are significant predictors of engagement in Model 1. Refer to appropriate statistical output to support your answer. (2 marks) b) Referring to the four regression models predicting engagement, determine which model is the best model for predicting engagement. Refer to appropriate statistical output to support your answer. Discuss the usefulness (model quality) of your chosen model (2 marks) c) Describe multicollinearity and discuss whether or not it is present in these models (referring to the regression output and correlation matrix). (2 marks) Question B7: Predicting Categorical Outcomes: Logistic regression models for predicting work accidents (8 marks) The dependent variable for this logistic regression is work accident. This measures whether or not the employee has been involved in a work accident. 0= has not been involved in a work accident, 1= has been involved in a work accident. Referring to the logistic regression output… a) Referring to the logistic regression model, determine which variables are significant predictors of work accidents. Refer to appropriate statistical output to support your answer. (2 marks) b) Discuss the usefulness (quality) of the model. (4 marks) c) Interpret the odds ratio for the significant variable(s). (2 marks) Question B8: Test Group Differences: One-way ANOVAs (6 marks) Referring to the one-way ANOVA output… Fully discuss the results and in particular whether there are significant differences between salary in relation to job satisfaction remote, engagement and last evaluation (refer to relevant statistics). Use a 5% significance (alpha) level. (6 marks) Question B9: Monitoring the Impact of Training Programs: Repeated measures ANOVA for Engagement across salary levels (7 marks) For this analysis a new data set was added to test the impact of a training program on engagement. Engagement was measured at three time periods (before the training program, 3 months after, and 6 months after). The repeated measures ANOVA included data for engagement across the three time periods and between the salary levels. Referring to the repeated measures ANOVA output… a) Determine whether the training program had a positive impact on engagement over time. Refer to appropriate statistical output to support your answer. (2 marks) b) Determine whether there were group (salary) differences and discuss the findings. (2 marks) c) Determine whether there was a significant interaction and interpret this finding. (2 marks) d) Provide one management recommendation based on the findings. (1 mark)

